Post webcomics
Your favorites, ones you follow, old dead ones
Just post webcomics
Post webcomics
Your favorites, ones you follow, old dead ones
Just post webcomics
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Good punchline ruined by shitty art
but nedriod will always be the most superior webcomic.
it surely would put The Vinci to shame!
I still like Faux Pas. It's cute. It's one of the longest running web-comics left. I think it's newspaper strip format turns people off, even though they generally connect to one another and they tell a consistent story. It's nearly at its 2,000th strip and has been running since 2001.
Gay furry shit
Anders Loves Maria.
Didn't understand what it was about really till I got older. About a guy having a quarter life crisis.
I really wish I had the page when he decided to have a threesome with his friends teenage daughter and her friend.
and then the author stole money for books he agreed to deliver, and called it being responsible then blamed capitalism for his incompetence and threated to burn the books he had to ship, the reag quit leaving his friend to spend his own money to meet the agreements.
I.. don't remember that.. but then I don't remember a ton about this except wow neat writing, boobies, and then wonderfully tragic ending
i don't remember this one either. what was the robot doing? was this right before she got captured?
It's too bad this guy turned out to be a huge cunt.
why Tom Siddell and why is he dressed like hes going on a safari?
Thanks to the way back machine found page. Other pages don't' seem to be saved, though.
Has anyone ever heard of a comic called 5th and Main? A friend of mine brought it up but said the artist took it down because they weren't making enough and apparently it just disappeared from the web.
Well the english version, because I did manage to find the russian translation.
>old dead ones
the elder gods you say?
Because that's how he dressed?
There are no bad teachers, only bad students.
Botton right corner
Gone With The Blastwave is pretty neat.
Jesus Christ that alleyway. All the other artists should just pack up their shit and go home.
I miss it
Too bad it never fucking updates.
Maybe that's because it's finished.
It's not, he retitled the "ending" as "April Fools" and upload two more chapters since then seeming to continue on the story.
The man makes an excellent point.
I don't know why but this had me laughing like an idiot.
but then everyone thinks you're fucking your sister.
but does this mean tom sidell is a huge cunt too? what has he done?
Jokes on you, that's my fetish
>tfw no qt will ever call you bro
I do happen to remember this comic
>Extraordinarily sensitive guy gets his girlfriend pregnant
>Spends the entire comic getting his asshole licked by high-society Swedish people for being a popular photographer
>leaves his MUCH younger love interest, his child's mother, alone for the vast majority of the story to deal with pregnancy complications while he struggles with and complains about his cripplingly difficult life of fame, wealth, and having about a half-dozen beautiful women have sex with him while he's waiting for her to pop out his child.
>Expecting it to end with some satisfaction or justice, but the mother dies giving birth to this utter cunt's spawn and the last page is literally him smelling a fresh baby shit and saying it smells nice.
I have never been so disappointed and revolted at a character as I was when I read Anders Loves Maria
I unironically love these comics
>and having about a half-dozen beautiful women have sex with him
You meant to write men, right?
You were implying it's set in Sweden.
I honest to God thought that's where it was headed, like maybe THAT'S why this piece of shit is so moody and swooning at the misfortunes of life between literal champagne parties and orgies, but no he's not struggling with his sexuality, he's just the biggest slice of shit I've ever read.
This seems like a good thread to ask--there's a webcomic I've been trying to remember the name of, it was black and white or grayscale, with full-sized pages. The plot was this lady who spontaneously manifested the ability to see beyond the veil and starts seeing all sorts of fucked up shit. I think the early pages had her seeing a Biblical angel on her lawn? This was about 5-8 years ago that I last read it.
But at what cost? Pretty detailed art such as this is not compatible with a weekly/biweekly format.
It would be nice to know what the fuck I'm looking at.
some FLCL tier shit is what im seeing
Please post your wonderful 350 part furry sub-manga garbage that never improves user, it would give me a laugh at least.
No, it means that some cunt got butthurt over webcomics in general, and decided to insult him, because she's stupid.
>implying the Sup Forums edits aren't funnier.
I miss Zuda. DC ponying up money seemed to get more talented people interested in putting shit up on the web.
this looks cool
Supertron. It's a fun ride.
How does one get a webcomic popular or noticed enough for discussion around here anyway? If it just starts, posting it might seem like shilling.
How does one get popular or noticed enough for movie roles anyway?
If it's good, people will like it.
Yours probably isn't good, so that's why you're not popular.
>Yours probably isn't good
Post your work
I think this was when they were going to that underground furry club for those super enhancements.
The bartender was taking them to the back
this was a few arcs before the robot capture arc
Shill away my man. If your shits good no-one will mind if it sucks you'll just get ignored and you won't have lost anything
Go back to Sup Forums with your meme edits
God danm thats bad.
That's the original.
No its not. You're a liar, no big surprise.
I still consider this the real ending since it's so perfect. The april's fool is that the comic still continues
nice edit
That's not the original
I'm unironically happy for you user.
why did this happen
that line of whining isn't going to make your shitty web comic less shitty.
if you want to get popular with Sup Forums just add fetish wifus. your comic will still be shit but these thirsty virgins will be all over it.
They're not. Sup Forums edits are the same unfunny garbage every time, with only the intent to provoke consistently present in them.
Let's get some 8 Bit Theater up in this bitch.
Wasn't John Campbell trans tho?
what's the name of this one?
Tracy would be absolute god-tier if she didn't update once every ten years.
I agree this is the best webcomic that exists so far and I doubt it will ever be topped.
>with only the intent to provoke consistently present in them
You realize this yet still respond.
Sup Forums edits posted in non-Sup Forums threads follow the same strategy as:
>fag posts bullshit statistics
>someone else points out the bullshit
>"Well at least I started the conversation!"
Only with edgier politically charged worlds sprinkled in with repetitive "cuck cuck cuck"-ing.
because many people go into creative media because they are emotionally unwell and then form unhealthy relationships with their fandom that exacerbate their mental illnesses.
but but but, if I don't show that darn dirty troll whos boss I might have to step back and examine my life realizing that I have wasted so much of it dickjousting with other retards!
Oh, the memories.
I'll definitely check these out
Fuck you, I still like it
Post the r34 comic
You fuckers talk to me about not updating.
You fucking lightweights.
Say what you will about charby, but it was one of the first webcomics I read and the fact the creator is going back to redo the pages is pretty admirable
She just updated with 2 pages:
Charby's really hit or miss for me, some character arcs I could just not care less about.