What would you like to see in Frozen 2 that improves and expands on the original? Be specific with your claims

What would you like to see in Frozen 2 that improves and expands on the original? Be specific with your claims.


Lesbian sex.


Hardcore lesbian sex. Incest optional but ref sisters had better double team any new character.



Origin story
Family history

Another blond hair blue eyed Prince for Elsa
Just too piss off shippers

R Rated

agree, i want a male lover for Elsa only for this too.

I want Elsa to get her coronation dress back because it's loads better than her ice dress. Also she should wear her hair up again.

>Not liking lesbian incest

Wow, what a normalfag & malefaggot

This, very underrated post

Slutty blue dress >>>>>>>>>>> Coronation dress


A Wrath of Khan type story where Hans escapes jail and tries to get retribution against the people of Arrendelle and their royal household but is killed by Queen Elsa's new love interest who is loved and accepted by the people for his kind, generous nature towards the populace.


This isn't a video game where gameplay carries over. The only thing to improve that might be the same between the two is the visuals.

Am I wrong for thinking that this relationship could actually work?

Can you please not be this much of a fucking retard.

A succinct allegorical tale of the limits of monarchical rule.

Redemption for Hans

What meme is this?

Indian money laundering videos