Good evening owls,
Time for Madge
Good evening owls,
Time for Madge
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So what was good today
other than how Foolkiller is unbelievably the book we all wanted and still never thought we would get
Vixen's oneshot was pretty good
She's had 6 full issues to all to herself and all of them are good so the character is on a roll
You what promised me this was optimistic/fun/expansive Casey instead of deconstructing asshole Casey, you better be right
Vigilante got shitcanned
DC's future is looking worse and worse
The trade or what.
Who else is hype for shipping drama over fucking Lego Batman?
At least they're even putting out a trade
It struck me as a weird book to be mainline DC, if that makes any sense?
who here knows Chinese mythology and wants to tell us all who Dailan is
it's a shit book, who cares
Hello, Storyteller.
RHatO's first arc wrapped up nicely. New Super-Man was decent, and JL vs SS was alright.
Emerald Empress is looking for Saturn Girl. For some reason.
>if that makes any sense?
none at all
max lord's head is gonna be replaced by like a ball of blood by the end of this event
If you wanna have swearing and shit in it, maybe slap a Vertigo label on it
The six issue mini-series Vigilante: Southland by Gary Phillips and Elena Casagrande from DC Comics is now only a three issue series that just stops in the middle of the story. The fourth issue which was to come out on February 1st will now no longer be published, nor will the fifth and sixth issue.
Instead, they will all be published together as a six issue series collection in May. Just only the first three issues in floppy form.
The comic saw the Teen Titans character character Vigilante reinvented by crime novelist Gary Phillips and artist Elena Casagrande, on a murder-fuelled revenge mission on the streets of Los Angeles.
DC Comics will make any remaining issues returnable, if you want to get in touch with the store you bought them from. You never know, they may take pity on you.
The comic already suffered a bit of a blow when it was solicited and printed as a comic suitable, but was then reclassified as mature readers only due to language concerns., and so early issues were already made returnable. Now they have been made returnable again, which can’t help the bottom line.
Thank god is not the 80s series
I admit the first issue didn't grab me, tried to do to much at once and the main character just wasn't very interesting but his design looked really good and Vigilante as an idea is pretty good. Also the art was nice. The worst part is that minis were supposed to be the place where you could get your fix for fringe titles but with this getting shitcanned I don't think they'll try many minis in the future. What I always liked about DC was the diverse tones and the fact that you could get more out of them than just meat and potatoes. Now they're slowly trying to make their entire line meat and potatoes.
this lettering is odd
Deathstroke was great as usual.
Wonder Woman may be the most horribly paced comic I've ever read, which is a shame because I'm quite enjoying this new origin.
Titans was good. Donna and Roy a CUTE.
>Now they're slowly trying to make their entire line meat and potatoes.
But comic book buyers are running away from the Vertigo logo like it's the plague for some reason.
Not that user but I kinda find it a joke that a mainline DC book can't have swears desu.
>who here knows Chinese mythology and wants to tell us all who Dailan is
I know nothing of Chinese mythology, and I'll tell you exactly who she is. Deilan is a character who is inevitably doomed to mediocrity due to being limited by her mythology and lazy writing. She IS knockoff Wonder Woman after all, so why not go all the way with the comparison.
Damn DC
Madge is...not really known for his sense of humor, bless his heart
I was looking at Wonder Woman and idly thinking "I thought I liked Nicola's art, but even all the beefcake, it's not doing anything for me whatsoever in this comic."
Hi, cranky. I read your arguments in that thread already, so you really don't have to rehash it here.
They still have a lot of fringe titles around right now.
Nah nigga. Marvel has historically always been more meat and potatoes so he should get off his high horse.
lol I got into a huge argument at my LCS about the writing quality of Tom Taylor today
Wanna summarize?
you're fighting the good fight op
OP is a faggot
hey, all the images are a bit distracting, you can see them elsewhere
I don't think the colorist and her pencils are gelling. Evely has been the best artist on that ongoing so far. Shame she's wasted on crap writing.
Not really, apart from their smaller imprints the mainline is painfully boring.
While I do appreciate the beefcake all I could think of while reading the issue was why Steve wasn't pausing for a second to put a damn shirt on.
1) never won't be bitter about E2 including how he talked to fans about shit
2) but far more damningly, he wouldn't know a nuance if it walked up to him and punched him in the face, and that "Superman and the kid's bike" issue of Injustice was the most horribly mawkish shit that got taken as deep and meaningful emotional writing
The inking is her own, right? It's a different kind of Not Great from E2, I think. The watercolors on Black Magick are way more effective--on WW, her sameface on the eyes is starting to get to me.
Rebirth literally saved comics.
This actually is shit because it's a Harley page. No Ostrander rec, no Deadshot mini rec. Fuck this shit.
Harley was a mistake
>apart from their smaller imprints
What are they, then?
>making me read Supergirl
Well fuck you too, DC. The shit I put up with...
It's that normally, well you all know me, I'd appreciate the beefcake, but it's not even pinging me as good beefcake any more.
user they're just recommending what will actually sell
Oh shit
GREAT choice, OP.
so much REEEEEing in the JL vs. SS thread today about Harley (and kind of justified)
Is this some edgy Superman rip off?
Majestic is definitely husbando material when he's not being a creepy fascist
lol n00b
>The Teen Titans character Vigilante
I mean, he was introduced with the Teen Titans in his first few issues, it's not wrong, and they showed up a few more times over the length of the series, but...
It's why I don't have a problem with the other ones, but that page is just disgusting.
>Watchmen sticker
speaking of creepy fascists, being off twitter most of yesterday and then logging on during a quick work break, that was a hell of a thing
>I was looking at Wonder Woman and idly thinking "I thought I liked Nicola's art, but even all the beefcake, it's not doing anything for me whatsoever in this comic."
I haven't read it in a couple of issues so I don't know about today but I guess generally it doesn't feel very polished? Almost rushed in a sense.
Holy shit I just read it and is she fucking Monkey?!
Depressing that people seized on this over everything else and the abandoning of due diligence if it's 'my side' tho
Well, actually I haven't read it but I LOVE Superman expies and this has been on my list for a long time.
>still using Twitter
It's like smoking, OP. It's bad for you, you know it's bad for you, and it's hard to quit. But your life would be so much better.
Someone posting in the thread seems to be actually working on the book and said no, but "stuck in a rock" is pretty suggestive
also, rec me fun readable Three Kingdoms or JtW stuff that's not Dragon Ball
Schumer's trolling of Yertle the Turtle was the best move I've seen in ages
Madge is the Superman of the Wildstorm Universe who's not Apollo, and predates him.
I know....I know....but...
one (maybe more) of the Ostrander Squad trades have an ad page in the back for nu52 Squad saying "Start at the beginning!"
i was deep in reading a book and took a break right has the wave hit, what a time to be alive.
>kind of
I mean come on, the guy doesn't even have a head, much less a face. What's the big deal?
but hey, how about Kurt and Greg teaming up
To me it's more that Suicide Squad has become so identified with Harley, which is a bit off-putting as a reader of the original run.
I'll admit that Harley is a character I've never really gotten, although in fairness I haven't read much with her.
>Storyteller rec-fagging
Frankly, I thought better of you.
Sangokushi. Also, Ravages of Time(not fun, awesome)
Sup Forums's Hox translates quite a bit of historical manga, both Chinese and other. The big one for Three Kingdoms is Sangokushi IIRC.
>Suicide Squad has become so identified with Harley
it's pretty wild.
what's fucking wrong with asking for recs?
If you said "Please, kind Storyteller, get me into opera", I'd be happy to help.
Maj, does Thanos know you took that?
Right? Right?!
Vigilante by Marv Wolfman Vol. 1 Paperback – April 4, 2017
Spinning out of the very popular NEW TEEN TITANS series, this 1980s introduces New York City prosecuting attorney Adrian Chase, who takes the law into his own hands after the mob wipes out his family. As the Vigilante, Chase targets underworld leaders and takes them out without hesitation, but is haunted by his actions. Similar in tone to the GREEN ARROW tales of the same era, these gritty tales reflect the crime-ridden streets of 1980s New York City.
>light googleing because Chinese history sounds interesting and cool
man no modern books about this junk huh.
I didn't expect the Evil SHIELD guy plot to go so fast, but hey! no wasted time in that book
the entire issue also put the total lie to any lingering idea that he didn't read Gerber carefully, which is great
They're never going to collect the whole thing and you know it.
That's what happens when you put an incredibly popular character in something obscure/unknown
SS probably won't sell without Harley
It's that one troll who always shits on everyone about recs and screams "spoonfeeding! spoonfeeding!", pay him no mind.
If you read everything Hox translates you would not go too wrong.
I actually got given an Opera 101 book last year but gave up when it started telling me what to eat and drink prior to going to the opera for the best experience/least disturbance.
>haven't read much with her.
The only good Harley exists in animation, not comics.
Sup Forums has a dedicated anti-spoonfeeding culture, it's probably just a joke
that's....deeply weird
But you do need to know that, for example, Rheingold is going to be 2:30 no intermission, or where the double acts are.
I picked up a Quasar Classic vol. 1 from my LCS's discount trades section today. It now gets to wait forever for vol. 2 to join it.
I don't think cranky user has ever joked about anything in his entire life
and now I'm feeling that one Flintstones page
Karl Kesel run was decent.
>It now gets to wait forever
Starman Omnibus Vol. 3
No, this is not Sentry
The book opened with the author talking about how he'd lost his virginity to opera, it was deeply weird in general.
We live in the Information Age, where such data is available to us nigh instantaneously. It's patantly absurd to ask around for shit since one can easily just look it up. Sure, the more obscure stuff may take a bit of digging, but are we really so lazy as a species that rooting around some search results is seriously too daunting a task? Come on now.
That, and recs just influence one's opinion. Humans are social creatures, and we simply cannot help being swayed by the words and views of others. The only safe way to get into something is to separate yourself from the group.
in b4 Sun-Eater
You're right, mostly about the last part but Sup Forums is too r3ddit about shit like that and really likes to have a hivemind so most posters here like it when they can influence others tastes.
Standing room used to be WILD
kill yourself