ITT: Batman villains better than the Joker

ITT: Batman villains better than the Joker

Do you really have the time to post half his rogue gallery?



Most of his villains are equally great. The Joker only became shit because he is so overused.

Nope Nigga has one story to tell.

So does Joker, in essence.

>Lord Death Man
>Deathstroke (I hate it, but theyre making it happen and DS is dope)
>Two Face
>Black Mask

Joker is a great villain when done right. These villains are just fucking amazing and are better.

Huge Strange and Hush are both villains that I personally find better than the Joker, but I admit these two are pretty subjective picks.

Scarecrow doesn't even make sense, he has no end game or real motivation