Name one superhero who can defeat a 1000 degree knife.
Pro-tip: You can't.
Name one superhero who can defeat a 1000 degree knife
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Human torch
Batman with prep time
But a mere stick would break in two wtf
>can 1000 degree knife cut through Mjolnir
Great, he just made the knife hotter. We are fucked.
And then there'd be 2 sticks, babe
stick can't lose
Then it would have to face two sticks!
Iceman when he comes in terms with being gay.
the stick would burn into ash
Inferior to the RHNB.
Now you have two sticks against knife.
It's go time.
Superman unless the knife is magic or made of kryptonite I guess, Iceman (he'd freeze the knife, cooling it down), Cyclops (beam it out your hand), Punisher (shoot you at range) Wolverine (adamantium)
Oh, and not a hero, but Magneto. It's still metal, hot or not.
This trend is really quite annoying now, IMO. Not only are all the thumbnails crap shops and showing the idiot placing his finger on what is meant to be hot steel, but it being a knife makes no difference. Molten metals, red hot nickel balls, muzzle brakes, the heat is the main source of "cutting", not the knife. And all those videos came first, yet didn't get their e-dick sucked by Youtube for whatever reason.
Also, what kind of degree? Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit?
But that would just be facing tons of little stick ash particles.
>spoiler text
I assume you got a kick out of this video, then, eh?
The knife is whatever temperature scale you want it to be, bby.
Ash buries knife, extinguishes heat. Stick wins.
what if it was a linoleum knife
These videos are so boring
he stopped making knife vids and now does liquid nitrogen vids
I take it the only reason he hasn't been pouring it on that knife is because the world would be destroyed?
Name one faggot who needs to go back to /reddit/
no, ash is a great insulator
knife would stay hot, it's a deadlock at best
I like how iDubbbz always takes it too far and it's obvious H3H3 doesn't want to work with him anymore.
mr domino
Not really, I'd rather just kick the people in the video.
But what about a scale I just made up where 0 is defined as 'the temperature of a glowing knife'?
Mother of god.
Ah, another totally original concept that has not been done.
I mean, except for all those other people who did it.
MrGear is a fraud
Fire Sweet Fire really invented the glowing knife in 2014
what about hotshot?
But can /reddit/ defeat the 1000 degree knife?
1001-degree-knife Man
But what if you give the 1000 degree knife to Sideshow Bob?
what about 1000 degree knife vs liquid nitrogen tank
cant aquaman do it with water, cooling it down?
Iceman or Superman and his Ice Breath
Teddy's hammer
the WALL. the heat will just make the bricks even harder.
I got the opposite from it, idubbz feels very much on the spot and pressured around ethan.
He just throws in his freezer for like 20 minutes.