Cartoon Waifu Thread

So of all the time cartoons have existed, which animated female overall do you think has received the most waifu fantasies?

For me, I'm gonna take a guess that is is Gadget from Rescue Rangers, simply because of the amount of fanfics I have heard are on the internet (Plus she has her own cult in Russia)

If you disagree, who do you think it is?

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I don't think she's had the most, but foxglove from the same show. She only appeared in one episode but she became popular enough to get her own website. That's not on the level of Russian cult though.


Foxglove was not even cute, not really ugly but not cute, though I guess it takes some work to make a bat look cute

for maximum waifu saturation, I don't think you can top Jessica Rabbit. Early internet was heavy on Jessica porn and I'm sure people outside the fap game still think of her as their number one cartoon crush

She was the first girl i fell head over heels in love with

The thing about Jessica is that only once you reach puberty can you appreciate her since she is jerk-off material, but little kids might find her too off-putting both in looks and personality. April O'Neil is a good middle ground since I had a crush on her and now I fap to sexy fan art of her

Gadget seems about as likely as anybody really. She was popular right at the beginning of the internet and has remained fairly popular since.

The hell? I just discovered this doing a Google search:

This was a real thing?

>Stan Lee
>Pamela Anderson
>Mark Hamill
>Kid Rock
>Vince McMahon

Was this any good? Did she ever go nude in the show?

Forgot the pic

You can see uncensored scenes in the DVD, yeah. Kind of disappointing, though.

I guess that means I'll gotta look for the quality fan stuff

Of Stripperella? Well, good luck. I don't think there's much to find. It's one of those shows that was so close to porn that very few people drew porn of it.

>It's one of those shows that was so close to porn that very few people drew porn of it.

I hate that shit, it's like when in one thread on the adult cartoon board I was asking where any good Powergirl stuff was and a few faggots were saying she was good enough as she was and I said "Maybe but on occasion I would like to actually bust a nut to bare tits and ass, faggots"

The most popular catgirl

Over recent years, I've been very obsessive over Betty Boop.
I just hope her upcoming 2018 series gives her a fan base again.

>upcoming 2018 series


man, with peej its kinda meh if she isn't wearing the outfit

otherwise she is just another blonde with huge tits to me out of the costume.

My Kittyfu is Cleo

But it's really strange now that I think about it: I'm not a furfag and in real life and with drawn/animated chicks I'm only sexually attracted to human females, so call me a normie, but some female animals I find sexy to a limited degree

Like with Cleo I would never do any direct sexual thing with her like oral or penetration, but I still would enjoy groping her kitty butt, making out with her and snuggling with her in bed

shallow gold digger who sleeps around.

My first childhood crush, alongside Fifi La Fume and Red Hot Riding Hood.

Wow, this show really knew how to push the right buttons


BD gaz.

What goes on in the head of the animators when they draw hot bitches, human or not, and do suggestive poses? Is it just the guy animators having fun? Is it their idea of inserting their own fap material? Do they do it for the kids as well? Did they make hot female toons knowing the little boys would have waifus?

i just believe its women doing this shit
i mean, it is in japan and they like drawing huge tits


Most these cartoons we are talking about are Western, even if some of them are actually drawn in Japan

Daily reminder

I so often see furrys dressed as wolves and dogs that I often forget that they actually are into other animals

I am into cartoons

>which animated female overall do you think has received the most waifu fantasies?

Wouldn't Daphne be a huge contender for the top 3?

Most of those characters can be made human with minor alterations; Nicole would require that you add hair as well as taking away features.



Riff-Raf was such a fucking alpha


constant had to save cleo from rapists and her other lovers.

Exactly, she was his bottom bitch

>1980's cartoon teaching kids the dangers of your women being groped and raped by Muslims

he should keep her on shorter leash.

How tall is she? I wanna properly fantasize the positions I can cuddle her in

cat sized.


She was my waifu throughout all of my childhood. Smart yet pretty, I miss her.

Sometimes I feel Gadget was meant to be human looking for a reason... Foxglove and the other squirrel girl just look too animal like.

>The 1920's will soon be 100 years old

Is that russian cult still running? Haven't seen any reports about it for a very long time.

Actually Betty Boop's cartoons were only in the 1930s.

Nobody can figure out if it was real or if it was a bunch of guys trolling the americans. It sure stuck out for being original, though.


>Sometimes I feel Gadget was meant to be human looking for a reason

Probably because Gadget was based on Jordan from Real Genius. At least according to one of the writers.

Holy shit, I hate furfags but even I would fuck the mouse 1000 times before touching that hambeast

This bitch along with Fifi LaFume and Sally Acorn are what probably made me a furfag as a kid. Thanks Disney.

It's probably also her character-type that helped make Foxglove memorable to fans. And her always coming onto Dale.

Damn, now I want to see Gadget in overalls.

Humanized Gadget.

long hair is far superior to short hair on women, unless it's done really well short cuts look unpleasantly dykey

Maybe it's just the mere exposure effect talking.

She looks way too young to be Gadget.

Best ayy lmao

Source please

Legit used to have a major crush on Daphne as a young child.


Accent aside, Daphne Sue is closer to what I'd expect a humanized Gadget to look like.

that's quite cute. she looks like a kid, but the artist managed to do a good job nonetheless, I reckon.

11/10 waifu

Nicole is too cartoonish to be humanized

Is she really popular?

A horrible realization: her head is just Darwin with a little nose mark.

Current Gumball, Nicole, Anais and Darwin have the same head model

She needs a proper nose

Yeah, I can do things like Catgirls where it's just a different, nonhuman nose but the general human look is there.

It's things like canines and ducks with clearly inhuman snouts and features that it stops working for me.

Is this good?

looks like an episode based on nowadays Germany or Sweden

always peg

really should draw peg
gonna do that now

Yeah. For some reason, cats and rodents characters have a human-like look most of the time.


Is this considered a "cartoon" girl?
Best waifu




mine. and proud of it


Daphne is the best girl

Human Callie is cute.

I rewatched some of that show recently. Surprised at how stacked all the female characters are. They were doing it on purpose.


Human Callie is basically Rally from Riding Bean.



wow queen, you're so beautiful

Her nose is disgusting

They knew what they were doing.

It's weird how much she changed from that to Gunsmith Cats.

It's a giant melanoma spot that's overtaken and malformed her nose. The real reason why Max doesn't hook up with her in college is because she died a couple months after high school graduation.

Damn man amazing the things they got away with

Also, nice dubs

That was the fucking worst. Truly awful.

What do you guys think of pic related? Do you think she's Waifu material?

No one in that show is waifu material

They are different characters, I guess. The only thing similar is the ridiculous affinity with guns and pencil skirts.

I dunno, the Mom was kinda hot and the black girl was kinda cute.

She is hot, but not waifu material.