Do you read newspaper comics, even if you don't like them?
Pic related, Sally Forth is pretty good once in a while.
Do you read newspaper comics, even if you don't like them?
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One of the Sally Forth authors has a webcomic called Medium Large. You might like Sally Forth more than other newspaper comics because it's sometimes written with modern, web-era sensibilities.
where's the 4th panel
Dilbert has it's moments.
I read Dilbert on a loop
it really is bad, most of the time, but there are certain strips that stand out, and it makes it all worth it. maybe I should get a job at pacbell in the 90s to appreciate the rest.
ive loved sally forth since i was 5 years old reading the funnnies because it had continuity of some kind, plus its actually funny
What sort of fucking job does that loser have, that he can do all his work on a phone?
It's called "manager".
That... Thats not real.
That cant be real.
nah, it's just computer animated
I saw this quite awhile ago. it was basically FoodFight!, but with comic book characters
Foxtrot is still decent.
it's so cute I kinda hate myself for actually reading it
I thought Sup Forums liked the strip though
Is this an actual newsprint comic?
Still want to fuck the mom. That's a positive thing.
It's like a even more Rose is Rose
They do. It was just this one butthurt user who tried to form his own army to hate the author. It didn't work.
Fuck I love Rose is Rose. So should I get into ?
What's Sup Forums's thoughts on it?
I've read this comic, it's literally The Big Bang Theory in newsprint form.
At least the waifu material is good
Too cute
Too pop culture-ry
Fuck too depressing
You really just need to work in an office for a little while, or maybe just a tech office. I swear to God, shit's real man.
I started a PhD last year and Dilbert became all too real, all too soon.
It's scary.
Heheheheh just wait my friend, soon you'll realize. Sometimes I'll be in a meeting and slowly it'll all make sense.
Why do you have scans of newspaper comics pages from 1989?
Cool. I love The Wizard of Id.
My favorite was Heart if the city
One big Happy was my second favorite comic
i found them online a while ago, i think they're neat
Ms. Buxley in a non-Wednesday strip? What heresy is this?
that's horrifying
Wow it really is like academia.
Asok is an eternal intern.
Not what he meant, user.
drawfags get in here now
>Too cute
not an argument
It's fun reading For Better or For Worse today, those were already an idealized version of of Johnston's life but you can see the details that came to bite her in the ass later irl.
I liked the insane blonde with glasses.
So yeah.
late 90's foxtrot was great, but you can tell the author doesn't really care any more.
it's still good though which puts it above most newspaper comics.
There's not really much about the comic to argue about, is there?
Gonnabneeds some draws of the ladies so we can make a thread
I adore FBOFW, I need to re-read those again. Wanna have the whole collection one day.
is there any other long running thing like that, with actual passage of time?
I used to read Something Positive the webcomic, but the guy relied on the same joke for too long so I quit, but it was nice having actual changes and character growth, things not being reset
She has some seriously huge boobs
I love it
I really enjoy the animated adaptation of the comics. It was very different from how other comics were handled
Which details?
Does someone have the newspaper scan of the one where one of the FBOFW girls is wearing the thong?
this would work better with charlie brown and peppermint patty
Didn't know there were Pickles fans on Sup Forums
It's pretty okay actually, not offensively unfunny like Curtis. I still read every comic my paper carries every day even the lame ones
There isn't enough cute art of Ana
I stopped reading newspaper comics after 9-11. Worst day of comics ever, also right about the time I found webcomics.
I'm stupid, what am I supposed to be seeing here?
How even in her own idealized version of herself she's not a that good of a mom or wife, blaming her family for most of what happens, then you learn she ende all alone.
Luann, time passes slowly, but still charactets grow, change and stuff.
Also, Bernice a cute
Oh shit, serves me right for forgetting how to read.
I am about to cum.
So that's what Garfield looked like in print back in the 80s
Not enough based Calvin & Hobbes in this thread.
Do we always have to bring that strip in every time we have a newsprint thread?
getting a bit overrated at this point
Foxtrot is likeable.
I used to like it a lot, when they had different shaped heads
remember when Paige had that Pierre fantasy character?
I like pearls before swine, even when it's just a shitty pun
Dick Tracy
Bloom County
Krazy Kat
The Spirit
Mickey Mouse
Far Side
Newspaper comics are cultural artifacts
>No Little Nemo
Dumping some Wizard of Id, since I'm surprised this thread has lasted as long as it has.