I Dare you to Recast them!!!
I Dare you to Recast them!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd cast literally anyone else as Black Widow
>I'd cast literally anyone else as Black Widow
OK, Wallace Shawn as Black Widow it is, M8!
>The Avengers
>Starring Charles Bronson as Captain America
>Accompanying him is Charles Bronson as Thor
>With Charles Bronson as Bruce Banner
>And Charles Bronson as Iron Man
>Surprise guest Charles Bronson as Hawkeye and Black Widow
Sup Forums is not smart enough for this
Should have just made a waifu thread
Matt Damon as Captain America
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Iron Man
Travis Fimmel as Thor
Lauren Cohen as Black Widow
Movie Hawkeye could be literally anyone because they made him about as boring as you can make him
Steven Yuen as the better Hulk
kevin spacey as iron man
john malkovich as captain america
russel crowe as the hulk
mahershala ali as nick fury
laura prepon as black widow
john cho as hawkeye
i dare you to tell me you wouldn't watch this
And Richard Roundtree as Nick Fury
Only if Topher Grace finally gets to be Peter Parker.
No, I'm not a girl and this isn't a board for idol worship
Enjoy your thread queers
My nigger
>3 TWD actors
good god don't you know any others?
for someone who isn't a girl, you sure are an attention whore for going into a thread you don't care about just to make a post
Hasslehoff isn't doing anything, make him Fury again.
Tom Cruise as Iron Man
Clive Standen as Thor
Armie Hammer as Captain America
Emily Blunt as Black Widow
Jensen Ackles as Hawkeye
Ewan McGregor as Bruce Banner
At this point I'll watch anything with Ewan McGregor
Quite literally anyone else as Thor. Fuck Hemsworth.
I'll do what the MCU has been trying to do since 2008. I'll cast everyone as RDJ but give them slightly different personalities.
Even Trainspotting 2?
>Hasslehof as Fury
I'd pay to see that shit
M a n l e t s
That kinda talk will get you banned.
>Trainspotting 2
The trailer shows some great cinematography. Maybe it'll be worth it
>Malkovich as Captain
That would be very interesting.
>One of these is the most violent prisoner in Britain Charles Bronson. Guess which one.
Charlie Day as Captain America
Glenn Howerton as Thor
Rob McElhenney as Banner
Kaitlyn Olson as Black Widow
Danny DeVito as Iron Man
Leslie Jones as Black Widow
couldn't do it better myself
Mike Myers as Captain America.
Eddie Murphy as Nick Fury.
Tommy Wiseau as Hawkeye.
Rob Schneider as Bruce Banner/Hulk.
David Spade as Thor.
Adam Sandler as Iron Man.
Queen Latifah as Black Widow.
Didn't Marvel plan for Iron Man to be James Bond and be played by multiple actors at one point?
>Kaitlyn Olson
>Black Widow
More like Black BIRD, amirite
Captain America - Justin Bartha
Thor - Aleksander Skarsgaard
Iron Man - Lee Pace
Scarlet Witch - Nina Dobrev
Black Widow - Zoe Kravitz
Nick Fury - Ed Harris
Hawkeye - Jonathan Rhys Myers
Spiderman - Dylan Minnette
Ant Man - Ben Foster
War Machine - Lance Gross
Winter Soldier - Tom Hardy
Falcon - Laz Alonzo
Hulk - Adrien Brody
Black Panther - Chadwick Boseman (he's the only one I like desu)
Probably still very much in play.
Well, he did a Nick Fury movie for Fox back in the day... Late '90s early 2000s.
Timothy Dalton as Iron Man
Charlton Heston as Nick Fury
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Captain America
Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno as Bruce Banner/Hulk
Vincent D'Onofrio as Thor
I wouldn't recast all of them, but certainly some of them.
Bruce Banner: Edward Norton (but if I can't bring him back DJ Qualls)
Nick Fury: Liam Neeson
Hawkeye: Troy Baker
Black Widow: some Russian actress
And I would advise Chris Hemsworth to use a more British sounding accent, because he looks the part but doesn't sound great.
Hoff would've been good if Goyer hadn't screwed it up.
All of them played by Jai Courtney
>All of them played by Jai Courtney
as Captain Boomerang
>because he looks the part
No he doesn't.
It wont work
Hemssorth is a great actor. Just wait until Thor 3, we finally have a good director making one of these.
>Black Widow: some Russian actress
Oh come on, Scarlett's doing a good job.
>Hemssorth is a great actor.
He's the Gal Gadot of the MCU
How do you mean?
Batman has had half a dozen actors playing him and people seem cool with that.
Gal Gadot can act way better than Hemsworth
Jensen Ackles, as nearly happened, would've been a great choice for Cap.
Anyone would've been at least as good as Renner for Hawkeye.
Recasting SLJ seems pointless when he's playing the version of the character based on himself.
Henry Cavill
Will Smith
Jason Momoa
Ben Affleck
>Black Widow
Gal Gadot
Jai Courtney
>Nick Fury
Laurence Fishburne
This movie would be objectively better
>Captain AMERICA
>British actor
Go play in traffic
Gilbert Gottfried as Hulk
Just go with the people that came closest to being cast for each role.
>Armie Hammer as Captain America
>Sam Rockwell as Iron Man
>Alexander Skarsgard as Thor
>David Duchovny as Hulk
>Emily Blunt as Black Widow
>Jensen Ackles as Hawkeye
>George Clooney as Nick Fury (bit of a cheat here)
Henry Cavill is a national treasure.
>Quite literally anyone else as Thor
literally ANYONE?
your wish is my command
though the chain means he is really the absorbing man.
Batman has never had an "iconic" actor, though.
Robert Downey nailed it at the -fucking audition-. youtu.be
Funny thing, his audition is closer to the actual 616 Tony Stark, while the movieverse is mostly just RDJ's quirks worked in.
> it's bullshit, i did not shoot bruce i did nawt. o hai cap.
I honestly don't see why people give RDJ so much shit as Iron Man. He nails it every time, any problem should be with the script.
There were fake casts for the Avengers movie that happens in the MCU itself. Does anyone have those posters or magazine covers?
Iron Man - Ben Affleck
Captain America - James Franco
Thor - Margo Robbie
Hawkeye - Will Arnett
Black Widow - Mat Dammon
Nick Fury - Kristen Stewart
Doctor Strange - Matt Smith
Punisher - Thom Yorke
Deadpool - Harrison Ford
Vision - Paul Rudd
Spiderman - Steve Buscemi
Winter Soldier - Dave Chapelle
Black Panther - Kane West
War Machine - Donald Trump
Falcon - Christian Bale
Tyler Oakley - Robert Downey Jr
Ultron - Chris Rock
Thanos - Danny Devito
Darth Vader - Jason Sudeikis
Joker - Mila Jovavich
Groot as himself
Directed by Quentin Tarantino, Adam Sandler and Micheal Bay.
Screenplay by Kevin Smith and Fred Armisen
Produced by JJ Abrams
Puppeteer by Jim Henson.
A Stan Lee and George Lucas Production
Except Adam West, and arguably Keaton, both playing actors who played a superhero in later works
>Wallace Shawn
I'd fuck with it
Bendis as everyone
that would be 100% better
The first 2 IM barely had a script, most of the dialogue was improv.
>clive standen
Muh dick
I don't think anyone's saying RDJ isn't great as Iron Man. Most people that complain are just tired that he'd been so overexposed in the MCU, kinda like Wolverine.
Right? Just give him some blond hair dye.
>The Gang Gets Thanos Out Of His Chair
Keep telling yourself that, it won't be true, but you're more than capable of telling yourself that.
Johan Hegg as Thor, don't care about the rest.
Sebastion Stan as Captain America
>Hey Cap, why isn't Zemo in his cell?
>I shot him.
>Now I'm off to Tony's Fix It Shop; to fix Tony.
he is so ugly
Donald Trump as iron man
Summer Glau as black widow
Owen Wilson as captain America
Ben Stiller as hawkeye
Brian blessed as Thor
Stan Lee as the hulk
Nah, Clint Eastwood as Fury.
Most of these you can't take seriously because so many of the actors are way to old to be signed to the minimum three picture deal they would have to be signed for.
Bartha would have made a good Antman (far better than Foster, since Foster is a good dramatic actor and only a so-so comedic one) but he's too old from this list, ditto for Harris as Fury.
We already have a Manletman. We don't need a balding, dumpy, grossly overweight one.
Summer Glau would make a better Kate Bishop Hawkeye
Otherwise, it's a laughable suggestion which is what I assume this post was for.
>whistling intensifies
John hamm for Ironman
No more manlets
Wasp instead of Black Widow.
Alexandra Shipp as Cap
Zendaya as Thor
Becky G as Hawkeye
Ice Cube as Nick Furry
Steven Yeun as Hulk
Naomi Scott as Black Widow
Peter Dinklage as Iron Man
Yvonne Strahovsky - Jane Foster/Thor
China Anne Mcclain - Riri Williams/Iron Man(Heart)
Samuel L Jackson is Nick Fury
John David Washington - Cap/Sam Wilson
Emmy Rossum - Jennifer Walters/Hulk
Saoirse Ronan Hawkeye/Kate Bishop
Alicia Vikander - Black Widow
Cap - Scott Eastwood
Thor - Alexander Skarsgard
Iron Man - Zac Efron
Nick Fury - Kurt Russell or the Hoff
Clint - Jensen Ackles
Widow - Tatiana Maslany
Hulk - David Tennant
They're going to have to recast sooner or later anyway. They can't keep Stark in the suit forever once RDJ decides he's had enough.
>the prequels
Anything, user?
They're at least not as franchise-raping like TFA
Yes the main Vader plot was fucked, and that was the raison d'ĂȘtre, but it opened new interesting settings for the franchise
TFA just gave us a fucked-up recycled future where the OT didn't matter
>Brian blessed as Thor
Fuck you, I'd watch that
I could never take a movie seriously with those actors, they're literally all shit. That's probably one of the worst combinations of actors I've seen in the thread so far, thank god you're not a casting director.
Grass is always greener.
On Earth-2 where that is the lineup chosen and the series doesn't make it past Avengers 1, Sup Forums is saying the same thing.
I know, personally I like the prequels too in the way that they opened up the world for new potential. The movies themselves were kind of eh, with at least Maul's fight in TPM being watchable and ROTS being above-average because of memes, but I definitely prefer them to TFA also. We got characters like Maul and Grievous, and both the clone wars cartoon, amongst others, whereas TFA gave us an annoying british woman and Kylo Ren's surprisingly good character, presumably entirely because Driver seems like a pretty good actor rather than the script
That still doesn't make them GOOD.
Ewan does make it all worth it though
Will Smith as Thor
they'd all be strong black women.
The only one who's well cast is RDJ. Sam Jackson too I guess, but they literally modeled Ultimate Fury after him, so that's cheating.
>Batman has never had an "iconic" actor, though.
Sure he has. Difference is Batman is bigger than any actor that could play him - he's a cultural icon that's been around for 80 years. No one gave a shit about Iron Man and really no one gives a shit about Iron Man still, they just like RDJ as Iron Man, which is why a recast will never work. Once he's finally done with the character, Iron Man's popularity will fizzle out. There's a reason why they keep paying RDJ all the money in the world to stick around, they haven't made a movie that's broke a billion without him.
They should have switched Isaac and Driver's roles and played the Vader clone idea absolutely straight.
Did they think they were so clever making the new Vader a weak-ass wannabe? Jesus fuck that's the face of your franchise now, it just brings you down. Better a straightforward Vader clone like Darth Malak, and don't aim for anything deeper. They completely failed to sell his "inner conflict". Everything he does is evil.
>they haven't made a movie that's broke a billion without him
Technically not finished yet, but Spider-Man Homecoming won't break 900M