Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"

>Mainstream webcomics literally feature characters shitpushing trannies and that's considered a "good thing"

What happened to society?

Other urls found in this thread:

Former Trump Supporter here

>I wanna keep my glasses on
Absolutely unacceptable, it's one thing for me to bang a tranny with a cock but I will not lower myself to have sexual relations with a NEEEEEEEERRRDDD!

We can't let him have access to the trap boipussies

If anyone insults transvestites I'm gonna blow a gasket!

This shit your fault. Sup Forums is like the pinnacle of tranny fetish site on all the fucking internet and you god damn people made it that way

It's gay.


I am literally not meme'ing you OP

>tfw you've had sex with a trap before
>all that blood and poop and regret