When will Bruce Wayne wear advance tech armor to enhance himself?
it makes more sense
When will Bruce Wayne wear advance tech armor to enhance himself?
it makes more sense
It'd diminish the idea of Gotham being anything of a challenge to Batman when you turn him into a dime-store Tony Stark, unless of course you just give everyone else an upgrade out of nowhere too.
They already did this.
Related question: Why doesn't Bruce find ways to strengthen his own body?
do you think the intense physical training he undergoes is for nothing?
Batman can easily beat the shit out of every villain with his kung-fu bullshit, give him some crazy ass powers and he'd reach into Gotham's pussy, pull out her uterus, and fuck her fallopian tubes
We're in a post-Morrisonian Batman, he has transcended the need for technology, superpowers, or internal consistency.
Buncha retards.
>Cape doesn't have veins crawling over the wings
>Dome head
>Bruce Wyane
not terry
especially with all the magic stuff in DC
Who wore the suit before Terry?
I meant as in other means. An ancient secret hindu tradition, or some scientific formula, or something. I suppose kind of answered that as well.
It doesn't have to be OP
maybe some hacking and short range teleportation abilities
also mainstream bruce batman not future batman
He tried to use the beyond suit but was still "too old for this shit"
Why the hell do you think he invented it?
>This will be perfect for when the kid that results from my semen Waller stole from me grows into a teen with attitude...
No. He made the beyond suit for himself. Dumbasses.
>I would like to see DC ruin Batman by making him fly and turn invisable and shit
Fuck you regularfag, he's already packed to the tits with technology.
It's too easy for villains too manipulate via hacking and shit like that. He wouldn't want to rely on tech, and it would also diminish his fighting ability. Plus, when villains eventually adapt to his tech, they would be stronger and Gotham would ultimately be a more dangerous place for the civilians. Not to mention that it would take up too much time to build something like that.
we know that
we want the mainstream batman to evolve since beyond is a shit canon anyway
Read Venom.
He only beats villains because they magically forget if there are more than three of them with guns they win.