>Provide References and keep them to one image/post. >Keep requests Sup Forums related and keep them concise. >General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads. >However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon. >Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled. >Drawfriends, don't hold back. >DON'T REPLY TO TROLLS OR WHINERS. >Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread. >To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10. >No one is entitled to a request delivery. >Don't fight spam with spam >No begging. >Have fun!
Don't worry I'm sure the artist who delivers on your request will feel even more ashamed than you for doing it.
Nolan Phillips
requesting something for this ship
Lucas Jackson
Scrooge, Donald, Darkwing, Howard, and Duckman playing a game of poker.
For some ideas of what each could be doing, Duckman could be trying to cheat using his glasses/eyes to peek on someone's hand. The rest could be acting accordingly as one would expect them in such a game.
Juan Anderson
This nude thick Chel is for a request a few threads ago. I hope you enjoy her, and please tell me what you think!
Dylan Johnson
I look at lesdom and forced les art because I'm so ashamed and deep in the closet I'll never come out. ;_;
Aiden Bennett
requesting Madison and Li'l D innocently holding hands
Angel Rodriguez
>ashamed YOU DON'T KNOW ME.
Brayden Nelson
Requesting Patches from El Tigre as a football supermodel
Sebastian Lee
Requesting the remaining fusions for this.
Nolan Sanders
Requesting Captain America wearing a "Make Hydra Great Again" cap.
Grayson Murphy
Requesting Sup Forums gals as mermaids please.
Camden Cruz
requesting something cute and/or lewd with Candace and Stacy wearing these outfits
Samuel Clark
I would really love to see Blue Pearl playing a violin, if it's not too much trouble.
Landon Ross
Requesting Terra losing an eye (preferably after losing a battle where she's bloodied and beaten all over)
Gabriel Watson
Requesting Rikki Mortis in one of the DMG poses on the bottom
Ayden Moore
About as lewd as you're gonna get from a tiny child from me, buckaroo.
Adam Hall
Daniel Evans
/r/ Red Sonja stretching and flaunting her abs like the woman in the right pic.
Nathan Cruz
Will Harangue saying something along the lines of, "Not only is Ben Tennyson a danger to public safety, but he is a threat to traditional family values." With a picture of Ben arm in arm with Looma and Attea.
Grayson Murphy
Charles Campbell
Requesting any Sup Forums Moms in any of these poses. The artist is Orushibu
Jackson Cruz
This is stupid cute, user. Great job.
Jeremiah Powell
fuck you, Geoff
Ryan Perry
requesting Jasper as a submissive muscle bimbo, preferably serving either Garnet or a male character
Adrian Gomez
OR here, thank you very much user it looks great!
Evan Wood
This Marco doing anything, really.
Carter Gray
Requesting Ares, Night Thrasher, Sentry and Goliath holding their thumbs up to the shining sky saying "Thanks Ewing." after they were brought back from their unfair deaths.
Cooper Jones
Requesting Julie from Motorcity dressed as Sonoshee from Red Line
Bentley Nelson
Requesting Ciel from RWBY slightly lifting her skirt to tease her panties
Adrian Clark
Wouldn't mind seeing Sarah do the far-right pose.
Daniel Carter
So cute. do you have a blog user?
Anthony Myers
drawer your waifu as a magical fish
Juan Morgan
Hey Sup Forums, can you make me a sandwich?
Jack Garcia
To anyone who knows their Ben 10: Omniverse: Requesting the memetic image of Alex Jones ripping off his shirt to be redrawn as Will Harangue ripping off a Ben 10 green-and-black color motif shirt. And the black guy seen in the image as either Billy Billions or another of Will's associates or sponsors.
Parker Anderson
While I don't think anyone will do anything with it since it isn't about waifus, I'll still hope someone does something with this.
John Jackson
Worked slowly on this request. sorry for the rushed accessories and no background, got misteriously lazy after drawing their bodies.
Orca flexing triumphantly guns-out, with two of the run-offs posing on her shoulders.
Ryan Phillips
Requesting a thick Killer Frost relaxing in a pool full of frozen water while inviting either the viewer or an user to join her
Anthony Roberts
>frozen water. so a solid block of ice?
Brandon Davis
/r/ Dick Grayson sitting in Orca's lap, watching a movie together on a couch.
Nolan Baker
Half baked, but better to post whats done before trashing it.
Eli Fisher
Requesting the main cast of Dan vs in the cover of the payback.
Jace Brooks
Nice work friendo. And I'm not just saying that because "thicc" and "tiddies". This is quality. Now if you'd just finished it just so you don't offend autists like me.
Joseph Gutierrez
Requesting a Jinx and Beast Boy version of this. Example; >Jinx looking into a crystal ball. >Shhh, the ball/the spirits are telling me... You're a total faggot
Easton Hughes
Requesting Greg getting super buff.
Kevin Harris
Requesting an elderly Greg on his death bed and adult Steven singing while playing his old guitar.
"Daddy please hear this song that I sing..."
Andrew Ramirez
Requesting a goth version of your waifu.
Joseph Torres
Requesting Westboro Baptist Connie.
Joshua Howard
Requesting fusion.
Jaxson Rogers
This is very important.
Requesting Gaston from Beauty and the Beast in Rule 63.
She must be cucking other Disney princesses.
So draw her doing whatever with other Disney love interests, like Aladin, Tarzam, Eric and what not.
Its funny.
Xavier Myers
Requesting this with Pearl.
Henry Reyes
Luke Howard
Requesting Gaz sun bathing.
Jason Green
There was someone who was requesting Sup Forums girls sleeping in this position last week so of course I had to do one with Raven.
Robert Ward
Here's another one I did for
Lucas Hernandez
Requesting this with a pair of Sup Forums twins.
Levi Murphy
Suggesting the guy to be Beast Boy and te girls to be two of Raven's emotions
Brayden Hughes
You misspelled the name.
Hudson Clark
He's back! Praise the Booty!
Kayden Jackson
Requesting Wendy raising Dipper's bastard.
Lincoln Bailey
I live in a parallel universe where it's spelled that way.
Cooper Nguyen
damn dude that's pretty hot
Jordan Stewart
Requesting you take 2 glasses wearing Sup Forums characters and make them switch glasses (just the styles)
Asher Carter
This fusion was requested ages ago in a fusion thread. Thought I'd post it in the hope /r would see it.
Jayden Sullivan
Requesting Amy Gillis dressed as fighting suit from MOBILE FIGHTER G GUNDAM
Andrew Cruz
That hourglass figure is killing me, bless you user.
Jonathan Howard
Requesting Morticia sighting Summer while Morty is watching.
Christopher Parker
Jack Lopez
Requesting Steven meeting his future son.
Ryan Miller
Requesting more Black April.
Logan Evans
Requesting the comic on the left with a drunk Bakara as the mayor, Lilotte as Isabelle and Kerub as the pussy covered in peanut butter.
For the characters on the right, Lilotte is on the bottom, Kerub is the cat on the top right and Bakara is the one on the top middle
Jeremiah Bell
requesting this colored
Elijah Gonzalez
Gotta save these pics of yours my dude they're toptier
Camden Gonzalez
Requesting Yellow Connnie trying to cheer up Blue Connie.