How important is canon/continuity to you?
How important is canon/continuity to you?
its a nice to have, but not necessary
the bare minimum is not contradicting yourself
I'm an all or nothing kind of guy.
Either give me a full on comic book universe experience that respects the lore and history of the medium or fuck off and just give me self contained fun adventure stories with emotional arcs carrying over between stories. What I don't want is the pick and choose this but not this middling pussy footing we got with the New 52.
continuity doesn't exist.
Same with this guy
If you directly reference something, stick with your guns and don't contradict yourself.
But otherwise, I don't care; especially about personality stuff. There is no possible way for writers to write the same character the same way as upwards of dozens of other writers. It's impossible.
I don´t have problems with lose continuity unless they retcon shit for the worse.
This. I'm a sucker for rich world building so canon is really important to me in the main universe, but not if it impedes new stories and ideas, so I welcome self-contained stories in alternate realities too.
Whatever happened to Elseworlds and Imaginary Stories?
Well I think the New 52 was one of the worst mistakes in comic history so what do you think? I am liking Rebirth though, especially Titans.
When writing a story, continuity is only second in importance to the plot.
How would you feel if the history changed in the middle of a book, rather than in between issues? I wouldn't like it.
Major continuity should be respected but the minor stuff can be ignored like if a writer has spider man struggle to lift something he previously lifted with ease,I'm okay with that it's minor and part of a story.If I writer makes Peter Parker meet Gwen Stacey in high school an makes Peter gay for some arbitrary reason I will be upset
Well we have this, which may or may not be ending.
Canon has little importance to me. Everyone seems to enjoy things less that aren't canon. Who gives a fuck?
Continuity within a single story, arc, or film is more important. As long as the story isn't contradicted within it's own bounds then I don't care.
Very important when I like it, very unimportant when I don't.
It’s all fiction anyway.
Although I’m a sucker for really consistent, really tightly knit universes.
I don't like picking and choosing. You write with all of it or you find a spot in the past to create your pocket universe branch. Don't try telling me a characters history is now different because the writer didn't like a particular story or trait.
>the minor stuff can be ignored like if a writer has spider man struggle to lift something he previously lifted with ease
Why should that be okay? It allows writers to rehash old obstacles that should have bested the characters instead of thinking up new things.
How would you feel if sometimes Spider-man didn't have the strength to own doors on his own?
Sure but again it's minor to me,Whenever a writer makes a mistake like say cyclops loosing control when his visor falls of,I know he can fight with his eyes closed but as long as it carries the story in fine.Thats why when characters like flash or superman are weaker or less efficient it doesn't bother me.Rogue war is my favourite flash story and Wally is way slower than he was in Waids run,doesn't take away from te world building of the rogues and zooms character arc completion
Not terribly.
Some of the times the need for continuity/canon ruins shit honestly. Like Marvel and insisting all their books touch base with whatever event they have running.
It just takes the book from wherever it was going and randomly throws in an event story.
Is it nice if a book references an event that is happening or happened in another book? Sure, but don't let the current main book get overtaken by said book