WTF is Falcap doing on this cover
WTF is Falcap doing on this cover
>Night Thrasher got invited
Fuck yeah!
>Night Thrasher
He and Thor have kind of a thing in Avengers
I wanna know why Danny and Miles are so friendly
He's with Misty Knight in his book
Are you blind? He's next to Black Panther and Hellcat
What? No he
>Sitting next to Hellcat
Well i'll be damned, haven't seen him in a while.
He looks mad light skin
I thought he was Inferno
Really pushing those interracial relationships, is this Bendis doing?
I'll storytime that shorter shit within or later this month.
Yeah, women in marvel are okay with their boyfriends fucking other women.
>another party Miles got invited to and Peter didn't
>White Fox
Oh my yes!
Please tell me she's still with Outlaw & the Gang.
We still need a series with them
Charlamagne Tha God
Marvel is doing their best Blacked Impression.
He's actually a decent guy.
Actually now that I think of it
>dislikes femthor
>dislikes femverine
>dislikes black cap
>dislikes miles
>dislikes chulk
Why did they put him in a comic with ALL of those characters?
>Charlamagne Tha God
>Why is BlackCap here
Dude... google Charlamagne Tha God. Why would he want white cap at his party? Love the guy but he obviously wouldn't want muh-Cap there. Especially if he's hydra now.
He doesn't like the changes.
Nah, I don't see him as some extremist or whitie-hater but BlackCap is black. Why not have black cap if you can have him? I may not dislike Falcap but I would still have steve on my cover. I assume the same goes for him.
I'm white and I love hip hop; Charlamagne has defended my right to do so (in a general sense) to his community many times.
What is White Fox doing there? She's Korean and she doesn't know any of these people.
And shouldn't Miles be with his family?
Because like he pointed out, it's an established character, why change it? Comic fans don't like this kind of change.
I'm kinda fine with the two-cap solution though.
Also, just gonna point out that line because it kills me
>Mahr Vehl? What's that the black division of Marvel?
I want to kiss Shulkie on New Years.
oh not this shit.
not another shithumans
My sides
Ok I actually respect the guy now. First I ever heard of him but I like his style.
And he's clearly surrounded by the characters he hates because Marvel is throwing some shade in retaliation for what he said.
The fuck is a white nationalist meme character doing there?
I don't know. Why does Wanda look like she's dead inside?
So did Carol, apparently.
>I'm kinda fine with the two-cap solution though.
I'm not. It's dumb and it creates confusion. What's Sam's logic in keeping the Captain America name anyway? Isn't the basis of passing the mantle founded on the idea that X becomes Y because X can no longer do the job?
You see, senpai, now that we have two caps they can have Steve become Captain Confederate so we can have an actually entertaining Civil War event where the south does rise again.
>I wanna know why Danny and Miles are so friendly
Danny is trying to make Luke jealous.
This comic was actually great.
There are a lot of inside jokes you will get if you listen to his radio show and podcast
There aren't any inhumans on this cover though?
Danvers has good taste.
>is that fat fuck in the fedora still looking at me?
>christ, he is, isn't he
>maybe if I just stare out the window vacantly he'll think i'm evil again and go away
Well yeah, she does like hot chicks after all.
I don't think they like her, though. Have a hard time thinking of anyone who even cares about her.
It's lonely at the top, especially when so many people around you disagree with you (i.e. are wrong).
Is that Black Cat next to Chulk?
Fire Axel. Make this guy EiC.
>yfw no white men
I thought they're shipping Luke and Misty because of the tv show
Logan isn't white?
He's a leaf.
And a mutie.
Dude, Danny
So what happens in the comis basically?
He gives Norman Osborn Donkey of the Day then Norman and a bunch of villains attack his new years party
Doesn't Carol count yet?
Is this the first thing Night Thrasher has appeared in since that Civil War tie-in book?
She is with war machine
that nigga dead
Carol kill him?
with poor leadership