>Ben Affleck (Daredevil FAIL) Batman WIN.
>Chris Evans (Torch FAIL) Cap WIN.
>Ryan Reynolds (Lantern FAIL) Deadpool WIN.
Jessica Alba (Susan FAIL) Green Lantern WIN.
>Ben Affleck (Daredevil FAIL) Batman WIN.
>Chris Evans (Torch FAIL) Cap WIN.
>Ryan Reynolds (Lantern FAIL) Deadpool WIN.
Jessica Alba (Susan FAIL) Green Lantern WIN.
Has Alba even acted in ten years? Alba is super cute, but I'd want Cruz to have a thicc ass and thighs.
She was in Sin City 2. That was only 3 years ago.
>implying anyone even saw that
Jessica Cruz isn't THAT thicc user. She is a fit latina with nice hips. Jessica Alba is definitely that and can pull off the cute social anxiety thing.
>Batman WIN
But I want her to have a big jiggly butt after being a recluse.
Also unrelated I wish her relationship with Barry lasted. That would have been so much better than Iris bullshit.
Nah I want a real Latina. Call me a SJW and use that "Alba is Hispanic" technicality all whites you want but I want a chick who doesn't look like she can pass as white.
>recluse for years
>keeps fit and healthy
If she was living off the land or whatever, it'd make sense but she was literally just locked up in her apartment.
You do understand being a recluse doesn't automatically make you fat right? It's the diet. In fact, I think because she was a recluse, she was probably far away from the fattening authentic mexican food her family would make. Also, when you spend so much time with yourself, you usually end up doing things to fill your time. I bet she does a lot of squats so her hips became thick instead of filling it up with sour cream.
agreed. it shouldn't be skeleton to expect a latina character is played by a latina woman either. it'd be like casting a half-black guy to play black panther, who is full african.
Not him, but I hope the actress has big hips at least. A toned big booty. Not that Cruz will be going live action soon anyway. I'd definitely prefer her over Hal though.
Their relationship is the only cool thing about the Bryan Hitch run. OTP. They need a series together.
She's way too old and nowhere near thick enough to play Jess.
It's a reason why I hate canon fags. It'd be great to have them date in the Justice League books and the Flash fags can have Iris in his own book. But autists would have a hissy fit.
*all you want
Damn autocorrect
I think her thicc hips should be a secondary priority. That sounds wild coming from me because pic related is my ideal body type. It's because the character, Jessica Cruz, is lovable because a mix of her cute social anxiety. When you focus on an actress that has those sexy thicc curves, you gotta remember to not overdo the sensuality of it or else her social anxiety becomes less believable. She'll be great fap material but a bad Jessica Cruz.
What happened next?!
Gal Gadot has neither the personality or body for Wonder Woman. I at least want the body right.
Da fuq? Did you blow in from 2007 or something?
Please read the current series, Justice League #6, the entire issue is about their date.
Sorry I'm not hip enough to use that "Take an L" shit.
>she can pass as white.
But she already tried and it was awkward as fuck.
I want Jessica as well but why not pic related?
Renee Montoya tbhwiya familia querida. Also didn't she say that she was tired of being type-casted as the tough-action chick?
But Jessica is mostly "Oh, my anxiety is killing me!", just a little bit of tough-action.
She got made a ton of money off other businesses so acting became a no big deal to her.
that indent pleases me.
Does anyone legitimately think that Simon or Jessica are gonna be in the DCEU? This is just waifu shit, right?
Funny, I was also thinking of her.
She works for the tough side of Jessica Cruz but I'm not so sure about the cute social anxiety side.
>Heeeere's Barry!
Is anyone else like me? Never dated a Latina in real life and don't think I'll ever get a chance to, but end up watching almost exclusively Latina porn?
>Jynx Maze
>tfw no latina gf to call you papi
Batfleck was surprisingly not bad. At the very least, the warehouse rescue was one of the most Batman things ever done in live action.
except for all the murders, and then him shooting the flamethrower with a gun (jus cuz miller druw it onece)
my Green Lanterns are males.
He's never even been a bad actor. He's consistently good but has suffered from bad movies with bad scripts. The guy is talented. I don't understand how anyone walking into BvS could possibly think he was going to be any worse than Bale's sore throat joke of a performance as Batman. The guy is legit.
>Chris Evans (Torch FAIL)
He was a great Johnny, fuck off.
agreed. he's technically the best live action version of the character. I actually think those F4 are decent. They aren't great but I always thought they were cozy and fun.
The first FF movie, for its flaws, is still fun and enjoyable and if you go frame by frame you can see Jessica Albas bare tits in the one scene where Reed walks in on her in the bathroom
Doom was all kinds of fucked but i love his Rise of the Silver Surfer design, its borderline god tier
>if you go frame by frame you can see Jessica Albas bare tits in the one scene where Reed walks in on her in the bathroom
post pic please
waiting on this
"Take an L," is way older than "WIN/FAIL," in terms of colloquially used terms.
I have the movie on dvd and its on the opposite end of the continent