>it's 2017 >no new Gaiman issues >no OHC of the Moore run >not even fucking regular paperbacks of the Moore run
I was so hype for this when they announced it over two years ago. But then they decided to release it issue by issue for like $5 a piece, and they haven't released collected editions in either of the formats I'd prefer.
Brandon Perry
are those scans that were the best still not available?
Adam Lee
What are you talking about?
Levi Perez
Jackson Edwards
The recolored books are pig disgusting
Cooper Young
Considering how long Gaiman took to get out Sandman Overture issues I'm not exactly surprised.
Michael Cooper
are all the hardcovers at my lcs the recolors? they have a bunch of them but they're all in plastic
William Jones
>are all the hardcovers at my lcs the recolors?
Most likely.
Andrew Diaz
I heard there were scans noticeably better than the rest but can't remember which ones or where to get them
Easton Gray
Moore's stuff suffered for the recolouring but I think that Gaiman's benefits from it sometimes. Especially the Gargunza issue. When you compare the orignal issue and the recolour, I have to say the recolour is a lot clearer.
Nathan Parker
>no OHC of the Moore run iktf all I've been waiting for since they started
Owen Baker
>morally superior protagonist >not black >not constantly spewing anti-White hate speech >2017
Benjamin Rivera
Just finished the "Marvelman in Warrior" book.
Holy shit goddamn also Bates showed his hand too quickly
Lincoln Campbell
You sound emotionally delicate.
Luis Harris
Didn't he already complete the scripts back in the day or some shit?
Benjamin Reed
He had one issue that was never released, Marvel stopped releasing the new series because they wanted to give Gaiman time to write more so they wouldnt release 3 issues and the have nothing else, problem is Gaiman is doing a shitload of things at the same time and is probably not writting Miracleman.
Angel Brown
>the only Marvel comic I've ever bought since the cosmic DnA days >delayed until further notice
William Edwards
A reminder that marvel didn't even finish the reprint. There are still 2 issues left before the new stuff
Xavier Cooper
Back to the MiracleScans edition then.
Jackson Wood
>buying this awful censored mess with horrible coloring user please
Ethan Perez
I'm buying it because I only found out about it through the reprint, immediately loved it and want convenient physical copies. Plus i wanted to show I "support" the comic, but fat lot of good that's done with no Moore OHC to show for it.
Josiah Williams
IIRC it was cancelled mid-arc, to be fair. The Gaiman stuff's being released in arcs, so they ain't gonna start until they know they can finish I guess.
Jeremiah Campbell
>problem is Gaiman is doing a shitload of things at the same time like fockin wot
Chase Cook
Being a mainstream writer, user. No more writing rubbish for the low classes who read (ugh) superheroes.
Nathan Davis
Pardon me that was an appeal for specific examples.