Here it is familia
SVTFOE: Deep Trouble #2 Storytime
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And that's Deep Trouble #2
This thread may die, hopefully not.
But yeah, I'll but up 3 and 4 before Sunday. Moving back to school then.
Also Links
I wish we could have more stories about Moon and River relationship on the show.
maybe in a future season? it would be cool to see
This is clearly not cannon. The real star would have offered pity sex for training to her father, becoming her own mother, which explains her retardation.
Thanks OP
Moon is cute
>You'll still be hanging out with Ferguson and Alphonzo
Made me chuckle.
What a cunt. They aren't even married and she is already telling him which people he is allowed to hang out with.
moon is qt
Thanks for sharing this
Would you want to hang out with them?
Given Marco's reaction, he's clearly GLAD he's no longer hanging out with Ferguson and Alfonzo.
Whats the status on the comics? Canon? Non-cannon? Cherry pick what we like to be canon?
pretty sure they
're canon
They are canon but don't expect them to ever be referenced in the show.
I shall post the 4th comic soon enough my friend.
The one featuring Ferguson and Alfonzo
He doesn't even to them until the end. It does not seem like he had a great friendship with them.
No Problem!
They are indeed canon. I don't have the screen cap but Nefcy said it on Twitter.
>They are indeed canon. I don't have the screen cap but Nefcy said it on Twitter.
of course she did
>It does not seem like he had a great friendship with them.
He just upgraded from hanging out with the dorks to hanging out with the weird girls.
If Star weren't his BFF for plot reasons and roommate he'd probably dump her to hang out with Jackie's cool friends.
Apparently she's said a lot on twitter, and was very active April 20th and September 11th.
well, i mean, if i were marco and she wasnt my bff/roomate, id probably think she was fucking insane and try to distance myself from her as much as possible
He doesn't show it, but Marco is fucking thirsty.
so she did
Why would you turn down magical adventures for normie shit?
true desu
HA told you.
But I do understand the uh disbelief.
If I were Marco and she /was/ my bff/roommate, see above and left.
does anyone have the full comic to that?
i saw at least 2 other pages from it... i know its somewhere...
I swear to god I know I have it somewhere but I always lose track of my shit and I hate it
Ey b0ss what did the original comic actually said in the punchline?
something about making beautiful bug grandchildren i think
It was a request for royal grandchildren
Good question. I received a template from a thread like, weeks ago.
It was something along the lines of "I want Royal Grandkids" or something like that.
>Dat folder
Dude fuuuuuuuk
While I continue searching have this
Yep. Never been able to stay away from these threads for more than an hour
This is a great ship
Well I tried but couldn't find the original comic. Someone else will have to deliver
do you think star had a nice day today
oh well thanks for looking
I really do hope so
me too
Clap clap clap clap clap clap CLap.
Well met good sir. Add this internet to your pile.
I miss the early days of this hiatus
Never fails to make me laugh
I know I have it somewhere. Enjoy Star of Murder while I search.
Found it
>implying anyone has shipped Manna here in a long time
There's three parts to this comic
Here's a link
No. Have a cute star instead
I jokingly shipped it after 'Mewberty,' but seriously shipped it after 'Gift of the Card' to the point of creating a tumblr dedicated to it.
>ferguson and alfonzo
good riddance
You should definitely make third issue scans, m8
River had to wait about twenty years before Moon let him have some. Now that's dedication.
Star knows how to tease with upskirts
Damn people do this shit fast. I like it
Just scanned Number 3 and 4. Just gotta crop them and I'll post.
>Literally just editing out the leggings
For what purpose
How do you even keep the texture though?
Does it need to have a purpose?
Yes, it does.
Should I make a new thread for Issue #3
No, just post them here
too late?
There were textures behind the leggings all along
just like what happens with superman