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Mr. Douchebag never hangs arouuuund
When he hears this mighty souuuuund
That means that Mighty Mouse is on the wayyy
I still only have this one :P
i dont know what those are
i refuse to google it
How bad me Beatle
>Being this wrong
The orange is the king of mainstream fruit and that pear looks like a shitty Packham instead of a glorious Nashi masterrace. You should kill yourself
Keep it Sup Forums-related, please.
or what? you going to report the guy for posting fruits?
I'll get reported for this.
oh fuck what are you doing you madman
I can't stop it.
hot opinions coming through
>patrician A+ taste, user
Eddie on plebian. Most normies know him.
Mac on contrarian. Has spent the most time as Venom besides Eddie and normies won't tell him apart.
Flash on patrician. Enjoyed by those with refined tastes.
Spot-on for philistine
>/trash/ without the fur
Your way of looking at it is some meme way, my way is the real way
I only ever visit /aco/ for the egs threads.
Is it different enough from contrarian to warrant having it there?
Yes. Philistine is someone who has a complete lack of taste in something. While Contrarian means they have a taste in something that is less popular.
Example: A Philistine is someone who unironically likes Foodfight.
A Contrarian might be someone who likes one of the sequels to an animated movie.
no, it isn't
>I don't know what any of these terms mean
Come me Stacies.
How is Skeletor plebeian?
Could someone explains to me the meaningof philistine in this subject?
I think it means someone who is hostile or indifferent to culture/arts.
mah nigga
I'd probably switch out Scooby Doo Where Are You? with Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo but other than that, seems spot on.