What's the Sup Forums equivalent to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
Absolutely nothing
Jojo is a blight
You mean a show that only got superpopular after an adaptation, and now the newfags insists in shoving it FUCKING EVERYWHERE?
user, did you need someone to dump diesel for you?
King of the hill.
what did you mean by this?
Dude you don't know?
is that a JoJo reference?
Walking Ded
As with everything good, the internet has already ran it into the ground and then ran over its corpse.
Hah! By all means Sup Forums needs to have that issue Storytimed
> that feel when you can't discuss the source of either because people get mad about spoilers
> source material is way ahead of adaptation
> people don't read because they're fucking lazy
Just like with everything popular in history of humankind,so?
wasn't even subtle
Will you Jojo-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
Well, it's still annoying.
In this particular case, because they can't containt their autism to the relevant boards.
>Had Black Jolyne before Stone Ocean was even a thing
Because the moment someone complains about something, you'll get a horde of people posting it to piss off more people, and then other people who will pretend to be people who get pissed at the thing to keep the shitstorm going.
You're probably OP as well.
>ADHD fandom
>spends more time discussing fancruft than the actual works
90s comics were a special kind of prophetic.
Someone should pay Linkara to review that.
>Will you narutards please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Gurren Lagay-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Avatard-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Pony-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you meduka meguca-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Shit le shit-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
Rinse and repeat everything piece of entertainment media that gets marginally popular. This shits nothing new.
>Will you narutards please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Gurren Lagay-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Avatard-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Pony-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you meduka meguca-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
>Will you Shit le shit-fags please just fuck off already? Why do you insist on forcing into absolutely everything?
Rinse and repeat for every piece of entertainment media that gets marginally popular. This shits nothing new.
Well, those are all garbage.
>anyone has the time to read 24 books
I am a busy merchant, Virgil was a saint
I accidentally spoiled one of my co-workers that Glenn gets his head beat in because I assumed the show wasn't moving at a snails pace after 2 seasons of Negan.
I'm holding off on reading until Diamond Is Unbreakable's adaptation finishes because it's just fucking fun to watch. Then I'll start reading Part 5 as soon as I find a decent place to read it online that's not made entirely of malware and ads.
>they can't containt their autism to the relevant boards
>6 anime related threads
Also part 5 is a bitch to find good scans/colored pages of. Jojo's colored adventure team straight up gave up on it, pretty much.
Thats some esoteric memes I see there.I don't get it
Eh, I'll live.
I so wish ADHD had a fandom when it was still around
seeing how he never read Jojo, he would probably just not get it
Jojo is so shit that Sup Forums considers ir a cartoon.
>its "Sup Forums hates something for being popular" episode
Requesting storytime.
>spends more time discussing fancruft than the actual works
That's because the DiU is over and Jojolion is taking an eternity.
This reminds me of the great naruto Sup Forums exile when /q/ was still around and everyone was screeching that naruto wasn't a REEL ANIME so it didn't belong on Sup Forums
holy fuck that was stupid
It already finished
Well fuck me with a mallet, I didn't realize that! I'm still behind.
Is that a fucking jojo reference?
Doom Patrol
Reference? Dude, it's a whole-hog ripoff. That entire fucking comic was about people with psychic powers called Stands.
wait really?
I swear to god if I hear some on try to do an "ora ora ora" or any Dio quotes im going to fucking kill myself.
ora ora ora ora!
muda muda!
so no mi no sadache!!!!!!!
It's not that hard to find online. From what I've heard, Part 5 gets a lot of flack for flimsy translation, though, so good luck
Lmao look at this pleb. Check it
>been around since the 80's
>still amazing
>... Japan?
Alright, you got me - I just wanted to remind everyone how great Usagi Yojimbo is.
Don't watch the anime because it's shit. Don't even watch anime
JoJo is fucking terrible.
Well I know the Sup Forums equivalent is Doctor Who.
please tell me thats not real
Its pronounced kira queen actually
Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol
Yeah the 39th episode was the last.
Storytime NOW
Pretty much this.
I was bullied in primary school for reading Jojo/Dai no Daibouken and not Dragon Ball. Now everyone spouting about it can't help but get bitter in my old age.
Johnny Thunder and Jakeem Thunder
Brother Voodoo
Welcome to the [Voodoo Kingdom]
Rella rella
Pizza mozzarella
Rella rella rella rella
Give a source, and someone please storytime this thing.
>Jojo is so shit that Sup Forums considers ir a cartoon.
Well, cartoons are better than anime
In all honesty, probably South Park. It's a hugely influential cartoon with a really unique sense of style that just won't go away.
Flex Mentallo
>Dai no Daibouken
The hell does that have to do with anything?
They were the two manga I read in school. If you didn't keep up with Dragon Ball, the other kids would gang up on you and make fun of you for not reading it.
What is it about JJBA that makes it so funny in crossovers? It's a lot like crossovers with King of the Hill in that way.
Serves you right faggot
Depends upon what features you want to focus on.
I'd say Blue Beetle, due to the focus on legacy and how different the incarnations are from one to the other, especially compared to other legacy characters.
Or possibly the Phantom, which probably fits better since it is passed from generation to generation.
Superman/Batman: Generations