Each board is allowed a single meta thread. How can Sup Forums be improved?
Each board is allowed a single meta thread. How can Sup Forums be improved?
bring pony back
the kinds of people who still get triggered by that 7 years later are not the kinds of people that make for a healthy community
>SU threads still exists
By taking a new census on the age numbers here.
delete /aco/ and bring borderline porn threads here.
Fuck no, that's a containment board. Without /mlp/ they would be flooding to God damn near every board. Shit they already give a little on Sup Forums because it's pretty much /soc/ but with even shittier content. Even when the board first arrived people still couldn't keep it in their pants when they were browsing other boards.
Delete /aco/ full stop.
It's such a arbitrary distinction between it and the hentai boards.
It could literally be a general on /d/.
I suggest we alter GR 15 so that pony can only be posted on Sup Forums.
We need to thin out this board of all the crybabies.
You can't post western art on /d/, it's part of the reason why /aco/ got created.
Separate capeshit and cartoons, I'm tired of browsing through countless capeshit threads that i'm never going to open.
There have been suggestions to make a /cape/ board since there is enough material to have its own board. Not sure if that's a good idea.
>Each board is allowed a single meta thread
>Implying hiroshimoot care.
You know why most board don't have their "allowed meta thread"? Because they are useless, they always end with people saying "ban thing I don't like" and the people who like those thing saying "no the thing is good, we should ban those thing". And at the end nothing is done, because Hiro don't fucking care about anything but the Sup Forums pass money.
>putting comics and cape movies together
Might as well call the board /tv2/. The comics would just be drowned out by all the stupid cape movies that should have just been banned to Sup Forums in the first place.
It'll solve both of Sup Forums and Sup Forums problems.
Fire the moderation team and hire anew.
You can't have fun anymore, threads with screenshots from the actual films or tv shows being discussed can be deleted for even the suggestion of lewd or simply having an anthro character in it. Hiroshima Nagasaki also doesn't care and is a bad owner, so the site itself is going to get fucked eventually or splinter even more.
How exactly does it solve the problem for the comics?
You have to remember that not every comic is a cape comic.
comics are dying out anyways.
And what do you suggest we do to all the people who are pissed that they can't talk about their comics?
It would be like deleting /toy/. You can't just remove an entire group of people when they were part of this site for years.
It's not like you won't be able to post comics in the new /cape/ thread anyways. So what's the problem?
>How can Sup Forums be improved?
Kill the mods, board wars now!
I've been saying it for years, but Comics/Manga, Cartoon/Anime makes more sense. It's impossible considering the way Sup Forums's hunkered down and Sup Forums has wandered away, but it would be for the best long term.
Throw in live-action /cape/ while we're at it, clean up Sup Forums and Sup Forums equally. That shit trend is here for the next 3-5 years, at least.
Because cape movie posting would drown out everything else.
It almost already drowns out both cartoons and comics. It becomes a huge problem for this board every time a new Marvel and DC movie comes out.
I don't want weebs mixing in with my children cartoons.
This it will get rid of so many faggots
Keep /mlp/ but allow say pony reaction images
Anime website.
Meme website
>I've been saying it for years, but Comics/Manga, Cartoon/Anime makes more sense. It's impossible considering the way Sup Forums's hunkered down and Sup Forums has wandered away, but it would be for the best long term.
This would never work. It would piss off everyone on this site.
It would easily be Hiro's greatest mistake if he were to do this.
I feel like Sup Forums and even Sup Forums could use another board just for generals. I'd consider this board a bit slow but a lot of threads get archived because there will be 8 star vs threads and 3 of them are listed as star general and the other 5 are dumb questions like "what does stars ankles smell like also star vs general" they push out slower threads. This also happened with SU stuff. If we cut out multiples of the generals other threads couple survive longer.
We should also have some detailed rules about things like whether or not we can discuss live action shit if it's based off of a comic. A lot of threads get detailed because people will either shit post or argue about how a thread should be on TV because it is not a comic or cartoon.
I'd love a story time board but I don't think it could get enough traffic. I always feel bad when a story time gets archived before it finishes because it's not getting bumped since people are reading it more than commenting.
Ban the mods/janitors. They are the cancer of the board
>I feel like Sup Forums and even Sup Forums could use another board just for generals
Like /trash/ with /sug/, /tlhg/ and the gumball general?
No it doesn't make more sense.
What if you are reading a storytime of GL and someone wants to mention the GLtas version of Red Lanterns?
You're just gonna go "you have to go to cartoon/manga for that"?
HELL NO you're gonna mention it on the board you are on, and the people who aren't fans of it will get assblasted cause "not on topic".
It's the same whenever we talk about Godzilla or Muppets on Sup Forums.
This grey area that is tollerated cause of large fan overlap and shat on by a vocal minority and possibly a Mod who isn't a fan of it.
The overlap of manga and comics simply isn't as big as the overlap of anime and manga.
It'd make no sense to break up the bigger overlaps.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums prolly aren't big enough to warrant general boards like Sup Forums needed.
And if we get a generals board would storytimes go there or stay in Sup Forums?
Either way the viewers are divided and less people are being exposed to comics they aren't realizing they're missing out on.
>Ban the mods/janitors. They are the cancer of the board
Are you suggesting that they are kill on every board?
I'd probably go with /cog/ instead of /trash/ but I feel we have so many of the same generals because a lot of people don't want to look through the catalog to see if there's already a general up. if there's a general board then there will almost always be one. it could be filled with things like /sug/ /gbg/ /atg/ /dcug/ etc.
Gumball is fine
I don't think we really have enough generals to make a whole board just for them.
Also with /trash/ we are allowed to post nsfw fanart if it does get made which a /cog/ prolly wouldn't do.
It has to be a NSFW board without mods. Like /trash/.
I definitely think too many of the same generals is a problem for co and more of the discussion based threads and story times get taken out too early because of them. I'd think that storytimes would go on the normal co but that could beasily easily fixed if each board is clear on what it should have.
I feel like those changes would be more feasible and effective than "ban all mods or ban this show is don't like"
Find a way to permanently get rid of Barneyfag
I think we have a decent amount. if we had a generals board I think we could have more generals develop like maybe some comics generals for some of the bigger books. it just feels like the mix of generals, discussions, and story times make Sup Forums too cluttered and none of the 3 are as good as they should be.
>ITT people suggest ideas but everyone just says how they won't work and so nothing gets done.
Still the way it is setup now where some generals are sent to /trash/ when there isn't new things to discuss.
I mean it is practically a quarantine that will only make the crazy grow, but that can be said for a general for any board.
And it has felt like Mods in general have been able to catch obvious bait threads a lil bit better than before, but could always be improved.
Honestly I just don't know what needs to be changed. I mean this board ain't a Utopia but it ain't constantly on fire (except maybe in the summer when the shit teen trolls spam cape movie bait).
That's impossible
>I feel like those changes would be more feasible and effective than ban all mods
No, user. The "ban all mods" is necessary. Some shows and topics are not allowed because the mods.
>No, user. The "ban all mods" is necessary.
That would not work. If a board had no mods, it would attract every shitposter and cheese pizza would be posted everywhere. It would be Sup Forums, but worse.
Allow some lewdness. This is Sup Forums for fucks sake. Look at Sup Forums and go into any thread and you'll probably see a risque image of a character be up for like 2 days.
>That would not work
What is /trash/?
Is anyone here a regular for /VG/?
I mean if we really need to know how well a general board will go, let's look at the one that already exist as evidence for/against it.
Delete /aco/
Ban waifufagging
Ban live action capeshit
Public executions of all janitors to be replaced with competent one
Keep /mlp/ but allow one or two threads + reaction images.
Bring back greentext.
How much lewdness are we talking about?
This is important.
I think if there's no actual nudity there should be no problem
A board that that has Mods when it is absolutely necessary.
>Implying greentext even left
And waifufag is part of the fandom even outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Be like trying to ban alcohol in the US. We are far too used to it.
fire all the mods and jannies and hire competent ones
What does deleting a board accomplish?
/aco/ is not our board, user. We need a good porn board. Something like /trash/
>I don't like X, so I think it is appropriate to remove it
That's literally it.
It's like when people bitch about Mods/Janitors. They just want to replace or remove them entirely just because they can't act like a faggot on Sup Forums.
Or at least make /adco/
Dubs aside, that raises up a number of questions.
Is implied sex allowed if there's no actual nudity?
Is under/side boob allowed?
Are pics where the naughty bits are conspicuously missing allowed?
These questions are important to me, at least
Make Star the new mascot of Sup Forums because she's literally the best waifu ever and everyone needs to know it.
Are cartoon furries allowed?
replace shipping with a purer form of love like physical abuse and murder suicide.
people want them gone because they're shit
they'd rather focus on specific threads and delete things they don't personally like rather than look for actual shitposting
She is not Nicole or Marco
Just look at this cutie. She just wants to brighten your day. A whole 'nother level of top tier waifury. Bless her. Bless her soul.
Furries are not allowed, but Funny Animals are