Why is he the best person that has ever been in the animation industry?
Craig McCracken
Other urls found in this thread:
He won the Laurenbowl
He made the most successful show Cartoon Network ever made.
He also made Foster's, which was the most popular Cartoon Network show in the mid 2000s.
And he made a show for Disney that didn't get the recognition that the other 2 got and was cancelled after 2 seasons
His wife made something we can't talk about on this thread
He is a talented cartoonist. Does he have anything new coming up soon?
thats not John K
You got the wrong pic, OP, this is Genndy, the best person that has ever been in the industry.
Can you explain why?
It's really shame. Wander's probably my favorite of his shows, though PPG isn't too far behind. Not a HUGE Fosters fan, but it's pretty alright.
Because he is a Highlander.
Maybe someday he'll finish something.
Technically, he finished Dexter's Laboratory with Last but not Beast and Ego Trip
He'll finish Samurai Jack soon enough
>It was supposed to come out last year
If he was a squid, would he be Craig McKraken?
>Liking John K for any reason besides his work
because he's married to a literal semen demon.
That isn't Rebecca Sugar
He is just the right generation between the old school and the noodle arm legions.
It would be very painful.
>His wife made something we can't talk about on this thread
There would exist talk.
If Faust only accepted the whole thirty minute advertisement deal with Galaxy Girls. She's too stuborn about the idea of it having merchandise and then a television series to help sell the merch.
>Does he have anything new coming up soon?
Yes. He is trying to pitch a new series for Disney and hinted at a potential 2018 release.
>married a semen demon
>had sex with and tried to procreate to make more semen demons
Maybe someday Faust.
Don't give up, Ganbatte!
Because the industry has very low standards
He has a "Top secret" project coming up.
He hasn't even pitched it yet. It's gonna have an ongoing plot. It sounds good.
They straight up said she had a daughter in that NIck podcast.
Actually she didn't. She said on the Nick Animation Podcast:
>My daughter's only three months old, so I'm still on my leave, so I'm... just... usually... all day, taking care of the baby. I kinda love it.
>three months old
when was this podcast? I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be pregnant at least five years ago
He never shuts up about how he is desperate to do a show full of lore and continuity like Gravitty Falls, and is trying to convince Disney.
Genndy helped get PPG picked up because Craig storyboarded for Dexter's Lab.
Genndy episodes of PPG are the best, and the movie wouldn't have been nearly as good without his sense of animation/timing/cinematography
After the PPG movie flopped, Craig was too jaded to do anything even close to it in tone. He went on to do Foster's and WOY. Both good, but both extremely silly. PPG dwarfs them.
After the PPG movie, Genndy was doing Samurai Jack, Clone Wars, Symbionic Titan, Iron Man 2, Hotel Transylvania, and winning awards like a bamf. Now he's doing season 5 of Jack which is likely going to single-handedly save animation in the west.
Craig's been eclipsed by Lauren for her success with FIM, at least for now.
It's a big squid.
Alright, yeah, recently. However, they did try in the past user.
Sex isn't a one time experience.
Wel he made ppg that was awesome, but then he stained his perfect record with a bunch of milquetoast piles of crap.
>listening to podcasts
Forgive me for not being so into Faust's life and wanting to know everything about her. Point being, they did try in the past to have a kid and she miscarried back then.
Because he seems like a genuingly nice person and one of the few in the industry i wish no ill will towards
Nineth of September 2016. Check Nick's Youtube.
Although, she did miscarried in the past around the 00s, 2006, if I recall. She discussed it on her DeviantART.
It's a major bummer that CN ruined his magnum opus of a show.
It's like He's sitting there watching his show being fucked by ugly people with poor writing skills.
Why does Craig look tired all the time?
She has a kid now user, the meme is over now we just make fun of her inability to maintaing a job
It's being this way since he was 20 you can see it in Space ghost interview
>Sex isn't a one time experience.
>Craig's been eclipsed by Lauren for her success with FIM, at least for now.
But she quit/got fired after less than two years.
nuPPG will be forgotten in time. truPPG will be revisited for many years into the future.
His brother Phil is even better.
So that's why everyone on /mlp/ refers to her pony OC as Ms. Carriage
>created PPG
>creates Foster's
>created WOY, despite having fought with Disney to allow the show to be serialized
>won a minimal victory for Season 2
>although he's a well-experienced veteran who got his start in the '90s, still genuinely cares about interacting with fans by being active AF on social media (Twitter, Tumblr)
Craig McCracken is a fuckin' B E A S T !
Has anybody asked him for some footage of the original pilot yet?
He made Alex Hirsch feel so sexually inadequate it became a major recurring plot point in Gravity Falls.
>when you BTFO another guy so hard he ruins his big break over you