>Marvel Comics will take advantage of the coming increased profile of one of its super teams in 2017 when it launches a new Defenders title.
>Brian Michael Bendis and Dave Marquez, the creative team behind the recently concluded “Civil War II,” as well as “Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man” and “Invincible Iron Man,” will bring Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist together for a new comic in 2017, even as their television counterparts prepare to join forces as Netflix’s first superhero team show. Announced via The Hollywood Reporter, the series will launch in June following an introduction in Marvel’s 2017 Free Comic Book Day offering.
Henry Anderson
>“You will get Jessica Jones looking out her window, street-level, and my return to Daredevil, which will be different than what I and Alex did before, and Luke and Danny, characters that I have a strong affinity for,” Bendis told THR of the series. “I spent most of the oughts being mocked for the love of Luke Cage. Now that Luke Cage is a household name, I just sit back in my chair and laugh and laugh.”
>“There are a lot of fans who will say, ‘Oh they’re doing a TV show, so of course there’s going to be a comic,’ but at least in this case, there’s a comic I can point you to,” Marvel senior vp executive editor Tom Brevoort told THR. “Read the last two pages of Brian’s ‘New Avengers!’ Certainly that there is a big new exciting Netflix TV show coming is a good excuse for us to get to that story that we planted the seed on.”
>“I wanted do a sprawling, Godfather-like epic at the street level of the Marvel Universe,” Bendis added, “really putting out hooks down and creating a modern, elaborate organized crime story that is different than what has gone before, but builds on everything that has happened to these characters, as individuals or as a team, and putting them in the hardest battle for the street that anyone can imagine.”
Jacob Jenkins
>Bendis writing Luke Cage
Was... was this his plan all along?
Benjamin Thompson
On one hand, Bendis is going back to street level, where he's best.
On the other hand, Bendis is making sure to attach himself to a synergy product again to make himself look better.
Brandon Cox
>Bendis writing Luke Cage >Bendis writing Daredevil >Bendis writing Jessica Jones >Street mystery book It's basically all his greatest hits together. No way this can fail. If he blows this one up, he seriously needs to start thinking about retiring.
Grayson Jenkins
People here hate Bendis. Anyone think this will still be good?
Nathaniel Price
Like others said, its 2 of his best written characters. And Luke Cage and Iron Fist. At the very least he's back in his element and not writing bloated crossovers or xmen stories.
Landon Ramirez
Something something ride, something something never ending.
Jaxon Ortiz
Bendis can actually write street level and write it well. This should be good great even.
It's literally everything else that he fucking sucks at and destroys. His street level work has always been some of Marvel's best. His other work their worst.
Julian Ross
>Bendis can actually write street level and write it well Don't make me laugh.
Isaac Richardson
I'm ok with this, Bendis is good with street heroes
Nathan Ramirez
>people actually feeling hyped for this
Jordan James
At least it's not F4.
Christian Cox
You didn't like his original Daredevil or Alias runs?
Colton Evans
He has had a number of great street level books, but there are also some stinkers. He's Moon Knight and current JJ, for example.
Austin Powell
>where he's best Moon Knight was ass Miles is ass Jessica Jones is ass
There comes a time when you have to stop parroting seven-year old arguments and analyze the output with your goddamn brain
Andrew Reed
>Ultimate Spider-Man hasn't been good in over 5 years >Daredevil and ALIAS were both over a decade ago
b-b-but Bendis is good at street level
Samuel Rodriguez
Not at all. They have all the flaws people usually point out in his works but now ramped up to 11.
Christopher Long
Also thinking this book will be crossover-free and won't try to be the most "important" "game changing" street level comic is just dumb
Leo Torres
DD was a fluke.
Evan Kelly
Even if that was true, Bendis is writing this just because it will have a tv show and the MCU isn't 616.
Defenders is the team that deals with magical problems that even Dr. Strange can't tackle alone. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Lastly that looks like a line-up for Heroes for Hire.
Camden Sanders
It was never good.
Brandon Adams
Meh. That's like complaining the X-Men consists only of the O5 not international heroes like Wolverine, Storm, Collosus, Nightcrawler etc. Or that the Avengers is the founding members not Cap, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye. Or X-Factor is the O5 X-Men as adults only not a government or corporate sponsored team with Mutliple Man on it etc.
Marvel has always reused team names for different concepts or completely changed their line up to be unrecognisable. There are arguments against this book that's not really one of them.
Noah Brooks
Who the fuck is keeping Bendis fuelled at this point?
Cameron Morales
The fans.
Nicholas White
>Bendis >fans
Nathaniel Watson
Sure, but not good at all with teams.
Joseph Fisher
How many goddamn books does this make for Bendis now?
Connor Ross
I'm complaining about the team's purpose not the members.
Do the avengers go around hunting shoplifters?
Gavin Baker
Everyone rushes to read the new bendis comic. The general conscious regarding him is bad right now so most don't say a thing or join in on the mocking until next time. He gets to pick and choose what he wants gets to work on, he hand picks his artists and his comics are always top sellers. Even when people shit talk his comics they only end up putting the spotlight on him more and more. See, if a thread full if mockery reaches 300 replies, even if most call the comic garbage, others will be inclined to check it out more than a comic with a thread of 80 replies.
Anthony Carter
This is the third Bendis pasta I've seen today.
Grayson Diaz
>“There are a lot of fans who will say, ‘Oh they’re doing a TV show, so of course there’s going to be a comic,’ but at least in this case, there’s a comic I can point you to,” Marvel senior vp executive editor Tom Brevoort told THR. “Read the last two pages of Brian’s ‘New Avengers!’ Certainly that there is a big new exciting Netflix TV show coming is a good excuse for us to get to that story that we planted the seed on.”
The fuck is that excuse?
Parker Cooper
>Read the last two pages of Brian’s ‘New Avengers And what were the last two pages, anyway?
Aiden Gray
>Defenders >Evil? Iron Man >Minority Iron Man >Miles Morales >Jessica Jones Powers comes out like 2 times a year, so it doesn't count Is any writer doing as many titles as he is?
Ryan Cruz
He hasn't written anything good in years, anons. It's time to give up the meme of "he's good as long as its street level!". His current Jessica Jones and Spider-man barely scrape "mediocre".
The majority of writers just stop being good after a while.
Caleb Edwards
I think we can all breath a sigh of relief, this is like a Bendis containment book. Power Man and Iron Fist is fucked but how much damage can Bendis really do with a book like this
Henry Anderson
It's not a pasta, retard. A pasta is something you've read before. All I wrote is the ugly truth.
Joseph Morris
"Nothing happens" the writer is doing many titles. How exciting.
Matthew Stewart
New pasta, yes.
Joshua Ramirez
It's not just that. He manages to destroy anything good he touches.
He is King Midden , everything he touches turns to garbage.
Jaxson Hughes
Since street level work is where he's best, and he did pretty well at writing Luke Cage in the past, it seems optimistic. If he fucks up here its the point of no return.
Brandon Flores
Stop it, bendis.
Gavin Barnes
That was half my point. As well as changing members Marvel will reuse team names for completely unrelated teams with different purposes and has done for decades.
Given Bendis' awful awful track record on things like X-Men and GotG there's plenty of reasons to hate on this news. That's not really one of them.
Leo Sanders
see the point of no return was ages ago
most writers just stop being good wolfman stopped being good, slott stopped being good, claremont stopped being good, simone stopped being good (her vertigo book is her only good one since pre 52 secret six), etc
Jaxon Clark
As long as Power man and Iron Fist continues I don't care.
Luke Wright
Yeah, but you still can read Wolfman and Claremont with a bit of endearment because of their past masterworks. Bendis and Simone? Not much.
Daniel Ramirez
read current wolfman and claremont stuff?
i think not
Jaxson Lee
Current Eolfman and laremint are just trash. Bendis was always shit. Current Simone(Clean Room) is actually good.
Daniel Lee
They can't be worse than Bendis or Simone.
Grayson Davis
>Benis written Defenders series for maximum Netflix/MCU synergy
If he manages to fuck this up I don't know if he'll ever succeed in comics again. This is his wheelhouse with his pet characters.
Wyatt Cooper
> Bendis messing up Walkers PM and IF only to ignore Danny and focus on Luke and Jessica
Chase Thomas
As bad as
Juan Kelly
Wait, that's not getting cancelled for this shit is it?