Redpill me on the X-Men.
Redpill me on the X-Men
It's a bunch of soap opera bullshit
you don't want to get into it
cyclopse is cool but he gets screwed over by the other characters and also by the writers who are all totally insane.
mutie scum
>90s Cyclops
>Redpill me
Cyclops' step-mom is a fucking skunk
The original SJWs comic
Evolution Rogue > 90s Rogue.
Goth Rogue was shit user.
You're shit user.
Okay, but Goth Rogue is still shit, Southern Belle is where it's at.
Why you gotta be shit user? I like both, just prefer Goth.
I just grew out of goths, don't worry user, soon you will too.
I'm 27 user.
Cyclops dad is a real Pirate
>be in your late 20s
>still find goths attractive
Oh user..
I never got with one when I was younger user ;_;
Just combine the two and have southern goth.
I'm older than him and think goths can be attractive. Not always but some are. Of course I've also known goths in their 40's. Its not always a phase.
Impossible; their backstory has been so fucked around with via retcons and wrong directions and false starts and timey-wimey horseshit that it's a hopeless mess.
Buuuuut"...mutants" were popping up all over the place due to an X-Factor" (pollution, radiation, genetic drift, and god-knows-what) and people were scared because a tiny fraction of them could level a city block at any given time (Beast? Angel? C'mon, not even worth considering. Toad? HA!).
So Martin Luth- Uh, Chuck X and Malcom, uh, MAGNETO set up two opposing factions, one mostly kid-soldiers, one mostly mercenaries and semi-unwilling converts to see whether the philosophy of Domination or Coexistence would carry the day
Oh, and Chuck wanted to fuck the hot teenage redhead student of his; he was also he shrink/therapist Don't tell *me* that it was only Byrne and Claremont who stuck 'fetishes'* in to comics.
*When did 'themes', 'tropes', and 'motifs' become 'fetishes', anyway? I sense more projection than in a dozen multiplexes whenever it's brought up.
Xavier was originally conceived to be much younger. He was a Korean War vet but not a WWII vet so he had to be between 29 and 35. As the series went on his unnatural baldness and wheelchair became associated with age even though neither was the result of age.
Xavier was a pedophile
Magneto was a hypocrite
Cyclops was right and is remembered as Hitler
Storm and Beast are race traitors
Rogue fell for Magneto
Colossus is a pedo
Gambit is a shitty, outdated character
Wolverine is a Canadian, manlet, weaboo.
Kitty Pryde was impregnated by the Brood.
Psylocke has nothing except tits and has a retarded origin story as a British girl who body swapped with a Nip.
Muties a shit
Use to be good until gays ruined it, they now serve as the waring to what happens if they pander too much on them
Also Iceman was forced to be gay
> redpill
fuck off back to your containment board
Jewish Kitty is cute
Yes but mostly because her crush on Cyclops is way better than any Gambit drama
the fact there was so little actual scott x rogue in evolution made me mad
It's a comicbook, which utilises drawn artwork and accompanying text bubbles in order to convey a story.
There has been many different artists and writers on said comicbook.
There' redpill'd.
the X-Men aren't meant to be an allegory for any specific minority. Writers may, from time to time, draw parallels between the plight of mutants and certain real world going ons, but those are to invite the reader to compare and contrast rather than declare 'THIS is who mutants represent'
because the bottom line is that the mutant plight is about bigotry, which is irrational and begins with deciding you hate and fear something because its interests might not be the same as yours and all excuses about god or the degradation of society are hamfistedly applied after the fact.
a big part of that is the cycle of violence where members of an oppressed group lash out against their oppressors, yet that retaliation is treated as being unprovoked and then spun as justification for the initial bigotry in the first place. A self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts, which often only leads to more extremism as each side keeps escalating he conflict.
in the middle of all this is Charles Xavier, a character who profoundly embodies the 'do as I say, not as I do' mentality that went around luring in gifted children with promise of protection and learning then groomed them into child soldiers for his international vigilante squad. His star pupil is Cyclops, whom he chose to be squad leader of the X-Men specifically because he wasn't the most powerful member of the team despite his volatile powers and knew that he would become obsessed with being a good leader to compensate and used both subliminal and superliminal manipulation to make sure he would never be able to abandon the X-Men for good.
Charles was also in love with Jean Grey, the most powerful of his students with psychic potential greater than his. There's no real proof but it's certainly a bit suspect how with Charles whispering in one ear and Jean whispering in the other, Cyclops happened to become infatuated with Jean Grey to the point of obsession. Almost like Charles was using Cyclops to love to Jean by proxy
perfect. 10/10. I love it. Someone summon a drawfag
when people talk about Clarmone inserting fetishes on Sup Forums its usually in the tone' He actually did it, the absolute legend'
when it comes to Byrne its mostly about Carol birthing her own rapist and the avengers applauding as he whisked her away
>he wasn't the most powerful member of the team
At the time he was.
his eye beams hadn't gotten power creeped into artillery grade destruction yet
so if i want to get started on reading the giant dogpile that is the x-men comics... where the fuck do i start?
Bendis. Not trolling, his run is pretty fun despite Sup Forums's hard-on for hating him.
oh btw im a newfag, barely ever browse Sup Forums
read the original 13 issues, then Giant-sized X-Men
He's the biggest modern writer of Marvel comics, Sup Forums doesn't like him because a lot of his more recent stuff sucks but he's done some great runs for Spiderman, Avengers and Daredevil.
If you want to get into the current status quo of X-Men then read All-New X-Men. If you don't care about current events then read Grant Morrison's New X-Men run from 2001 or Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men
If you want the classic stuff that made the comics famous and their best stories then read Chris Claremont's run which start with Giant Size X-Men 1 and continues in Uncanny X-Men 94.
They are a comic book for real men
I like the post, I screencapped it
You're going to my special collection user
And his competition was a guy qith wings, a star athlete, a guy that threw snowballs and a telekinetic that could only lift her own weight. His eyes were powerful enough to blast an iceberg apart in the issue they first fought the avengers
Do not listen to this. Bendis x-men is shit that doesn't go anywhere and violates every character that appears
He violated Emma and Magik in the best possible ways.
The only character he ruined was Bobby, but no one really cares about him anyway.
>tfw to smart to have good taste
They were always artillery grade.
He literally just needs to open his eyes. Having eyes open makes him tired?
Back then the energy came from his own body, draining him if he overused them.
So there.
it's the least casual friendly franchise that the big 2 puts out, forcing readers to trog through 60 years of comic books because you never know when characters like Post, Blaquesmith or the Bedlam Brothers are going to show up.
when you get into X-Men you can also tell a bad X-Men comic writer instantly for getting little things like Rogue saying "I" and "My" instead of "Ah" and "M'ah" and join the effort of getting said writer ran out of town and eventually the industry like Chuck Austen and Jeff Lemire.
it also tends to have the best art linewide from 1980 - 2013 when they started letting guys like Kris Anka and Humberto Ramos draw books
What happened to the user who was going to storytime all X-men stories.
he did it.
No he didn't.
There have been who was starting at the beginning and got to around Inferno before burning out.
and another who did Second Coming and some other specific era stuff.
Listen to the Rachel and Miles podcast, they do a good job of explaining the series.