Given how the DCEU turned out, would you have preferred a Singerverse over a Snyderverse?
Given how the DCEU turned out, would you have preferred a Singerverse over a Snyderverse?
Snyder has been doing a great job. I have no problems.
I would preferred someone who is competent instead.
Brandon was given a thankless task of doing a Reeves impression but he wasn't awful (would prefer him doing his own version of the character)
Lex was great but it's another "lex has an idiotic real estate plan"
The little kid plot was dumb
Superman leaving for years was dumb
The director is really hit or miss to be honest and also a pedophile
The 1978 film is a masterpiece and really one of the only comic book movie that transcended the genre
Brad Bird would be a better choice
After watching Superman Returns on Netflix the other day, I happily would have taken more Donner jerking off than this mopey, why me god asshole WB keeps pushing lately.
The funny thing is there are A LOT of parallels in SR compared to what Snyder's done, but Singer just executed the same ideas a hell of a lot better.
Can I mix the two?
I'd rather mix the two.
>hit or miss to be honest and also a pedophile
>Brad Bird would be a better choice
objectively the worst universe
>b-but silver age fun
No, that was shit writing and shit acting
It had a good Lex, even Spacey couldn't save the shit that was Returns
A rapist and deadbeat dad as Superman? Fuck no.
not really. I like the DCEU.
the cinegrid meme is so dumb
It tells you next to nothing about the movie, just how certain shots were blocked. Film is all about movement and when you see shit like webm related, it falls apart HARD.
Probably Singer but I would like to mention the climax to Superman Returns being worse then the climax of Batman vs Superman.
Fine with the DCEU
i don't get why you'd have a problem with the webm. they're superhereos.
Cause it looks like shit?
Anything other than Snyderverse
you just repeated yourself. elaborate.
I'd prefer a Nolanverse.
Not him but when you have an action scene like this and the movie not only uses shit CGI but purposefully draws attention to how shit the CGI is with slowdown and closeups, it sucks you out of the scene and ruins the immersion.
Like there were ways to do Doomsday that didn't rely on poor CGI and there are also techniques that allow a director to utilize CGI w/o it necessarily being obvious to the viewer.
Snyder just dropped the ball.
doesn't look bad to me at all. there's far worse.
guess it's subjective
And it brings this to mind:
When your movie sets itself up as being serious and realistic, it really sucks you out of the film when you can immediately notice that the textures used on Doomsday is on the same level as an Ubisoft game.
Tell me though, why do you like it?
I saw this movie recently and this webm is doctored, textures looked much better.
Not defending it though, just asking for better shills
Jesus, Routh's costume was terrible.
Wow, that's pretty neat.
Superman Returns was deeply flawed, but that shuttle save was more inspiring than anything I've seen come out of DC or Marvel ever since.
>It's photoshopped guiz I swear
Is there no depth that a DCuck will go to defend their shitty movies?
Singerverse was filled with the same Christ allusions Snyderverse was literally just line by lines of the original films. I know the "in" thing right now is to shit on Snyder (rightfully so), but you're literally going to dick ride a pedophile hack?
>tfw when Luthor making a failed Kryptonian clone is a PERFECT set-up for Bizarro but Snyder and WB are so desperate to catch up to Marvel that they're rolling out the big bads as fast as they can and use Doomsday and Batman vs Superman in the second fucking movie
i wanted Bizarro dammit. but no i guess that's too silly for Snyder.
but seriously why would you do "The Death of Superman" in your fucking second movie
why would you do Batman vs Superman without giving the characters a history together. that's the whole reason the fight was so significant in TDKR, it was more than a battle of ideologies, it was a battle between former allies who took different paths when confronted with an ultimatum. It's a true vigilante versus the president's attack dog. BvS thinks they can just talk through all that tension and make it stick but it feels rushed and flat.
i haven't seen a marvel movie since ant-man but at least Civil War had two whole phases of tension behind Steve and Tony's fight
and while we're at it i really want Toyman too but we're never gonna get that either. Forty goddamn years of Superman movies and we still haven't even got Brainiac or Metallo.
I would prefer if DC just went out of business like it should have in the late 90s
Eh, I enjoyed Man of Steel.
I've come to the conclusion that kryptonite is pretty much the anti-macguffin at this point; while a macguffin is something pointless but makes you want to watch the film anyway, but kryptonite makes logical sense but the fact no-one can come up with a better way to defeat superman other than hope he can't find an epi pen equivalent is retarded.
Then again, Man of Steel trashed the origin lore, and replaced it with some very pretty but shortlived story, so maybe my problem is just with superman's background in general.
BvS and Suicide Squad were a complete waste of the actors they hired though.
Wasn't there a rumor that the second film would include Braniac and Superman would be forced to kill his son when he is controlled by Braniac?
singer was just interested in recreating the donner films over and over and brought nothing to the table, snyders superman is a different take on the character at least
Snyderverse is shit
but Singerverse is just a watered down verion of the Donner movies
>When your movie sets itself up as being serious and realistic
I'd never go into a superman movie expecting something "realistic". I guess two people's different expectations makes that a difference.
>extures used on Doomsday is on the same level as an Ubisoft game.
I don't really play modern games so I wouldn't know, but I doubt video games are on that level of compositing. Doomsday looks good to me.
Why do I like it? The movie? To me it's genuinely different than what every other comic superhero movie has been doing for a while now. Besides Burton, Raimi, and Nolan, Snyder is the only guy with a vision. There's a depth to it and I appreciate the film making.
>Brad Bird would be a better choice
Seriously don't know why he's not the one directing Justice League
I would gladly trade both to live in a world where the Burtonverse took off.
At worst it would've been critically panned, but remembered fondly by fans as a "so bad it's great" cult classic. At best, it would've properly revitalized Supes in the public consciousness (like Burton did with Batman) well before the market for capeshit exploded with the MCU.
>but seriously why would you do "The Death of Superman" in your fucking second movie
WB wanted to do that for almost two decades. Google "Superman Lives".
>I'd never go into a superman movie expecting something "realistic".
Exactly, yet Zack Snyder continues to try and make his movies grittier than they have any right to be.
>I don't really play modern games so I wouldn't know, but I doubt video games are on that level of compositing.
Compare Doomsday fight here
With the cutscenes from MK9
And keep in mind that MK9 came out over 5 years ago while BvS came out almost a year ago.
>Why do I like it? The movie?
No, I'm talking about how Doomsday was portrayed during his climactic showdown at the end of the movie.
Correct answer!
All these words with no substance. "It's bad because it's bad because it's bad because it's bad!"
You're not saying anything except "it's bad" without saying why. It looks perfectly fine. Look at Fant4stic for an example of bad CGI. Watch this:
How is Doomsday bad?
WB also wanted to do Batman vs. Superman and a Justice League movie but it kept going on and on and on and they weren't able to. So they just decided "JUST GO FOR IT" and went in guns blazing because they knew they would never do it if they didn't just DO IT. It was always one excuse after another.
I've already explained why Doomsday was bad.
The CGI used for Doomsday was poor, like 6th gen 3D model bad. In some shots it doesn't look like he has weight and in others the model takes a significant dip that makes him look either too shiny for the dim conditions the fight is taking place in or too smooth for what is supposed to be a craggly creature whose bones are popping up through his skin.
It's usually not a major issue since most film-makers will take the CGI into account and try to frame the shot in a way that draws as little attention to the model as possible, such as angled shots or shots where the action is always moving at a pace that most people aren't going to notice while it's in motion but BvS keeps using infrequent slowdowns and closeups that forces your attention onto Doomsday, which consequently also focuses your attention on how poorly rendered the model is.
Doomsday's appearance could've been done well but Snyder just dropped the ball.
t. Zack "the hack" Snyder
>Blue VS Orange: Dawn of Justice
Given Sup Forums has hourly HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA threads where they literally post edited civil war webms to push a quick cut edit meme, probably not.
Give X2 and DoFP were fantastic and Snyder has never made a good movie in his life, yes?
And while there were definite jesus allegories in both, Singer didn't beat you over the head with it. You never had scenes like pic related. You had him falling to earth in a christ pose and Brando's biblical dialogue. But thats about it.
He sure as fuck didn't die from a fucking spear then resurrect three goddamn days later.
There's been some fuck ups but I will still take Snyder over Singer's baby mama drama bullshit and even gloomier Clark any day.
Both movies are failures for completely different reasons. I don't think either really is suited to launch a cinematic universe, but this is just how things turned out.
>And while there were definite jesus allegories in both, Singer didn't beat you over the head with it.
This is a lie.
Superman Returns had Jor-El standing as God, Superman standing in as Jesus, the whole father and son talk to represent the idea of God in flesh, Superman being pierced in his rib-cage by Luthor with a sliver of kryptonite, Superman opening his arms like crucifixion when dying, Superman dying and coming back to life three days later and so much more.
Superman Returns was filled with heavy-handed Christian allegories and imagery.
>He sure as fuck didn't die from a fucking spear then resurrect three goddamn days later.
This is what pisses me off the most, it's hard enough to take death seriously within the context of most capeshit and Snyder just declawed his own cinematic universe by establishing that nobody important will ever die and stay dead.
>He sure as fuck didn't die from a fucking spear then resurrect three goddamn days later.
Superman was died and resurrected three days later in Superman Returns. What the fuck are you talking about?
The whole sequence where Lex and his goons parade a weakened Superman around while beating him up and carrying him was reminiscing of Jesus Christ's crucifixion by the Romans
>to push a quick cut edit meme, probably not.
Holly shit, seriously?
>Singer didn't beat you over the head with it
What do you honestly have to gain for saying such bullshit?
>In some shots it doesn't look like he has weight
I don't think so. All of it looks fluid and the impact is always there when he strikes or is struck. Can you show where exactly you're talking about?
>too shiny for the dim conditions the fight is taking place in
With his explosions? He's causing the light.
>or too smooth for what is supposed to be a craggly creature whose bones are popping up through his skin.
Well he starts out smooth and gradually gets more spiky. I don't think it ever makes him more smooth than he previously was.
I dunno, when I hear "bad CGI" Doomsday doesn't come to mind. It seemed to blend in well with the scenery and is as realistic as a giant grey monster can be. The movements aren't out of place and the reactions seem realistic. I don't really see a problem.
Holy crap Rouths suit is so much fucking better than Cavill's. Why does Snyder hate color?
Yeah, they'll post scenes from Civil War and talk about how poorly shot they are while cutting a few seconds off the scene to make it look like there's a jump cut or something.
Like the one scene where Black Widow is fighting those goons in the African market and it looks like a dude is just standing there when in actuality he's stunned because BW struck his throat and started pounding his chest to choke him.
Or during the fight with Bucky, where it looks like BW just appears out of nowhere when in actuality she was clearly behind Peggy's niece (the blonde women who kisses Cap in the film) for a moment before they engage him.
It's all over the place.
People who praise this movie either haven't seen it in years, haven't seen it at all in entirety, or are just being contrainians/shitposting. Otherwise they'd realize that SR shat hard on both Superman's character and Donner's vision of the character.
>Can you show where exactly you're talking about?
There's already a webm and a link to the scene ITT, if you can't see something that obvious then I don't know what to tell you.
>He's causing the light.
The light we see bouncing off of him is too bright to be from the fire caused by the explosions though, especially for a fight scene taking place at night.
> I don't think it ever makes him more smooth than he previously was.
Again, look at the webm and youtube link mentioned earlier in the thread.
You can't just say "I don't see it" or "it looks okay to me" and expect that to be a reasonable rebuttal. You gotta explain your position, otherwise you just come off as a delusional fanboy who would let DC get away with murder based purely on brand loyalty.
I'm not saying this is what you actually are, I'm just saying that that's the image you're projecting atm.
Can you believe the singer costume was hit with the same color complaints as snyders when the red bits became maroon? Boy we had it good with that suit in hindsight
>The 1978 film is a masterpiece
Let's not get crazy here. The 1978 movie is a product of its time. Let's say it was never made back then, and the first Superman movie was made today, the same exact story and all. Everyone would have fucking hated it. A movie successful in its own time, that wears a thick coat of nostalgia, doesn't make it a "masterpiece".
>but Singer just executed the same ideas a hell of a lot better.
Such as?
>The little kid plot was dumb
>Superman leaving for years was dumb
>The director is really hit or miss to be honest
Superman leaving for years doesn't work in the context of what was the reality then (where the films were stand-alone and we pretended Batman and Gotham didn't exist in the same universe as Clark and Metropolis or Wonder Woman and Paradise Island/DC or wherever she's going to be based, etc; etc.
Singer was accused of having sex with guys who were above the legal age of consent, but that it was coerced (which was not proven). That doesn't make him a pedophile. NOW, David Geffen is another story.
>mention the climax
You should compare SR to MoS. I also rewatched SR since it's now on Netflix although I had watched the Imax release when it first came out. It holds up better than I thought it would but has definite faults, but I also rewatched MoS before watching BvS on a large (wall size) flatscreen with a 3D plasma setup (my friends have their own home theater set up with literal stadium couches). The end of MoS is just one large, long fight. I think it appeals to people more because it's what they are used to, from video games and from modern interpretations from the 90s and 2000. If you look at the DCAU, it also is more action based, and they tore up and destroyed just as much property, you just don't see any blood or bodies because they weren't allowed to show that in a cartoon obstentiably for kids.
That just not the age group I fall into and even if I did, I'd still prefer a movie that was less obnoxious about it.
Instead of TDK, make Batman and Superman: World's Finest with Bale and Routh
DC beats Marvel to the cinematic universe game
Ledger is alive today
Even with how the DCEU is right now, and even if I like Routh, I'd honestly pick the DCEU over Singer's Supercuck: a Donner wankfest
Truth is that Zack Snyder is brilliant and visionary film maker. Had he worked in the 70s, people praise him the same way they praise Scorsese, Coppola, Kubrick and many others.
People call him a hack because studios endlessly chop up his movies, ruining his vision. If you watch the director's cuts of his movies, you'll see genius at work.
I could continue, but I'll just conclude by saying that Man Of Steel is the best Superman film in the history of the character.
Singer made one good movie that one time in the 90s.
Singer's movie was more like an offense to Donner's movies.
I mean, the second Donner's movie ended with Superman using his super-kiss to erase from Lois' mind their moments together as a couple, because he had placed her in danger and Jor-El told him so.
So here comes Superman Returns where we learn that Lois had a kid and doesn't know who the kid's father is. Why? Why do that? You just turned Superman into a fucking rapist. He date-raped Lois. He pulled a Talia al Ghul.
>Truth is that Zack Snyder is brilliant and visionary film maker. Had he worked in the 70s, people praise him the same way they praise Scorsese, Coppola, Kubrick and many others.
This some next level bait.
You must be that one faggot that keeps saying The Shinning was hated by everyone initially too.
replace the logo
>date rape
It was consensual at the time.
It would've been just as bad, but differently. Snyder's world has been a cluttered mess of loud noises and obnoxious themes, but Singer's would've been dull, prodding, overly sentimental, and offered nothing new to the table.
If you go out with a girl and she's drunk and willing, but next day she can't remember shit that happened the night prior, that's rape.
i have the blu-ray of this playing this scene.
this webm is fake and shit, and you are a faggot and kys
with what
marvelfags have nothing to cry over, everyone but contrarians at the very least enjoy their movies
We don't really have a Snyderverse, we have the start of one and notwithstanding the really loud people who defend it against a far larger crowd of people who are, at best and kindest, uninterested and unimpressed, to at worse, genuinely loath and dislike the representation, I just don't really see WB continuing to pour money into backing the type of directorial and producer control that lead to MoS and BvS as well as hampered SS. In the same way that Sony pulled the plug on Marc Webb and the extended Spider-Man universe they had in mind based on Andrew Garfield, there's no reason to think Warner's wouldn't respond the same way.
I think the X-Men universe is probably a lot more Laura Donner and Simon Kinberg than it is to Singer. I think Singer is a good director who was badly served by his writing partners. It would have been better if Superman Returns had picked up some canon Superman stories and used some Mark Waid and Bryne and Johns ideas (as David Goyer picked and used for MoS) for Superman Returns - and it would have been a better film and a good basis (with the Nolan-verse) for an extended universe.
I don't think there is a Singerverse, in other words. But I'd prefer something else, to what we have in the DCEU today.
it was consensual before he put a magicforgetticus kiss on her
batman who doesnt want to be batman vs superman who doesnt act like or want to be superman?
only the color pallet
>she's drunk and willing
Lois wasn't drunk and willing. Neither of them were drunk. Did you even see the movie or are you just parroting something you heard.
It's the same as the accusation of being a dead-beat dad. Since he was gone for 5 years, there's no way he would have known he was a dad, much less anything else.
The memory loss was to forget the entire experience, the giving up of his powers, the fortress, etc. It was not, OH, let's take away the fact we had sex.
I gave you an example, dumb dumb.
Kind of want to see a side by side of Hulk scenes compared to Doomsday, Marvel clearly took the time to make him look proper especially since he's constantly in scenes right next to actual actors or even cut shot to shot for direct contrast against an actual person's face. Whereas Doomsday looks like a video game character, there's just something wrong with his textures and everything.
and how long was BvS in post? like 11 months? lol
I love how Iron Man tried to lead the fight away from the civilians while Superman didn't even bother trying to take Zod away from Smallville or Metropolis or save any civilians except for one random family whose only purpose was to force Superman to murder Zod.
DCEU turned Superman into such a bitch.
>And while there were definite jesus allegories in both, Singer didn't beat you over the head with it.
LMAO you clearly have never seen the movie or have such a big hate boner for Snyder you're willing to overlook Singer's bullshit. Are you sure you're not one of those boys he fucked in hopes of getting a role?
>I love how Iron Man tried to lead the fight away from the civilians
Only because Whedon/Disney knew how autism gets flared up like herpes if fights don't take place in pillow fortresses or mattress padded rooms.
Well he already did the same thing in Iron Man 2, led all the hammer drones from the packed as fuck expo and shit.
Or it's because Iron Man doesn't want to have a giant green monster rampaging around a crowded city filled with innocent civilians that can easily be killed during the Hulk's rampage.
But y'know, keep idolizing a shitty hero who lets innocents die and gives no fucks about anyone he isn't banging at the time. It's a free country.
It's just the fact that a dude whose only power is having super armor manages to handle a potential catastrophe against a god-like being more effectively than a dude who is supposed to be one of the strongest DC characters fighting on equal ground.
It just makes me laugh because Snyder somehow managed to miss the point moreso than fucking Micheal Bay directing the Transformers movies.
>its so autistic how superheroes want to save people and not cause as much wanton destruction as possible
Why would a talented director involve himself with DCancer?
>I thought it was a water truck.webm
At least Ant-Man's fuckup happened in an airport field that was already evacuated against a small group of super-powered beings who could take a truck blowing up in their face.
Probably not Black Widow, but it was funny. And the idea was that he really thought it was a water truck, being hit by a massive wave of water is still quite dangerous just probably less than a giant fireball.
Whereas who the fuck knows what Supes is thinking with that whole fight, his constipated expression throughout doesn't exactly help.
Pretty autistic to have the destruction of NYC in Avengers & say only 17 people died.