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Comics #897
Star vs. Evil
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Who can defeat him?
How did this make you feel watching it for the first time?
Binge Thread
Adventure Time Bubblebowl
Uh well then
Marvel To Liquidiate Almost Fifty Omnibus Titles To Comic Shops
Is this what a Western Harem looks like?
He comes across an attractive woman who has obviously been raped and/or abused
I just read the first trade of the new Green Lanterns series and
You guys remember the episode where Jimmy installed a fleshlight in BroBot?
Everyone come my office now. That includes you Boco
Lil or Angelica?
Justice League: Damage Control
The Bellybuttons Update Storytime: Comeback Edition
Riley needs Abilify
Next Animated from DC is Teen Titans
Ultimate Clone Saga Storytime
Are my fellow Carolfags enjoying her new series? I think its a lot better than Kelly Deconnick's run so far
RWBY/RT Thread: History Class Edition
How would the King of the Hill cast fare in a zombie apocalypse?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Larry Hama?
ITT: Artists you can't stand
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Archie Storytime: Jughead #266-275 (1977-78)
Powerless Talkback?
The Boys Pt. 7
Storytime: The Cartoon History of the Universe Book 1 Volume 4
Comics have always been political
Nobody ever seems to talk about these, which is a damn shame because they're hilarious
Higher tier fire = electricity, higher tier earth = metal, higher tier water I assume is ice. . . What's air's deal?
Claim your waifu and husbando
So Marvel is done with shoving politics in comics...
Star vs thread
DC wants to spice up the Superman books by giving him a new, unexpected love interest. Who do you pick?
The biggest Mary Sue in comics
Fuck Jerome
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Why does Sup Forums hate Westaboos so much?
When did Homestuck jump the shark?
Would Fabien Mense's style be considered "tumblr"?
There is LITERALLY nothing better than a big tall muscular strong girl (male)
Why are there so few kids cartoons with 22 minute episodes these days?
DT Thread
6 AM
Why do I love this gif so much?
Harvey Beaks
Redesign Thread
What was Jimmy diagnosed with?
Will Wally save Iris?
Jason Biggs or Seth Green?
As a result of both reality-warping and magical shenanigans caused by an unknown force...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What heroes have canonically fucked people from their rouge's gallery?
Garbage cartoons thread? Garbage cartoons thread
Are you staying consistent with your diet /fit/? What you cooking
DC Superhero girls
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Star vs thread
In today's episode of Marvel shills Carol
Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
I was the guy who storytimed Dawn of the Dead and Bigfoot. I've got another horror comic here called Wake the Dead...
So there's this show, right...It's got this eeeh, cat. But, eh...It's a little boy. And his brother, turns out...
R-rebirth is a failure!
RWBY/RT Thread: Check'em Edition
Crossover Thread
What's the furthest comics can go before readers complain about it getting too political?
Marvel Rebirth
You will never have a gf like becky
Sup Forumsncept Art Thread
Is there a more kino villain song
The 'Batman' Movie Gets New Script, New Director, And Likely 2019 Release
Injustice Year Four - Ground Zero STORYTIME
Velma seems different here
Image Week 2 Storytime: Astro City
Things people forget about comics
Ava's Demon update
How does it make you feel?
>"You think you're the only hero in the world?"
Who is Sup Forums's favorite Swat Kats character?
Was Harley Quinn meant to be Jewish?
>Avengers does the Superheroics
Lost Media!
ITT: Small details
Star vs. the forces of aaaaaabs
I was thinking about the Simpsons episode "Homer the Heretic" which portrays religion in a pretty unquestionably...
Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs
Depressing comics
Objective Season Rankings
Stop and think for a moment, Trump wants to deport and ban this person just because she's Muslim
Judge Dredd was prescient
Duck Avengers #3 storytime
The LEGO Batman Movie
What's your favorite batsuit, Sup Forums?
A fucking leaf Edition
Official Worldwide Teaser 2
Reaction image thread
Is this as great as places online say?
It's a full moon tomorrow
Is there an american animated movie that isn't about "being yourself"?
Raven & Starfire thread
Danny doesn't choose revenge over immortality
How does Sup Forums feel about this show?
Why doesn't he just learn magic?
Post your favorite romance tropes and RaTTatar will bless you with a gf
That's not his leg
You are walking through the street and this guy blocks the entrance to the comic shop
The Lego Movie retrospection
Remember in The Rugrats Movie how Tommy was literally going to murder Dil?
If you're ugly, you don't deserve love
Samurai Jack
This show had the greatest opening of all time
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
Why the fuck do people like this show?
Jonah Hex Storytime - Tallulah Black 10th Anniversary Finale
If heroes want to hide their identities so hard why don't they just crossdress?
Why don't we see more big girls in comics, Sup Forums?
So, she put her brain, her personality, her memories into a computer. thats nice
ITT: Obscure waifus
Why did Nick freak out so badly when she was reporting...
Ctrl+f "samurai jack"
It took the Inhumans this long to realize why the X-Men were mad. Are we the baddies?
Why is Marvel so against these two getting together?
Where were you when CW cast a Samoan as the whitest guy in comics?
Daredevil Storytime (Part 3)
Star vs. Evil
Superman Vs. Mr. Incredible?
Black Widow #11 Storytime
Suicide Squad #11 Storytime
Green Valley #5 Storytime
All New Wolverine #17
RWBY/RT Thread: Fantasy Becomes Reality Edition
Is Katara fun?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What would you change in the inevitable reboot?
When will this reboot die?
Rock Dog
Why did they ditch the evil genius shtick and turn him into a flaming faggot?
The Clone Storytime Part 11
If you started a cartoon, which station would you want to pitch it to?
Is there any conceivable way that Batman could beat Spider-Man in a fight?
Bravest Warriors Thread
So apparently this dropped today, and since Empanon died before doing vol. 9 and the last few one shots...
File name thread
So in this incredibly expected conclusion we discover the straight white man was the villain all along! Long live the...
Your first day at Strickland Propane
Rugrats needs a soft reboot on it's series
Modern Day Bank Robbers
Arrow talkback thread
Warning incoming game
Describe yourself with one picture
What happened?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
This has so much potential
How casual is Sex at Xavier mansion?
Star Vs Thread
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
Any kids shows that i can watch with my kids
/sveg/ - Star vs. General
Who is it Sup Forums?
Rosianna Rabbit
Why isn't this canon
Endtown 2017-02-08
What the fuck happened to Cartoon Network?
Jessica Jones #5 storytime
Adventure Time
Citizens in the Marvel Unvierse have t-shirts of Spider-Man
Spider-Man: Homecoming toys
Who was in the wrong here?
Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #6
Kingpin #1 storytime
What's Sup Forums's verdict on this comic...
The Great X-Men Storytime - Legion Special
Castlevania animated series coming to netflix, Seasons 1 and 2 written by Warren Ellis
Injustice 2: Darkseid Is (A Pre-Order Bonus)
It's happening
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Archie Storytime: Jughead #256-265 (1976-77) part 2
Jonah Hex Storytime - Tallulah Black 10th Anniversary Part Deux
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
General WTF Thread
Steven Universe (2017) #1 Storytime
Civil War II Chronological Storytime Part 8
Red Sonja #2 Storytime
Magic School Bus Thread
How did an actor that was invited to be on a show by one of his friends to portray the most uninteresting Flash Rogue...
Injustice Year Four - Ground Zero STORYTIME
How do you make horror elements in comics work?
Favorite Sup Forums films?
Justice League trailer soon implies Gal Gadot
I'm not a screamer
RWBY/RT Thread: Appropriate Erections Edition
Only 20 minutes of screentime
Edgy heroes are better than others, prove me wrong
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract - Trailer Debut
The funniest Sup Forums related stuff you have
Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!
Where my /Guardians/ at?
/bcbt/ - Bittersweet Candy Bowl Talkback
The Garfield thread the other day did well so let's do this
Bad episode general
Archie Storytime: Jughead #256-265 (1976-77)
Wonder Woman #16 Storytime
This comes out tonight, and I have not seen a single word about it on Sup Forums. What's up? I've heard it's great...
Image Week 2 Storytime: Hellshock
What if Morty wasa 14 years old girl instead of a boy?
The fuck is her problem?
This guy is unlikeable and unbearable
Superwoman #7 Storytime
The Failed Cartoon Cartoons
TT: Judas Contract Trailer
Did Camp Lazlo have a good finale?
Civil War II Chronological Storytime Part 7
Supergirl #6 Storytime
Ellory The Shark
Star vs the forces oH SHIT !
Foolkiller #4
Jonah Hex Storytime - Tallulah Black 10th Anniversary Edition
Titans #8 Storytime
Story time
Injustice Year Three - Ground Zero STORYTIME
Deathstroke Storytime #12
Lego Ninjago Thread
Justice League Power Rangers #2 Storytime
The Flash #16 Storytime
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Story time
Did this series even air in the US?
Earth 2: Society #21 STORYTIME
Renew Your Vows storytime, in which something finally happens
Story time
Red Hood and the Outlaws #7 Storytime
No matter how Byrne and Lee try to spin it. He was still right in the end
ITT: comics/episodes that killed their franchise
Story time
I firmly, wholeheartedly believe that Band Geeks is objectively the best Spongebob episode ever
Marvel SJW Tumblr stories and if they even have a place
In honor of America, let's read Sandman #54, and learn all about Prez
What is the Hasbro Shared Universe?
How do you even respond to this?
What do you think about this
Tartakovsky, at a panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2016, confirmed that the Scotsman will return to the series
What went wrong?
Which one was superior?
New Super-Man #8 Storytime
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corp #14 Storytime
He did nothing wrong
Detective Comics #950
Why is she so perfect?
What is the best iteration of the Joker and why is it pic related?
All Star Batman #7 Storytime
What does Sup Forums think of One Giant Hand?
Justice League of America Rebirth #1
Action Comics #973 Storytime
Gunnerkrigg Court
Official Win-O'-Thread #1
Would you like to be a hero, user?
Samurai Jack
ITT: cartoon episodes that made you cry
So how long will it take for DC to acknowledge the one true president?
Find a flaw
Find a flaw
Why isn't there a comic/cartoon series about these two in a big sister/little sister relationship
Why is it Nickelodeon can make mistakes for years and still remain #1 kids network while CN can have hit after hit...
Why do people hate this book Sup Forums? I get why people kind of find it confusing...
Requesting all SpongeBob memes/reaction screenshots
No killing?
The Black Monday Murders
Bryan Hitch could be writing JSA
Oh yeah
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Bad Machinery Rich has had some other somewhat drama-filled relationships, like his time with Namorita...
Star Vs
QC comic
Spider-Man TNAS
Voltron Legendary Defender
What was his fucking problem?
Katie Wallander (whose name was Katie Rice when she worked on the show) said on her Twitter that she is openly...
Lets discuss Kang and why he is a even bigger jobber than Apocalypse
The Clone Saga Storytime Part 10
There are people on Sup Forums right now who were born in 2000
Is this correct?
Hey Sup Forums let's read Hellboy the Conqueror Worm!
RWBY/RT Thread: May Zedong Edition
WAMPG: "Where Are My Pants" Genera
Did he do anything wrong?
What do you think of this character, Sup Forums
So it's dead, yeah?
ITT: Sup Forums reaction images
Why is it on Netflix
Let's be real...
In this thread we boil down iconic characters to "muh"
Agents of SHIELD Live Talkback
How do we save them?
Mark Gruenwald's Captain America Pt. 1
Toonami Ratings for 2/4/17
The Boys Pt. 6
Mark Millar's forgotten Superman story
Riverdale Thread
Series like The Simpsons and Family Guy could be more interesting if the characters grew 1 year per season?
Storytime: The Cartoon History of the Universe Book 1 Volume 3
ITT Sup Forums in 2027
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
The Clone Saga Storytime Part 9
The Flash Talkback Thread Julian's Spaghetti Edition
Civil War II Chronological Storytime Part 6
Kelly does it again!
Female Warrior Thread
Bleez thread
I know that the Bee Movie memes is passe at this point...
Ends with mind tigers
Post yfw this will never happen in the new season
Image Week 2 Storytime: Pitt
Bravest Warriors!
Mangafag here. I don't get the appeal of american comic book art...
Look at what you did Sup Forums , you broke sensitive joss whedon!
ITT: The moment when the Simpsons became dead to you
Absolute MADMAN
Injustice Year Three - Ground Zero STORYTIME
Who was (or is) the biggest dirtbag in the comics industry?
Will this flop? We all know the majority of SJW's who praise these types of characters dont actually read comics
ITT: The moment when a series went downhill
Did Korra ruin Avatar?
15,000 listeners
In summer of 2001 cartoon network hosted its second annual big pick where the audience picks which pilot they want to...
Work On Your Donuts!
Hey kids
When the Crystal Gems aren't home Edition
What is your all time favorite superpower? Don't matter how cool, plain, lame, or broken it is. Be honest Sup Forums
Civil War II - Kingpin storytime
Bojack Horseman
Does he belong in prison?
Virgin-killing sweater
Marvel Comics Brings Back The A-Listers For 2018
A Little Temptation Storytime
Remember me, user?
Why do you hate it so much? It may be not great but you still have to give it a chance
Civil War II Chronological Storytime
RWBY/RT Thread: 2013 Throwback Edition
We've been found out!
13 FUCKING YEARS for this garbage
X-23 Storytime #7
Rebirth just keeps getting better
Sup Forums needs a heavy dose of FREEDOM! Commies need not respond
ITT: Earworms
Well Sup Forums?
Is Hydra looks really that bad as everybody says?
Batman '66 meets Wonder Woman '77 Chapter 06 storytime
Thanos "Could Be Seen" As The Main Character Of AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR
Daredevil Storytime (Part 2)
How the FUCK has she of all characters become DC's flagship female protagonist...
Who was worse?
Archie Storytime: Jughead #246-255 (1975-76)
The Clone Saga Storytime Part 8
Do you guys understand that I don't like Gumball? This show isn't even popular at all
So is this kid gonna end up coming back to help Jack?
Can we all agree that Arkham Asylum was peak Hamill?
Image Week 2 Storytime: The Maxx
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What's the hardest you've ever laughed in a cartoon?
What if there was an attempt to animate every animated show's episodes like their intros?
Spongebob Thread
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting February 1, 2017
Why does Tumblr likes Vitiligo so much?
Gotta say, it feels a lot...brighter(?) than the other Netflix shows. I mean...
Captain America
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Civil War II Chronological Storytime
Star Vs Thread
Marvel is culling the majority of their ethnic teenage legacy characters
Can we have a The Phantom thread?
ITT: "Villians" who did nothing wrong
Paranatural: It's another "Zack forgets to create a buffer" episode
My Comic Script
What the fuck is his problem/
Which female Sup Forums character has killed the most men?
ITT: Post great animation
From Z-Lister villain to Avengers field leader
Name a better Father Daughter duo
Batman 1989 is still the best comic book movie of all time
I just found the most based comic book youtuber yet. Call me a shill if you want, I don't care
How can anyone fail this hard in making a show?
Who started the 'Jin is a prostitute' meme?
Alright, I gotta know. What the FUCK is his problem?!?!
West tree thread
RWBY/RT Thread: Some Assembly Required Edition
Black Panther
Marvel: No More SJW Politics
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Why the fuck is Sup Forums going gaga for this all of a sudden...
Daredevil Storytime (Part 1)
What went right?
Legion of Super-Heroes Rebirth when?
Lesbians thread 2
Hey Sup Forums let's read Another Castle!
Where do you think this show stands among all the other TF shows? Also, Transformers thread
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #884
What does Sup Forums think about this edgy furry wish fulfillment webcomic?
Ed Edd n Eddy thread, because why the fuck not?
Where did all the OG Golden Age heroes go and why aren't they implemented more?
Sahara Thread
Is there a more depressing comic than Ultimate X-Men
Haley Bennett Teases Catwoman Role In Gotham City Sirens
Am I the only one who hated this motherfucker?
All-Star Batman #7 Preview
He's going to be Daredevil, you know
Teen Titans Go
ITT: We judge each other on our pull lists
To explain more, we are joined by Mr
Anyone else tired of seeing casuals use this Grant Morrison quote to act like he meant comics should only be for kids...
How's Your Webcomic? #346
"Don't worry Mordecai and Rigby, I know you're sad, but I promise this is a happy ending. Take care of each other...
The Clone Saga Storytime Part 7
The Boys Pt. 5
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
JSA Storytime: Wildcats 3.0
Civil War II Chronological Storytime Part 3
Supergirl Talkback Thread
Petfu thread
While it's nice how they've changed Scrooge's coat to red and omitted Fenton in favor of just having Donald...
The villain is effeminate and is obsessed with beauty
RWBY/RT Thread: Ménage à trois Edition
Kill Six Billion Demons
Anyone here ever pretend to be into a cartoon/comic just to get some pussy/peepee? How did it go?
What exactly is this and why do people hate it so much?
I just finished S1, is S2 just as good or better?
The ultimate assassin killing machine that gave the world's greatest soldier the run for his money
Any actual advice for someone who wants to create a webcomic outside of "don't"...
I say Friday, you say Party!
What's your honest opinion on RWBY, Sup Forums?
The Clone Saga Storytime Part 6
How come that you see pic on the right all the time but never something like pic on the left?
Post your favorite character's best design
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Static thread
Which one, Sup Forums?
Endtown 2017-02-06
Cartoon network is releasing a cloudy with a chance of meatballs show. Do you think it will be good
Gumball talkback thread: The Copycats
How old is golden girl now? Is her age subjective? In my head she's 14-16
What were they thinking?
Manuelita lived in Pehuajo~
Is Zack Snyder secretly a Skrull that infiltrated on Warner to destroy DC from the inside?
Forgotten Cartoons thread
Batman villain is a dark mirror of Batman
What did they mean by this?
The Bagel & Becky Show
Civil War II Chronological Storytime Part 2
Is this why Affleck quit?
Coming out on Wednesday
/sug/ Steven Universe General
I am considering getting cable in my apartment, after some time without it
Top tier comics
Injustice Year Three - Ground Zero STORYTIME
Wildebeest stampede was made in CGI did Jack fuck her?
Rock Dog Thread
Whatever happened to Goofys wife?
I have some questions but I am afraid the answers will just lead to more questions
Who is this superhero?
Why is Jafar way stronger than genie...
Marvel’s Big Plans For 2017
What when wrong
Samurai Jack
Reed has sucked his own dick
Is the book as good as everyone says?
Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!
America #1 Preview
CapeShows General
/bcbt/ - Bittersweet Candy Bowl Talkback
Image Week Storytime: Wetworks
Cute boy
Well Sup Forums, who was your first crush?
RWBY/RT Thread: If Dubs, Fallen Petals is Canon in Volume 5 Edition
Archie Storytime: Jughead #236-245 (1975)
Uncomfortable comic book moments
Samurai Jack
Civil War II Chronological Storytime
Are you excited?
Star Vs Monday New Episode
Marvel Announces Luke Cage ongoing by David Walker & Nelson Blake II
Teen Cyclops Hate Thread
Injustice Year Two - Ground Zero STORYTIME
So far, what went wrong?
"So Dipper, that's how T-Mobile can save you a bunch of money on your phone bills each month. Cool, huh?"
Is Asterix series dead?
What was the last good Cartoon Network original?
Rule 63 thread
Oh. I see
Dear lesbians of Sup Forums, what do you think makes a good lesbian character in comics/cartoons...
No, and that's the point. It's Bill projecting
Remember the good old days of Cartoon Network when it had shows like Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls...
Will there ever be a list of Batman's villains on a mass consumption website for the general public where Joker isn't...
Thoughts on late 80's J.M. DeMatteis Doctor Fate?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Bane in the Lego Batman Movie wears his coat from TDKR
Things that annoy you otherwise good shows
What did he mean by this?
Do they ever go into much detail into how the rest of the universe feels about Cybertronians...
You'll never find all the bombs in time, Batman! Not with all my monsters to delay you!
Voltron: Legendary Defender
I want to go on a romantic date with Chat Noire
Star Vs
Bruce Wayne
ITT: Batman villains better than the Joker
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...