Who is the most handsome comic writer?

Who is the most handsome comic writer?

Tom king?

Max Landis?



you sure ?

This stud.

Scott Snyder?

Jeff Lemire?

This cunt?

I made this thread as a joke but I think of all the dudes in the thread, Lee Bermejo wins

of course


Die. Please, please, PLEASE die.

not Kevin Smith

Greg Capullo wrote his own Image series The Creech, so he counts

forgot 90's era pic

Is that Sean Murphy?

Top qt


Frank Mazetta.

wonder how much those jorts cost

Are they even jorts if they go all the way down to your ankles?

Daaaaayyum I'd let him fuck me.

"Chicago Sports Enthusiast" Phil "UFC" Brooks

lol dude has like no muscles

The one with hair.

Dude just might have dethroned Clay Mann for Sup Forums's prom king.

No, he just needs to reduce his fat%
He's fine.


I feel so inadequate.

young Jack Kirby

Rob Liefeld

go to bed Rob, it's late

Scott Snyder has comic's most punchable face.

Nothing against his writing, he's good. But that's a face that needs punching.

Al Jaffe

Holy shit

I feel like Greg Capullo could make me his personal fucboi and there's nothing that I could do to stop him not that I'd try to top him ;)

I don't believe it. He could make
his bitch



Bastien Vives

pre KSD matt fraction was pretty handsome

>pre KSD
What did she do?

They've been married for 14 years.

Fucking DChads, I swear...

We need an updated version of this pic, with Capullo and Mahnke.

He looks like a goblin man
Is he part goblin

They wouldn't fit in the picture. Also, Clay Mann has the most chad look out of all the DC guys. Legit looks like a hit it and quit it guy but you'd still let him bang you and agree to be his booty call.

Dominic Cooper should play him in his biopic which will only come out after Stan Lee's dead

so never

why do you even ask?

This fine dudette here


Yes, there was a time when Moore wasn't 200 years old.

A trap.


literal man child

18 years old

This fine young animal.

He's real chubby now...

Holy crap he's hot.



I want to fuck him.
