Who is this character's fanbase?
Who is this character's fanbase?
>batfags with taste
Gay comicfags
Which comic did he get raped in?
Nightwing 93
This is mainly why he's one of my favorites. At least in pre-flashpoint (and sort of how they're working back towards it now), it was fun to have a hero who you've seen totally grow up from sidekick to his own hero and even to Batman for a while.
As of now
Tumblr tier Woman hipster shippers
NuMale hardcore batfags
Teen Titans fans
>we want the Twilight/Harry Potter audience
People who like Gary Stus I guess. Also people who like patting themselves on the back for liking a character.
The type of fans who are fans of Touken Ranbu
Once you appeal to the Gay market, Numales and SJW woman your character or franchise becomes a joke and developes into cancer
basically everyone but straight anglo-saxon men
>With taste
Nobody who reads Nightwing has any taste. He hardly has anything worth reading as Nightwing.
Gay superheros has no legit comic book fandom
Really? Brb, reading.
People that like his ass and people that like his asshole tendencies.
What Nightwing runs should I read?
his book is better than either Batman book right now.
Nearly everyone likes Dick.
Bah, that was dubcon at worst.
He's been Nightwing since before I was born, so when I was a kid and watched Batman the Animated Series I thought Robin was cool, so I figured I'd read books with him. When I found out Tim was Robin, I found out about Nightwing and liked his book. Since then, I always seem to find Batman's side characters more compelling than Bruce himself.
>people who think he's cool
>people who think he's sexy
>people who think he's cool and sexy
Probably guys like me that were in grade school when BtAS was airing, and thought that Nightwing was an underused badass.