Are you ready for all the development Bryan Singer has put into his X-Men movies to become a playground for Ryan Reynolds?
Are you ready for all the development Bryan Singer has put into his X-Men movies to become a playground for Ryan...
Honestly, yes. Singer fucked up with Apocalypse.
Will Deadpool and Spiderman become Boyfriends?
I mean Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield already made out.
And they know about the shipping.
They pretty much want it to be Canon.
How would Sup Forums react to that?
Speaking of which, how did this website even react to Ryan and Andrew kissing? I don't see Sup Forums talking about it at all.
im ready for the xmen movies to stop and for them to get a long running game of thrones budgeted epic soap opera tv show in the mcu that they deserve.
Honestly, I stopped caring when they can go from the 60's to 80's and nobody ages.
Nigga please, unless Fox can make a three-way happen between sony and marvel, the best we can expect is a dollar store Spider-Man outfit worn by Deadpool. Plus points if he's still wearing the mask under the mask.
Spiderman won't be Deadpool's BF unless Fox can get rights from both Sony and Marvel to use him.
But I CAN still see Deadpool getting a BF in the Sequel.
What if Deadpool outright called out Singer's numerous indiscretions with underage boys?
>Patrick Stewart comes back to reprise his role as Professor X
>Instead of the character's usual demeanor, Stewart essentially plays himself, a foul-mouthed asshole who hammily railroads people into getting what he wants
Admit it, that would be great.
He could probably even make Wanted jokes.
Yes, that would in fact be great.
Deadpool 1 was great.
Why wouldn't Patrick Stewart doing what you just described in Deadpool 2 be great?
The X-Men movies had development? Even the old ones have aged horribly and are an embarrassment to anyone who actually reads comics.
I want Andrew Garfield to play a Spiderman parody character in a Deadpool film.
How would Fox pull that off?
my fucking sides
it's never going to happen, in the same vein everything risky in the movie was played for jokes the way it is treated in comics.
Straight guys buy dp and don't want to see him gay. so then you risk losing money doing anything different.
Different calculus from say Marvel who is hoping to keep china in play as reason for not adding gay romances. With rated R you're already handicapping yourself, so I don't see it. Reynolds knows the media will talk about deadpool if he mentions gayshit which is why he's gaybaiting. Same reason comic writers with dp did it yet he's never ever had a single sexual twist with a guy.
They joked about cable, thor(fem) and spiderman. new kelly run dp/spiderman is a bromance totally but played more like Rome and less like a show on Logo.
Spoderman parody?
Peter (Kid with spider powers whose last name is never mentioned) a masked MMA champion who takes bad advice from Deadpool.
Ends up getting his (father figure) killed by a robber he could have stopped had he not been fucking around with Deadpool.
Peter hunts down Deadpool to kill him.
Deadpool talks his way out of it during an EPIC FIGHT SCENE and redirects Peter to go after the robber (duh).
Deadpool movie where (Spidery Man) is actually the villain.
>look out im doc ock again!
I thought turning superhero franchises into a joke was WB's turf.
>Every scene has him speak his mind while using telepathy to make people hear what they expect him to say
>Only Deadpool notices because 4th wall/too crazy to psychic
it would be an absolute masterpiece
Well, Fox would be doing it on purpose.
>what they heard:
Boys, you must take care not to trample the flower garden while playing football.
>what he actually said:
This. He even fucked up Cyclops (again) so we probably won't see him again for longest time. Besides, Singer's X-Men sucks. Deadpool is literally the best X-film and actually felt like an X-Men movie.