I feel bad that children today spend their time watching a grown autistic man do nothing but bitch and complain about cartoons. He tried to make his own cartoon once. It was embarrassing.
Ethan Moore
Good luck having this up for more than an hour, they seem to disappear quickly. Not sure why?
Jordan Stewart
Pan is better
Austin Long
Josiah Gonzalez
Ooo damn. The fuck would it have even been about? Being an autistic internet reviewer?
Daniel Sanders
He's got legit autism, so that interference with his critiques.
Jace Carter
Really? What was it about.
Christopher Roberts
>"Good" Spongebob that low
Anthony Flores
Huh. I guess that does make sense and explain the fanbase...
Gabriel Martin
I prefer Pan Pizza
Luis Russell
>mlp >better than hey arnold, animaniacs, ed edd n eddy, etc
Jaxon Sanchez
Show me an internet critic who isn't a loud obnoxious asshole, Sup Forums.
Elijah Ortiz
Yee. I can't stand Pan's podcast, but his reviews and lists are solid.
Jace Kelly
At one point he reviewed Disney's failed attempt at making a short series in the likes of Oh Yeah! Cartoons.
I'm going to have to agree with him in that most were just fucking lame; he took a particular liking to one called Flip Flop or something like that, which revolves around kids and adults switching roles, so he tried to make his own version for a while.
It's about as shitty as you might expect. Look up Growing Around.
Connor Miller
Yeah this. I bet he placed Dan Vs. below Zatch Bell, MLP, Gravity Falls because "it's mean spirited"
Owen Bailey
Basically if kids and adults switched roles. He actually took the idea from a crap short from the Disney "Shorty McShort Shorts" series that aired a few years ago. His deviantart had some godawful concept art for it
Dylan Nguyen
I don't want to sound like an old man but I generally don't understand why "Internet movie reviewer" and it's subsets therof are popular. Like mst3k I get, the humor comes from riffing on a stupid movie the way a couple of friends would but all these guys seem to do is yell at the top of their lungs and nitpick. I honestly don't get it.
>Magic School Bus >Zatch Bell >Ozzy and Drix >In general, all these shows that are a weird stretch of time frames from the late 80s to present day that have no business being compared to each other All it needs is Thomas the Tank Engine and it'd be a textbook list of shows autistic kids pile together.
All I need to know, not to take this guy's opinions seriously.
Alexander Fisher
People like to lazily absorb information to talk about with others. Why spend more than 30 minutes trying to understand something when someone can just tell you? That way you can join the conversation a lot faster.
Angel Gray
Gotcha. Thanks fampai
Leo Anderson
Never knew Edd critiqued stuff on the side.
Aaron Thompson
His podcasts are better than most of his reviews imo. Pan's s huge faggot that I can't stand and the people he gets Are more likeable.
Nolan Perry
Why mention Zatch Bell? That's a pretty obscure anime, I rarely know any autists (Who like the other things and Thomas) who are huge weeboos. And most autistic weeboos like Naruto or Fairy Tail or something.
Noah Ramirez
KaptainKrisitan is good he's not really a "critic". He makes video essays where he talks about an aspect of a piece of media/franchise/entity but he's not reviewing it or (usually) criticizing it as a complete work.
Logan Robinson
I thought he cancer-cringed to death
Jaxson Price
True. I knew this, but I still dropped a link for the sake of sharing someone looks at media in a non-over the top way.
Juan Reyes
Who is this qt?
Logan Parker
Isaiah Rogers
Lisa Loud
Adrian Gomez
>School grading scale bullshit FUCK Any reviewer who uses this belongs in the trash
Julian Thomas
>Dan vs. (S1 & 3) What was so bad about S2? >Spongebob that low >MLP being anywhere on this chart
Kayden Reyes
He seems to be a self-important tit like most Youtube reviewers.
Joshua Bell
Can't fucking sit through his reviews. Too boring.
It's not a sin to make your review entertaining or at least enjoyable to watch.
Austin Clark
>Zatch Bell over Steven Universe That's correct
Aaron Murphy
he's a crybaby bitch boy.
Noah Fisher
I like that you have good taste, but this is unrelated shilling - no better than an advertisement.
Leo Clark
i like Zatch Bell but but it feels out of place in this. but aside from that the english dub didn't even end that show.
This image is from July 2014, with SU like 18 episodes in. Wonder how he'd rate it now.
Gabriel Jones
Ok, I actually watched this thing. "Admirable". As in 'better than average'. Yeah fuckin right. And at the end he literally lists a bunch of other episodes to watch. Cringe shit, man.
Eh, he's not bad, but some of his reviews can be really fucking grating. Namely his older ones.
Isaac Perry
I unironically like him.
Aaron Russell
Worst ''''reviewer'''' in existence
Oliver Hernandez
Jonathan Kelly
The ONLY Sup Forums reviewer I like. He's very informative, actually does his homework, knows his shit, entertaining and actually funny.
As for Sup Forums reviewers, the ONLY one I like is SomecallmeJohnny
Wyatt Gutierrez
Pan's videos have higher quality to them, which I respect, but I can't escape the feeling that it's all very cynical. The whole "I'm so cringey and awkward and I have a goth fetish" schtick he has seems like a forced meme he uses to be "hip with the kids".
Not to mention he comes across as very arrogant regarding his "connections".
Blake Howard
>Didn't even review the movie >just kept pushing a fucking strawman
Adrian Barnes
He's pretty great background noise
Nathaniel Howard
He said a critic that ISN'T loud and obnoxious.
Oliver Morgan
This fag is the very definition of a DCfag on Sup Forums >B-b-b-b-but Marvel
William Torres
Eh, I find his voice too grating for even that.
Dylan Gomez
Stay salty Marvelcuck
Ryan Johnson
Not just mlp, season 4 mlp of all things. Like damn.
Justin Fisher
>literal 7/10 rating scale fucking kek
(i know, i know, he's got another one that's like 0-5 or something.)
Jacob Carter
>LOL XD I'm pathetic and cringey
Though he is still my favourite cartoon reviewer and has good taste
Hudson Bennett
>billy and Mandy >lower than good FOP >lower than Steven universe >lower than zatch bell >lower than eddsworld Oh my
Caleb Jackson
It's still correct today.
Isaac Brooks
Angel Wilson
Dominic Morris
Being from different time periods doesn't mean they can't be compared, you fucking idiot. 70s QUALITY wasn't because of a lack of technology.
Jayden Jenkins
Meh, I've seen-- >gumball >chowder >dexter's lab >magic school bus >good spongebob >good fop >ed edd n eddy >dan vs >THAT FUCKING LOW He is LITERALLY SHIT.
Sebastian Perry
I'm a big fan [spoiler:lit]and friend[/spoiler:lit] with a guy called RedAbitbol but he's a frog.
Benjamin Perez
Why not? Gash Bell is good. I wouldn't know about the show, though.
Connor Johnson
I'm the guy from the last few threads trying to start his own channel buy having trouble not-hating his voice.
At this point, I think I should just make the video and ask Sup Forums for feedback right away, but the janitors might not be cool with self-promotion.
Juan Russell
I really want Mr. Enter on the Pizza Party Podcast so that Pan and Enter can get into a two hour argument on morals in cartoons.
A debate between Pan and Enter would be freaking beautiful but I doubt Enter would do it. He seems like the kind of guy who would agree to do it at first but then backs down at the last minute cause he knows he'll get wrecked.
Oliver King
>That ISNT a loud obnoxious asshole One or more of those is ticked my boy
Asher Jones
>Chowder and Gumball that low >My little Pony better then Ed, Edd n Eddy, Hey Arnold, Dan Vs. and Danny Phantom
Noah Martinez
>His internet persona isn't a character, like AVGN and NC are >All his outbursts, whining, and anger about some irrelevant entertainment are actually genuine
John Butler
I can't really see Pan "debating", though. He'd probably just invite Enter onto the show they can make a bunch of jokes at his expense a la Neros Q. I'm still bummed that it will never happen.
Wyatt Cooper
What's exactly stopping them though? Has either one said anything about the other?
Landon Cook
Pan is usually not the confrontational type but I feel that since Enter and Pan have such polarizing opinions and tastes they would eventually collide and start arguing with each other.
Mr. Enter would probably start most of the fights anyways.
Ryan Johnson
The funniest thing is that he thinks Jimmy Neutron is good.
Jeremiah Nelson
Enter's talked about how long conversations can really take a lot out of him and gives him headaches.
Logan Foster
Pan and the others talked a lot of shit about Mr. Enter on the latest episode of the podcast and Pan has commented on him in the past before.
I pray that Enter will be on the podcast someday and the shit storm that would result would be glorious.