Sources say Justice League is a mess. Welp here we go again. Another movie with rumors of production hell that's going to be slammed by the critics, get mixed reviews, and fail to meet expectations.
Why is DC so good at being consistently bad with movies?
it's way too late to course correct when all the big names have already been established in the worst way
Jackson Nelson
Because WB tries to make movies that will bring in the most cash, not the best narrative.
Andrew Smith
Is Zack Snyder really the only guy that is willing to direct capeshit? There are other more capable directors out there
William Hughes
>three of the seven missing >room for cyborg IN THE CENTER
cyborg's totally gonna happen one day, Johns
Julian Gutierrez
I dont think Johns cares for Cyborg much either, its more like suits keep yelling at him to "MAKE THE ROBOT WORK DAMMIT"
Cooper Gomez
Carson Clark
weird thing is, i get they have to have the token black guy, but they could have just had MM's human form be black or used John Stewart instead of Hal Jordan, but no, they pick a black hole of charisma for their obvious tokenism
I wonder how much they'll butcher the theatrical version this time. I bet the JL extended edition stupid fans pay for will be 4 hours long
Dominic Campbell
I'm just saying that of course both Marvel and DC make movies try that bring in the most cash, like no shit, they're superhero movies. To blame DC for doing something that almost every major movie studio does, is stupid
Oliver White
other studios don't intentionally fuck with the movie by shooting movies that are an hour longer than needed so they can chop them up in editing and receive double the bucks when they release an "extended" edition though
Gavin James
>an anti-DC thread Fixed. Mousefags are earning their keep very hard lately.
Christopher Wood
>Why is DC so good at being consistently bad with movies?
because DC has little to no hand in their previous movies. it was a WB movie by committee
Levi Evans
Angel Garcia
Fake news? Bat man v superman is literally trump
Adrian Perry
what sources? what's the guarantee that they're reliable at all?
Joshua Cooper
>90% one race is diverse what
Jaxon Scott
Samuel Green
Karen Fukuhara´s career is dead.
Cooper Nguyen
it's not an anti-DC thread faggot, it's an anti-DCEU thread. anyone who claims to be a DC fan and likes these movies, i respect your opinion but you should be shot in the head, respectfully
Caleb Taylor
>Sources say Justice League is a mess. >Sources >my ass
Logan Robinson
>hated by half the country but in the end remains on top I'm OK with this.
Poor OP. Did your company war thread backfire again? Don't worry, you can try again three days later.
Jaxon Flores
why's that?
Cooper Clark
>you expected anything else? An actual source? I dunno. I guess confirmation bias and general gullibility good enough for you.
Christopher James
>TRIGGERED by the black guy
So predictable
Isaiah Gray
>muh critic approval keep bleating
Tyler Cox
damn man, you're so smart for realising a multi-billion dillar franchise like marvel with the richest company on the planet behind them needs to pay people to shit on DC movies in a thread on Sup Forums that contains 30 people. those 600 bucks will make all the difference!
Colton Parker
>pulling a race card to defend a shit character
so predictable
Alexander Powell
>sources say Batman is canned >proven bullshit within the day
>same sources say JL is a mess
I mean it still could be but the smear campaign is too real to believe anything like that
Hudson Wilson
Still looking for that source, OP. And no i don't want a picture of your ass.
Adrian Lopez
>You're pulling the race card, guy! It's not like i mentioned his race first or anything sempai!!
Nolan Hill
well it's been 2/2 as far as the rumors being right
or maybe it's mouseketeers shaping up the narrative this early
who the fuck knows, there's no Faraci this time
Benjamin Green
>Source: My internalized desires for DC's cinematic universe to fail or be remodeled in a creative direction that suits my own personal preferences
Sebastian Lopez
They're course-correcting like the Titanic.
Instead of hitting the iceberg head on just scrape the side of it.
Kevin Price
All the anti-DC threads backfire
DChad thread
Christopher Cruz
Are you honestly telling me that every other movie studio films only the EXACT amount of footage they need, and that no one else have ever released an extended edition of a movie? I'm honestly not trying to defend DC, I'm just trying to point out that such sweeping generalizations are a bad way to argue. Also, have you seen the extended edition of LotR, there's easily over an hour of extra footage.
Jaxson Carter
This. Why is it that marvel friends want the DCEU to fail?
Fake news
>BREAKING NEWS: Zack Snyder have money to a homeless man, that homeless man is still homeless #fuckDC
Nolan Diaz
how did i mention his race?you're completely delusional
Carter Turner
Is it the same guy making these threads?
Dominic Ramirez
There are probably a few of them. You should see Sup Forums's catalog. Half of the threads are Mouse shills shilling other Mouse shills until it reaches bump limit
Jaxson Collins
i wonder why they even bother, the autism of dc fanboys is impenetrable
Brody Diaz
>He still thinks it's one guy
John Rogers
They're setting up the Rebirth DCEU
Mason Campbell
well, if theres one thing DC does best it's rebooting
Elijah Rogers
>WB saw Suck Punch and gave Snyder Superman >WB saw Man of Steel and gave Snyder Batman, Wonder Woman, Luthor and Doomsday >WB saw BvS and gave Snyder Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and the New Gods
Just let the company burn to the fucking ground.
Nolan Smith
i don't have the will to go into it, watch this 6 minute video if you want, it explains it more eloquently than i can
Sure dude... I am really starting to believe there is a PR propaganda to undermine DC movies, from the critics that use two sets of values in DC/Marvel movies to all the constant news of "muuuh movie is in trouble".
I hope Synder at least gets to put his Cut this time around.´ BvS was so much fluid and better in the Ultimate Version, easily a 7/10 movie
Isaiah Allen
...Five movies in? Three if you realise SS and WW can be discounted as effectively unrelated to JL and a prequel, respectively?
Well, they jumped to Dark Knight Returns and killed Superman in two, so why the fuck not. Guess the Batman movie will show us what the comics are like in 2040.
Zachary King
>I am really starting to believe there is a PR propaganda to undermine DC movies
Don't be paranoid user, also don't read this article
He is an objectovist user, he wouldn't do charity.
Bentley Flores
DC has only rebooted like twice or three times in nearly 80 years, both occations separated by a 2 years gap. Even then, all dc continuity exists as a single ever growing entity that is referenced or brought back every few years. So from a certain point of view dc has never rebooted.
Ian Butler
This thread thread will obviously never rise above Sup Forums shit posting but Snyder is actually pretty famous for being a nice guy. That's why his casts including folks like Amy Adams and Jeremy Irons who usually don't appear in hot garbage still defend his choices.
Daniel Garcia
The beauty about claiming to have """insider source""" regarding a industry that practices reshoots is that if the film turns out not to suck, they can always fall back to "That's not the version I saw/was told."
Carson Flores
These are your average marvel fans
Carson Ramirez
nothing in that picture makes any sense, first, an all balck cast isn't "diverse", it's black. second, so what? the movie will obviously be set in wakanda, was it supposed to have white people?
Charles Myers
>90% black >hella diverse
This is satire right?
Jaxon Bailey
>Movie set in an African country >Surprised that most of the cast is black For people who pride yourselves on being intellectuals you sure do miss a lot of obvious bullshit.
John Fisher
You know what the word Diverse means? 90% is not diverse.
Landon Rogers
what a shock
Bentley Rogers
Cyborg on the JL always seems weird to me because of Teen Titans.
Chase Davis
As long as there are at least two representatives of a different ethnic or religious background in one group, it's diverse.
Because WB entrusted the entirety of the DC Universe to a Die-Hard Millerfag
Leo Lewis
I'm pretty sure a Die-Hard Millerfag would understand that TDK depicted an 80's hell, brink of nuclear war, plummeting economy, borderline dystopia context that explained Batman's turn towards darker brutal methods and he wasn't just a brutal, mean spirited, fascist thug.
Dominic Cruz
sources say OP is a fag
Ayden Harris
>start off on the wrong foot and need to race to catch up >instead of realizing sunk cost is a fallacy, double down >doubling down didn't work and now the timetable is totally fucked >double down again - sacrifice the time it takes to write a script, scripts don't matter right? >shit another failure and we have 3 movies in the pipe modeled after it..what do we do? >well if we say to cancel now we'll look bad but if we keep going and it all flops we can push the blame elsewhere >FULL STEAM AHEAD
Julian Young
not the OP, but this is the "source" that was posted. decide for yourself if you believe it
people never read the thread
Lincoln Sanders
You can't seriously believe that. If they've never rebooted, I want wally's kids back. I want the complex wildstorm history back. Of course they've rebooted.
Jack Roberts
holy shit you stupid idiot, thats how almost ALL movies are made
Jayden Anderson
>gets his opinions from youtubers
holyshit you fucking casual, I bet you barely read comics.
Thomas Rivera
>sources say jesus christ
Elijah Lee
he is not an objectivist in anyway
Hudson Perez
They're doing the batman plate armor thing again?
I liked the fatman grey suit
Jacob Cook
Is it just me or does flash look like a transsexual S&M thai prostitute?
Not saying that's a bad thing
Matthew Garcia
Sure, and Will Smith's not a Scientologist, he just thinks they're really neat
Sebastian Watson
>finally do an accurate looking batsuit in the last movie (even though it was rubber) >go back to armor again in this one
Eli Gray
>cyborg is the key to all this >if we can get him working >because hes a funnier character than we've ever had before
Zachary Thomas
>Sources say Justice League is a mess
Well, that's alright. I love a good comedy film
Ethan Bell
why is everyone so triggered over bat armor when he's going up against literal alien gods and parademons?
Aaron Jackson
why do people think the movie people pay attention enough to have synergy with the comics? if anything its the comics people curtailing the movies.
Samuel Baker
I am literally fine with the bat plate armor but what the hell does he have the shades for?
Nathan Peterson
He does seem to touch on a lot of Objectivist themes and love himself Rand's works.
Though hilariously, many Objectivists seem to deny he's one of them.
Now you mention it, it's not just you... Also agreeing it's not necessarily a bad thing
Because when I say "rich and powerful guy with severe parental issues clad in power armour" that brings to mind...
...Well, Warmaster Horus in Warhammer 40k, I guess, but also Iron Man, which is the one most DC fans would likely be concerned about.
Owen Morales
really, it's not realistic a human could fight alien gods WITHOUT armor
James Walker
there's nothing DC has done that's "not a bad thing"
Oliver Myers
>Sources say >no actual source
How much does Mickey Mouse pay you?
Wyatt Phillips
>"rich and powerful guy with severe parental issues clad in power armour" It's not power armor so much as plating. The gymnastics you assholes do to draw parallels between Tony & Bruce is just insufferable as it is straw grasping.
Josiah Bennett
>manchild raised on deesee comix thinks mickey mouse is a real person
Michael Turner
the funniest thing is that the villain is steppenwolf, like they're actually saving Darkseid for a more epic sequel lol. this is franchise with vast longevity
Kevin Gray
Brody Harris
>this is franchise with vast longevity These films have been turning profit despite critics falling to their knees begging people to not see these movies. Of course, I'm not going to deny that their release dates didn't play a role.
Landon Rodriguez
What ARE those wires over his armor?
Bentley Reed
Says the marvel shill
Josiah Torres
because of just that. its a movie with interdimensional aliens, you dont need fake realism with fucking armor. you can just say his suit is some magic fabric like daredevil.