In which it all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
IT HURTS!! 461: You're Crazy
Wow, this really was a great punchline to the concept of hell.
What the fuck is going on???
>I know
It hurts to read this sometimes.
>It hurts
>It Hurts
>Best Jewfu in danger
God damn, you can see the exact moment her heart breaks
Well it did get its own panel. Still though, goddamn.
Gob is taking a knife to all of us.
Kate is either faking it or is a fake herself. Going by the previous pages she'd be suspicious as all fuck. Even her mom knows somethings up.
Hey Gob you browsing autist: Only hypothetical, duh, but would you love to get a One Punch Man treatment like One did with a Murata equivalent that can keep the ugly charm when it's needed?
Also what's your favorite Jojo part you referencing meme-lover?
Fuck Katie. So what if Pasq didn't believe her? She of all people should know what it's like and not even for a second has she stopped to hear him out at least. After all the shit they've gone through and seen, apparently this is just too unbelievable. I don't feel bad for her at all.
>but Ally forgetting Poop hurts the most
Also thanks Gob for uploading that song I asked you too. I see your patreon has gone down and I'll contribute once I start my new job.
She's hiding something. Investigating behind the curtains so no one catches on to her.
Then she gets erased from existence because why the fuck would the best couple keep on going in a webcomic called It Hurts. We're just gonna get Auroqualo.
No, Pasquora sounds better.
>why the fuck would the best couple keep on going in a webcomic called It Hurts
Gob, you better not fuck with Mark x Trisssh.
She was too accepting of everything when Pasq met up with her again and she forgave him. Either something happened between riding off with party bird/her family and her next appearance in class or that page was to show that Katie is changing from her 100% conspiracy attitude.
>mfw I thought the last update hurt
>my fucking face this update
gob no
please stop the pain
The worst part is that they're literally in HELL right now, the laws of physics are probably whatever Satan says they are. Some kind of impossible bullshit designed to make Pasqualo suffer specifically shouldn't just be believed, it should be assumed to be true.
He's in Hell.
Wow, this really is Hell.
>this image is just a little over a month old
How did it all go so wrong?
I'm kind of suspicious of how characters other than Pasq are obsessed with school.
It amazes me how a comic featuring silly shit like space rhinos and a cult based on loving turtleneck sweaters can bring a real gutpunch
I can't fucking deal with the thought of my waifu Trisssh having Mark's penis inside her.
>golly guys, hell doesn't seem like such a bad place!
>everything seems to be looking up!
>in hell!
You got your hopes up. You let Gob take you for a ride.
I always suspected that it was gonna be a case of it being Pasqualo's personal hell, and everything was gonna start falling apart sooner or later... but damn, this hit really, really hard.
She doesn't - Mark is like an adoring pet / slave. She still wants that Pasq D.
Although as a hell monster of sorts, it would be interesting if she remembers Poop, has some sort of insight into all this. Although I suspect that everyone is an illusion of sorts, and its really just personal hell for Pasqualo.
That logic is flawed, because she can't prove that Pasqualo isn't also right in what he's saying.
>She still wants that Pasq D.
Not anymore now that he's not a god.
She totally got attached to him - she wouldn't ditch the harem that easily.
In my heart I wanna imagine this as a Star Wars reference to distract us readers from being crying idiots over a webcomic who's sad moment is about a dog named poop.
It's a shot in the dark, but I'm guessing if you die in hell the memories people had of you die as well.
Paq has some sort of immunity which is why he also remembers this little fuck on the last update while Kate only comments on how silly the name "peeplops" is. She never acknowledged the similarities so I'm guessing she doesn't remember who the fuck peeplops is supposed to be.
I'm talking out of my ass though.
Fuck. Still one of my favorite deaths (?) of all time. Comedic genius.
It's because all of this is Pasqualo's personal hell
You know, I loved part 4. I'm one of those anime-only cretins though.
As for the Murata thing, you know, I've had guest comics drawn by lots of way-more-than-competent artists and every time I see one, it makes me super happy. So, if somehow a skilled artist artist were to redraw the whole series I'd be very flattered.
>It's a shot in the dark, but I'm guessing if you die in hell the memories people had of you die as well.
A shot in the dark? It's literally spelled out in the comic you posted...
We'd miss your cute facial expressions though Gob
>in hell
>it's actually hell
I just fucking wanted tubsy to eat 150 hot dogs i didn't ask for this shit.
>Every person in Hell that seems happy has actually seen countless loved ones killed, they just don't remember it.
the Chemistry Teacher demon probably had a beautiful family once, now he just eats to mask a pain he doesn't even know he has
The hot dogs were always suspiciously emphasized. I knew something bad was gonna happen when Tubsy and hotdogs finally shared a scene. I just had no idea how bad
>tubsy will never be able to break his record
>not only that , but his previous record is also completely erased, now.
>when/if they remember they're gone, its too late
>tubsy and poop won't hear Ally's sobs and apologies
I guess you can say that it hurts!!
Peeplops was a real nigga. He really was too good for us.
That seems to be exactly it.
But, on the plus side, that means Pasq's dad must still be "alive" in hell (or heaven, if that worked out).
It's only when we forget about characters that they truly die. It's like pottery.
What if through Pas's memories can people who died in hell come back?
I don't care if it could feel like a cop out, I want a fucking happy ending.
Fucking hell, Gob...
>shot in the dark
Calling back to peeplops right before tubsy and poop bit it made it come rushing back all at once, that's how you do some foreshadowing.
But still, holy fuck I don't know why I let my guard down in Hell of all places.
I got balls of steel.
So gob, now that whatshisname is gone, who would be Ally's husbando?
Also, is Katie weeb enough to have a husbando/waifu? Who would hers be?
Katie would probably have a Tolkien husbando. I'd have to ask Grail about that haha.
As for Ally, I think that Tubsy was the only one for her. He was big and strong and chill and badass. He was her rock, etc. So right now I don't think Ally's even thinking of having a crush on anyone. Maybe The Rock. I mean she did have a poster of him in her basement.
Every few months I go through the archives of It Hurts, and I get a good solid laugh every second or third strip. Thank you for continuing with the comic all these years, Gob.
Here's the thing I don't get, even if they don't remember Peeplops, shouldn't they remember what Ted said?
No, it makes sense anything related to an erazed character get wiped out.
Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoy these goofy comics :)
Did you break your parole and get hauled back to buttprison?
I for one rewelcome my napkin overlords
pretty much :[
It hurts! Dakis when, Gob?
Here I go asking what "Dakis" means. What's this "Dakis" I'm hearing so much about right now in this precious moment in time?
Stuff like this to snuggle cuddles nights.
>Blue board
u dun it nao arry
>Pasqualo daki
So what are the odds of a happy ending to this webcomic?
20/1 odds?
>It Hurts
>happy ending
I'd make a fully clothed Trisssh one that was full of live bugs. The bugs that sting and bite and crap all over the place. But that'd probably violate some kind of law.
No comment.
Obviously gob is a gentlemen and he'd NEVER draw his female characters in anything so lewd.
But the MALE characters:
>Pasq daki
>Tubsy daki
>Papa Triangulini daki
>Party Eagle daki
Those would be a good start.
Though, really, an Ally daki could be super fucking cute.
You are no fun, Gob
So Gob which character you miss drawing since you have to focus on the Hell plot?
Lava Spider? Turtleneck Dad? Zombie Elvis?
>Tubsy daki
You would have to buy 3 of them and have them all lined up to make it.
Even now, I'm banking on a follow up called "it STILL hurts".
HaaHAHSHAHA!!!! Nice!!! :D
Probably Turtleneck Dad and Partybird.
Do you guys think Pasq will manage to round up any compatriots on his way to heaven or is it gonna be a solo suicide run?
I just thought of something.
the verminous matron wasn't killed, yet, they don't seem to remember her either. Even if they don't remember her killing Tubsy, they should always remember her taking the Stairways to heaven.
Unless... Unless it's going to Heaven that make you erased from memories.
What if being killed send you to Paradise instead of simply being erased?
please tell me you actually did this as a Star Wars reference gob
Fuck this hits right in the feels
I did! I also did it in this one:
>a One Punch Man treatment like One did with a Murata equivalent that can keep the ugly charm when it's needed?
I've gone back to reading the earlier comics and it's true some of them could do with editing around in terms of layout and writing, but from 16 onwards they're all really winners. A 'Murata equivalent' sounds nice in theory, but it would be easy to overdraw everything so it looks out of place with the comedic writing. Would the beats per page be the same, or would the format be changed to a more traditional comic-page style even if it means killing the timing of the large dialogue balloons?
Personally I don't think the entire comic needs a redraw but I would love key moments in the comic getting that sorta stylized frame by frame vibe.
Like Hellbeast bursting from the ground or Jenny and Pasq's winter rap battle.
>Ends up alone with all of his friends abandoning him or thinking he is too crazy
>Goes to Satan to force him to get him into Heaven on a solo suicide mission
>After more dicking around Satan complies and sicks him on Heaven
>Pas and his mom cause shenanigans in Heaven while he also gets to fuck around with them in the process
>Just as planned
Gob did you actually draw this
No that's not me.
Oh okay thanks
>tfw we're deep into the Hell arc and the other school principal still hasn't appeared
I luv u Gob, semi-homo
Pasq dispatched him way too easily on Earth, I always felt like there was more too him. He's really gonna have his chance to shine in Hell.
Hell, Katie's gotta fool herself.
Murata style equivalent probably means that it respects the original work as much as possible. Obviously some things can't translate over like the fact that Murata can't draw with One's endearing shit style even if he tried.
But It Hurts is more like Mob Psycho 100. It's the better drawn series and when they gets serious, One/Gob make fantastic pages.
The spread in that one is one of Gob's best
A while ago I asked you what pop pop Pasqualo's spirit of choice was. That being bourbon, and especially considering today's comic, I tried to capture the spirit of It Hurts!! in drink form.
It tastes like a burning orchard.
For the people you hurt.
Cedar smoked Buffalo Trace bourbon. Honeycrisp, chipotle, cinnamon infused Laird’s applejack. Honey. Lemon juice. Cayenne. Singed rosemary.
>Cedar smoked Buffalo Trace bourbon. Honeycrisp, chipotle, cinnamon infused Laird’s applejack. Honey. Lemon juice. Cayenne. Singed rosemary.
This is fucking beautiful, dude. Seriously. God damn.
I keep hitting the mute button but I can't stop hearing Kom Susser Tod, what did gookmoot do
I know someone who looks and acts exactly like Katie from the early days. Including the batshit paranoia. Except she's in her late thirties.
Every time we meet I can only think "I'm not crazy you son of a bitch"
Bruh, coming from you that means a lot to me. Thanks for the comic. Its been one hell of a ride so far.
HAHA WHOA!! That's awesome! I love crazy people.
No problem. I'm really happy you're enjoying the comic. And thank you for buying the books!
kk goodnight buds! Me so sleepy.
>I love crazy people.
until they start explaining things to you
she told me her computer had a virus because someone had rearranged all the icons and changed her desktop
i asked her to look at the menubar to see if her name was at the top
"It says Guest"