>What is this thread? Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books. Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere. Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't). If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how. Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.
>Where can I find downloads for other comics? Warez forums/blogs (like AvaxHome), DDL-indexing search engines (like FileDiva), torrent trackers (like ExtraTorrent) and other P2P networks (like DC++). If a link has been posted on Sup Forums, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links). If all else fails, just >buy it.
>Where can I buy comics? comixology.com/ amazon.com/ On the various publishers' webstores, and at your local comics shop.
>How do I download from websites that only give me .exe files? Untick the checkbox under the download button.
>How can I find this thread every week? If you are using the inline extension go to Sup Forums.org/co/official or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding". If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line: /Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight
has anyone got assassin's creed 013? archive goes from 12 to 14 missing out said issue
Jack Smith
Anybody got a link to revolution? I can only find the prelude issue and desustorage is down.
Ryder Thomas
>desustorage is down. >desustorage Reread the OP
Nicholas Hill
>desustorage is down nigga you been in a coma?
Julian Brooks
From Any tip would be cool. I usually download it looking the network tab from the Dev Tools (Chrome) and it's boring since er.... 300 pages means 300 pages I've to download manually.
Jacob Price
Comic Movies
Jonathan Adams
No. Go away.
John Ortiz
>Groo Fray of the Gods #4 please
Dominic Cox
Dollars to donuts that MJ in the Spider-Man movie is doing the Hannah Montana thing where she's a TV star but going to school incognito.
Ayden Perry
... why do I think that would be cool? I never watched Hannah Montana.
Anthony Perry
>>And last but not least
Missing one week is your simple copy pasta error. Repeating is just sad stupidity.
Robert Ramirez
Skeptics #3?
Wyatt Williams
>Still no Sandman Overture TPB It's constantly on sale, i'd rip it myself if i could.
Grayson Parker
What would be the Sup Forums equivalent of Hail Hydra?
Benjamin White
If someone actually help me with that and I don't have to spend anymore more than 1h per weekly shonen jump?
Deal, fuck yeah.
Logan Myers
>The Punisher-Her Score Journal is still not scanned
Jackson Morgan
I feel like it would be something Code Geass related but I'm not sure.
Cameron Williams
Daniel Gray
Pretty sure the TPB has been released for a long time, though I can't be bothered to open dc++.
Caleb Foster
No TPBs senpai
Christopher Miller
The Sandman Overture Deluxe Edition (there's no 'standard' edition, at least not for sale as a digital) was released just two months ago on November 10th. No one has ripped it yet.
I suspect user above was asking because it's on a slight sale, at $12.99 versus $16.99.
I wouldn't hold your breath, the solo issues were $3-4 a piece; there's potentially 35-40 pages of bonus content, but nothing indicating in the description what the extra pages might be, even in the descriptions of the physical book.
It sounds like purchasing the physical is a better deal because a fair amount of the art is pull out oversized sheets (similar to the large pull out in Superman Unchained) that isn't as cool in digital - at least that's what several reviewers said on Amazon and Good Reads.
Michael Richardson
There's Titans, but is Teen Titans supposed to be coming?
Nope - all the DC books are finally out, here is this week's list.
Action Comics v2 #971 All-Star Batman #06 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #06 Deathstroke v4 #010 Detective Comics v2 #948 Earth 2 Society #020 Flash v5 #014 Gotham Academy Second Semester #05 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #012 Justice League Of America Vixen Rebirth #01 Justice League Power Rangers #01 Justice League vs Suicide Squad #04 Lost Boys #04 New Super-Man #07 Red Hood And The Outlaws v2 #06 Scooby Apocalypse #09 Suicide Squad v4 #09 (Justice League vs Suicide Squad Tie-In) Supergirl v7 #05 Superwoman #06 Titans v3 #07 Wonder Woman v5 #014
Chase Lopez
I need my DC Bombshells fix #78 is out today
Landon Walker
>Herald - Lovecraft and Tesla 003 (2015) (Foyle-DCP) HAIL!
Waiting on: World Of Tanks #4 Groo Fray Of The Gods #4 Grave Lilies #1
Landon Gomez
As someone that's never bought a trade before can someone tell me if DC's include the main covers for the individual issues and any/all of the variants? Specifically the new Rebirth trades?
Aaron Miller
Most of the time, DC includes the main covers (without text so you'll get a textless version (see my example - the Jock variant but textless for All Star Batman #1).
They do not always include all the variant covers. DC often, but not always includes some of the art. Their descriptions are pretty accurate and your LCS might have an open copy you can page through. I've yet to be to an LCS that didn't allow this for most of their HC trades and many of the TPBs.
You should get the digitals for backup here as those will definitely include both the straight cover and the variant.
You also need to watch out for the very few things which got extra covers. For example, Flintsones (even though not a Rebirth book) got bonus covers to their first issue in addition to the standard variant. Ditto for the JL v SS mini that's on-going now.
Eli Martin
Eli Rivera
Yeah I've been getting all the issues digitally so I have all the variants already but I'd like to have physical copies of some of them in a nice book (it'd be way too expensive to buy them all in their original floppies now though)
Can't flip through as don't have a LCS, I'm going to order online. Plus some haven't actually come out yet.
Kayden Foster
>was released just two months ago on November 10th Nov 10th 2015 But yes, this particular sale sucks ass, not even 25% off
Michael Lopez
Some of those Deluxe ones probably do have bonus content. You could always call one of the larger stores that sell on-line (just not order from them?) Midtown has an email address and an 800 number.
I've bought from InStockTrades and other people have mentioned them on line - they don't give a phone but their website has an email address - you can just ask, but typically for catalogue stuff not new releases, but those are their best prices. I don't think either will really be any cheaper than Amazon or any other place.
>that long thread about December sales got 404'd but why
Blake Campbell
No idea. It wasn't breaking any rules
Juan Edwards
Seriously?? One Punch Man vol 10 has been out in stores and on Comixology for MONTHS, and nobody has the hookup for a free scan? I can't even find it on google. Did Black Manta or whoever just give up after vol 9?
Luis Jenkins
Because Sup Forums rips the WSJ chapters. It's the same thing
Anthony Scott
Nathaniel Price
Also, why the fuck would they go with this shit as the regular cover: