Now that it's back, what do you think will happen next?
Now that it's back, what do you think will happen next?
What is this?
It's back? Like, for real? Shit, I hope we get more Calvin and Mordecai. They're both natural born killers working in unfamiliar operations and I'd love to see how they end up growing into their roles.
Lackadaisy. It's a webcomic about a bunch of anthropomorphic cats in 1927 St Louis (specifically, the owner of a once-famed but dying speakeasy, her staff, and their immediate acquaintances).
Known for being extremely gorgeously drawn and taking for-fucking-goddamned-ever to update because of that.
It updated like yesterday. We got more Mordecai this time around.
I'm alright with it taking a long time to update if the art actually looks good, if it does I'll probably check it out.
It's pretty fuckin' good man. The backgrounds especially.
Rocky is an interesting character to me. He is a blabbermouth that does absolutely everything wrong, and he hardly has anyone who fully supports him. He wants to prove himself, but nobody respects him or even wants him, and those who keep him around just wanna use him (not that they really believe in his capabilities). Normally, I would hate this guy for his inefficiency and annoying tendencies, but when I was binge-reading this the other day I found myself really rooting for him.
And now that I know how desperate he's become, I fear he's going to do something he'll later regret.
posting best mini-comic
its back?
yes. go check it out.
It'll go on hiatus.
A tornado's coming up pretty soon, so that should be fun.
>A tornado's coming up pretty soon
And it will not be a gentle storm.
Everyone talks about Ivy and Mitzy, but I think Lacy might be the cutest gal in the comic. A gal Friday at that.
So it goes full color. Weird decision after all these years.
I have been waiting for years for someone to get killed, besides the pig farmers and the guys Mordy chops up.
Why is that jewboy such a psycho anyways? It can't all be from doing books for the mob, and working for Mitzis husband. He must have started off life crazy as hell
The comic still isn't full color. It's sepia, with tones to highlight specific things and draw the eye. If anything, I'd say the color scheme is "faded photograph."
I fucking love Lacy and hate that there's so little of her. Her staying to work for the mad cat is a sign of a caring (or at least concerned) nature, and her taste in ascots is top tier. Plus, dat curly hair.
He grew up in a run down tenement building as the only son in a family with a single mom and three sisters. It was an environment that put a lot of pressure on him. And, yeah, he was probably born with an odd disposition from the start. The one flashback we have of him in his childhood has him pretty much exactly the same.
>He must have started off life crazy as hell
I think, like several characters in the story, that both circumstances and unwise choices have led him to this point.
This is great and Lacy a cute, but it's not VIKTOR WINS THE PRIZE
You must be one of the many Victor fangirls.
Honestly, "KAZOOOO?" before decapitation is my favorite part
Not that user, but Viktor is prime husbando material.
I love every mini-comic that he and Mordecai are in.
She's the most Capra-esque character of the whole show, and I love how she interacts with Wick.
Lacy bump.