Now that the dust has settled, can Sup Forums admit that he was the only good thing about Korra?
Now that the dust has settled, can Sup Forums admit that he was the only good thing about Korra?
All I know was that Korra was a massive cunt and the retconning was fucking retarded
Also the avatar state is either weak as fuck now or Korra is still pathetically weak with it
I've never watched Korra. Is this Aang?
It's his spawn, JK Simmons, Airbending Master who never gets enough screentime.
When you lose your connection to your past lives, avatar state is gonna suck.
It's his son.
He was OK. An overused plot device at best. Him not jobbing to Zaheer was the only thing Bryke did right by him.
Aang's son.
But essentially, yes
Aang's son.
To be fair it was weak even before that. It was hilariously weak.
Also can some Korra fags please fill me in on what the fuck happened at the end of season 2? None of that made any sense
He's got his shit moments just like them all
I'll grant that he is one of the few to actually learn from them
Him, Jinora, Amon before the stupid reveal and the porn are the only positive to come out of the show along with a few gags.
His little side quest with his siblings in season 2 kinda sucked
>tfw not a single flashback about the Gaang kids
What a waste.
>Also can some Korra fags please fill me in on what the fuck happened at the end of season 2? None of that made any sense
In simplest terms, The planets aligned allowing a seal the first Avatar put on Zenyatta's Discord Orb to break, and Unalaq the season's big bad, used the Discord Orb to become the Dark Avatar, some bullshit happened, Korra lost her connection to all of the past avatars, then Jinorra showed up somehow, Korra became a giant mecha, the Discord Orb guy became a giant mecha, and now spirits are all over the place.
I always forget about Jinora. I found her annoying sometimes.
Does anyone have a clip of nuZuko putting it together that Varrick was the one bombing Asami's company?
That was probably the best written scene in the entirety of this show, which still isn't saying much.
Everything about season two that wasn't Wan sucked
Its been a while but let me try
>The Avatar and Avatar state are retconned. Power derives from a spiritual tapeworm that passes from host to host
>Spirit tapeworm has an evil counterpart. Korra's Uncle absorbs it and becomes the dark avatar
>He then strips the tapeworm out of Korra, destroying her past lives in the process
>Korra, now not an avatar then is told to sit in a magic spirit tree which causes her to project a gigantic spirit
>Spirit Korra fights her Uncle and Jinora saves the day
>Korra keeps the spirit portals open, setting the stage for book 3
I get the first part, but Korra becoming a giant and then jinora popping up to send junora a message about... something and then Korra reaching into Vatu and pulling out rava
Just... the fuck? How did she get strong enough as a normal bender to stand up to him? And then she gets her ass kicked just to be reminded of something by jinora and magically being able to stop him?
So they basically did to the avatar state what Lucus did to the force?
>singehandedly wiped the lore of the previous series with some Midichlorian tier shit
>didn't suck
In my opinion its worse than what Lucas did
But Lucas had this idea of the Force since the beginning, and it was the EU authors that incorrectly interpreted it.
Korra started 5 years ago and you don't know who Tenzin is?
>was desperately looking forward to Korra talking with Aang and getting wisdom and advice from along with Ruko
>"jk guys she has no spiritual connection because.... we say so!"
How shitty of a person was Korra that she had no connection to her spiritual self and her past lives? I mean it would have made sense if she was an earth bender because they naturally struggle with air aka the strongest spiritual connection. But she's a water bender and was literally trained for over a decade by the white lotus and she had no connection? How do you fail constantly for that long with multiple personal trainers including Katara?
At least they could have given us a reason as to why instead of just "she's bad at it"
Lucas gave an explanation to something fans wan't to be kept a mystey
Bryke changed an already canon explanation to facilitate their shitty plot
They said that her personality was that of a firebender, iirc
So she was more aggressive and not a spiritual person or some other bullshit
There were lots of good things about LoK and nobody here wants to admit it.
I liked girls kissing. I've been waiting for it ever since Tyzula failed to deliver.
Okay, I'll bite.
well, not really, but you know what I mean
pretty much everything except Kora and most of the main baddies, in fact.
I don't think he was the only good thing, but he was certainly one of the good things.
Likable female protagonist that actually gets developed
Great animation
Great backstory
Interesting villains
World building
Fights have great choreography
Great music.
>Likable female protagonist that actually gets developed
And stopped reading here.
It's Great Uncle Ford
Your loss
I don't give a shit about the lore of Avatar, it was a good couple of episodes with wushu martial arts and sweeping grand music, I'd have taken it over the rest of Korra
Him and Amon.
Season 1 was good.
Because of Harmonic Convergence the lines between the spirit and physical world were blurred, which made things like Korra's giant blue spirit and Jinora the crystal fairy possible (basically the weird laws that usually only applied to the spirit world could be applied to the physical one). Korra meditated in the tree of time which was a source of great spiritual power to channel her inner energy into a physical manifestation, hence the big blue giant. Chances are she's the only person who can do that because she's the Avatar and she's the only human capable of holding and channeling that much spiritual power (which is why most other spirit/human merging ends badly). She made just a bigger, bluer version of herself because she's Korra and she just went with what she thought was the easiest way to handle giant Unvaatu.
Because she ended up defeating Vaatu, Raava "won" harmonic convergence so another 10,000 years of balance began. This isn't verified but it's assumed new airbenders popping up (and all the spiritual energy washing over the planet) are a result of that balance being restored.
>Midichlorian tier shit
Wow, are you really still pitching a fit over Midichlorians? Is it 2005?
No, Korra was by far the best thing about Korra.
she lost connection with her past lives?
I never watched past season 1 finale. So she really is that incompetant, huh.
Why do people defend this dumpster fire of a show? Is it because "muh lesbians"
I saw Ep 1 first, and never ever had a single problem with the midi-chlorians, even years later. And since mitochondria exists IRL (microscopic life form that lives inside every cell and gives it the energy to live), it's not that dumb of a concept. Now, Lucas/Prequels/Star Wars derailment can end, and everyone can just fuck off to /swco/ and Korra bashing can resume.
>Interesting villains
>Great animation
Come on man
>Likable female protagonist that actually gets developed
Korra walking through the portal at the end of book 4 is as stupid and coddled as the girl we met on the white lotus compound
Book 1 was the best book and I don't meant that in a out of all of them it's the least bad sort of way.
>Likable female protagonist that actually gets developed
Likable? Sure, Korra was entertaining as a foil to her predecessor.
Developed? No. Not at all. In fact, it's all too easy to argue that Korra get's worse as a character as the show progresses. When ATLA wrapped up you felt confident that the world was safe in his competent care. When Korra ended it felt more like a threat.
>Great animation
Besides that dip in Season 2, sure.
>Great backstory
That it credits from ATLA and mostly ignored and or retconned.
>Interesting villains
Amon and Tarrlok - 5/10, Great until its half assed second half
Unalaq - 2/10, Aimed for Ozai or Palpatine and missed the mark by a country mile
Zaheer and friends - 8/10, I concede you this
Earth Hitler - 4/10, Again with a strong start and an awful conclusion, loses more points than Amon because she ended the fucking show with her mediocrity.
>World building
LMFAO what? Republic City is failed setting by every definition of the word. A poor man's Ba Sing Se in a world where Ba Sing Se actually exists. The rest of the world, again, is credited to ATLA and again, was mostly ignored or retconned.
>Fights have great choreography
Compared to TT:GO, maybe
>Great music
Doesn't hold a candle to its predecessor
Glad we can agree.
Varrick was entertaining but his sorry excuse for a character arc really didn't work.
But yeah I liked Tenzin.
The Avatar universe is escapism for people whose real life is boring. You will defend a universe you project yourself into, even if the writing is shit. Because you cannot live without that fictional reality that you grew so attached to.
Varrick was great. And some of the villains were fun.
And I liked how Korra's character arc wrapped up with more of an emotional struggle than Aang's did, with him getting a sudden deus ex machina power that removed the weight behind his final choice..
Korra in book 4 was not coddled by anyone. She couldn't go five steps without someone beating her up emotionally or physically. Book 4 Korra was hollow and hated herself, she was basically what Sup Forums wanted her to be.
>I never watched past season 1 finale.
Do people really do this? Just watch one season, but still shit on the show anyway? Do yourself a favor and actually finish a show before you pass judgement on it.
I was simply comparing the fandom's outrage of one retcon to another.
No need to get all Form III on me, Lucas.
Pre-reveal it's a good story with pacing issues
Way too long spent on pro-bending with minimal payoff
As if anything was going to be worth sitting through after that half assed hoseshit way to end a villain who was actually interesting. Amon deserved another season at the very least.
Unlike some people here, I know when to stop watching a series that clearly wasn't going to get any better.
People shit on book 2 but it really did provide a decent conclusion to Korra's arc at the time- that she has a strength unique to her that has nothing to do with being the Avatar, and she needs to start relying on herself to make decision and not just do something because that's what Aang would have done.
Book 3-4 presented a good question of does the Avatar who just learned to be confident in herself actually have a place in a modernizing world, but it kind of went nowhere. The question isn't answered at the end of book 4, Korra still doesn't look particularly happy with where she is, and the ending was written to accommodate Asami, not her.
>implying I didn't vote for Trump
Feels good to elect the most progay candidate in the history of the US.
Tenzin was the only relatable character in the entire Korra run
>Him not jobbing to Zaheer was the only thing Bryke did right by him.
It took 3 fucking masters to put him down
The issue with midichlorians was not that it wasn't credible in principle, it's that it's a very scientific explanation for something that is basically treated like magic manna voodoo in the future of that universe (OT) by the same damn character (Obi Wan).
Not that I care much for Star Wars personally but this is exactly the type of stuff that you can't do in a prequel.
It was a real shame that fight wasn't longer. I would've wanted to see Tenzin 1v4 instead of getting blindsided.
Post more loss or more medieval comics, both are fantastic
It explains the heredability of the power, not the power itself.
The "you can use the Force if you believe" idea was killed in Empire, and killed even more in Jedi.
Tenzin saying fuck it and deciding to solo the season 3 villain was the best part of the whole series. He was totally kicking Zaheer's ass too until he got ganged up on
I wish this retconning meme would stop.
But... Anakin doesn't even have a proper father and Leia has demonstrated very little afinity with the force. They just use a scanner to determine that "the force is strong in this one" but for some reason it looks based on instinct/divination in the OT.
There was no need to explain why you inherit it
Book 2 was just a terrible rehash of book 1 in terms of Korra's character, undoing her arc previously just to repeat it but do it even worse.
Your argument seems to boil down to "It's not like ATLA, so it's shit"
Do people really do this? Think 4.4 hours isn't enough time to determine that something sucks ass?
>she lost connection with her past lives?
Something like that.
The Avatar thing turned out to be a human/spirit fusion that happened during a once every 10,000 year event. The evil equivalent of the Avatar spirit basically yanked it out of Korra and almost killed it, which broke the past-life connections.
Then Jinora is magic for no reason and is able to bring the Avatar spirit because(?) and then there's a giant spirit robot fight.
The best part were the sexy cougars.
Tenzin had a real problem in that the writers had no idea what to do with him half the time.
When there are 3 other seasons that improve upon the problems people had with the first season, yeah.
Nah, there were other good things.
Asami, when she actually managed to do something.
The Red Lotus
Amon, until the reveal.
It was basically wasted potential the series.
>Amon deserved another season at the very least.
He was supposed to be a 2-season villain, but Bryke's team was told halfway through season 1 that they probably wouldn't get a second season, so they had to rewrite Amon's character at the last minute.
From what I heard, the original season 1 finale would have revealed he actually WAS chosen by the spirits when a bunch of them would come in and bail him out.
Considering how Season 2 went, could be easily assumed the spirits that "chose" Amon were Vaatu and his corrupted spirits.
>Korra started 5 years ago
>2012 was half a decade ago
That's usually what happens to sequels that try too hard to not be sequels -- they're shit. Bryke, for whatever reason, decided to add to the Avatar story. Korra is not a spin off. Korra is not a reboot. Korra is a direct continuation of The Last Airbender, and the fact that it spent its entire run going against the direction TLA sent it in, makes it by definition no less, a shitty sequel.
I hate the fact that Korra killed the future of the series, because there are so many routes a future Avatar series could have taken.
>80's pseudo-cyberpunk with political intrigue and sabotage against the backdrop of 80's Japan consumerism and celebrity worship, with some helping portions of absolute insanity a la MGS sprinkled in here and there.
>Or complete setting reboot either due to nuclear destruction resetting the world to even earlier technology than the original series or a straight flashback to an avatar long before Aang, allowing the spiritual and mythical elements of the series to take center stage with human mortals as a mere audience to the actual going-ons of the world, with lots of original spirit world worldbuilding rather than reusing the same setpieces from ATLA
>Even something like an anthology of short stories connecting various points of the Avatar mythos, like the 100 years before Aang showed up, or the period between TLA and TLoK, or even periods immediately after the end of TLoK, showing the stories of ordinary people in the world of Avatar rather than just the stories of the big shots at the forefront of history, and humanizing character dynamics that were never given enough time to shine in the original series (like the dynamics between Aang's children).
Instead all we get are mediocre sequel comics, that as we all know always go nowhere interesting, instead spiraling the absurdity and stupidity up a notch, exaggerating every flaw in the show and minimizing every highlight.
>80's pseudo-cyberpunk
Jesus Christ, get over it. It was never going to happen anyway.
>Earth Avatar is next
>taken in by the Dai Li from birth
>is brainwashed into serving the Earth royalty
>is the villain of the series as a bunch of normal benders have to put a stop to this
>get their shit kicked in by Darth Avatar repeatedly
>changing the setting
I wish this desire would fucking cease. ATLA was already the perfect setting for the Avatar franchise, ancient enough to necessitate bending, spirit mythos and an avatar, while ambiguous to allow for any ancient machinery the plot needed: the drill, air ships, tanks, warships, bombs, etc.
Changing the time period for no other reason thank to change the time period was quite honestly Korra's greatest flaw. You get the initial awe of "Wow, it's the future!" but it wears off quickly when you take the time to think about the fucking ramifications of needing an Avatar or a comet in a world where any ol' joe like Varrick can create a WMD.
It could be worse
I agree with this whole post
Not necessarily. TLOK is actually a really fucking good setting. In the first season, sure technology has given nonbenders an edge in some ways, but benders still have a distinct 1 on 1 edge. It's far enough from the modern day to allow for some degree of mysticism (there's tons of folklore and myth for this period of American culture, nevermind actual Asian culture). It changes the tones and themes of the series somewhat (from humans beginning to challenge a dominant spirit world to a weaker spirit world striking out/striking upon a dominant humanity), but the show could very well have still worked with the new setting. The issue came with both A., introducing new weird bullshit pseudo-technology that suddenly made nonbenders straight up superior to benders (see: giant robots, lighting glove) and B., not properly making use of the setting (the only elements of the Spirit World used are all reused from the original series, rather than actually working out how spirits would react to a more developed world).
While the 80's idea is admittedly, sketchy at best, there are still plenty of directions a theoretical show like that could take. It could fuck off entirely from the hip industralized cities, and take an approach more akin to 80's adventure films, going out to the reaches of the unknown, the parts of the world not completely civilized yet.
Avatar as a 3 season run show is, for all intents and purposes, finished, but a lot of the basic concepts and ideas behind it could definitely apply to more seasons, which is why Korra is such wasted potential. It easily could have been just Korra and crew fucking around the 4 nations, checking out all the new odds and outs of pseudo-1920's culture, getting into all sorts of mishaps just like the old crew, rather than trying to overemphasize the most overhyped parts of the original series (shipping, large form plot arcs, quirky characters, fancy bending) and ultimately bastardizing them.
>we'll never see pseudo-1920's firenation
>3 masters
4 nigga. If Sparky Sparky Boom Woman wasn't sniping him, he might have taken the rest out.