Batman villain is a dark mirror of Batman

>Batman villain is a dark mirror of Batman

>Two Face
>Jason Todd
>Simon Hurt
>Killer Moth

You could make the exact same argument for every supervillian that every hero has.


>Antagonist is the perfect foil for the protagonist

Not really.

Superman has Bizarro, Spidey has Venom, Flash has Zoom, GL has Sinestro, Mr. Fantastic has DOOM, Aquaman has Orm, Wolverine has Sabretooth, Wonder Woman has Fury, etc.

They each have A dark mirror, it's not half of their villains.


>Black Mask



Keen eye, Mr Glass.

But seriously, that's mostly a good thing because it means that the hero is complex enough to have entirely different characters be "the complete opposite superhero"

Take these examples

Superman has Luthor (selfless superpowered man man vs greedy powerless man) Brainiac (good alien vs Bad alien), Darkseid (symbol of hope vs Symbol of tyranny), Mandrakk(idea of undefeatable good vs idea of undefeatable evil). Also there's ultraman, Henshaw, Superboy prime, Bizarro, Zod, Ulyssess, Brutaal, and probably others who are superman's dark mirror in the most literal sense.

Spidey has more than 1 symbiote villain and like 7 animal themed enemies. Also, parallels have been drawn between Otto's and Peter's upbringings.

Mr Fantastic has Doom, the mad thinker, Bentley Wittman. And even thought the maker is not a FF villain, he is a dark Reed Richrds.

Spider-Man also has Doctor Octopus and Scorpion.

So... what you're saying is that Batman owns too many mirrors, and the world would be safer if he was less of a narcissist?

What would a contrary of Batman be? A guy with really strong superpowers but uses them incorrectly/squanders them due to his own ineptitude?

Have you noticed that every one of Batman's opponents is based off of an enemy of Bats?
>Owls, for instance, often predate against bats
>Many creatures use their Poison against bats
>Crocs can kill bats, although some may call that a mood Killer
>Firefly is a fierce competitor for what people use to illustrate that something as wings
>Joker has guns, devices that, when fired, are often used to kill bats
>A Bane to a bat's existence is Mexican wrestlers
>Bat leather is often used in Ventriquiloquist dummies, to give them a more realistic Scarface
>Cats may be considered Bat-eaters, Woman
>Victor Hugo romanticized the hunting of mammals. Strange...
>Bats find their way by echolocation, so they could easily slam into something flying blind in a...Hush
>Penguins have a tendency to kill Bats out of jealousy that a nonbird can fly when they cannot
>Bats notoriously fail to Scare Crows
>In some Asian countries, bats' fluids are considered a King's Condiment
>Deeply competitive, bats are known to engage in sports and get frantic when they have a Tally aHead
>Bats lack anything resembling the human Amygdala
really makes you think

What exactly is Poison Ivy supposed to be a dark mirror of?

she has wealthy parents just like batman and is therefore a mirror of batman


This has pasta potential

>she has wealthy parents
But she diden't

His zealousy to his mission to protect those he cares about.

His repressed sexuality.

Also Penguin is Bruce Wayne with none of the charitably.

Riddler is Batman with an even more out-of-control ego, and condescension.

You forgot Penguin, the man who grew up in a rich famous Gotham family who experienced loss at a young life when his father died.

>Joker has guns, devices that, when fired, are often used to kill bats
Clowns are the #1 predator of bats, believe it or not.
>A Bane to a bat's existence is Mexican wrestlers
Mexicans are #2. Mexican clowns, now...

villain is dark mirror of hero

Every villain ever. OP is a dummy/faggot definitely applies here as usual.

All of Batmans villains are splintered versions of him. That's why people say he has the best rogues gallery in comics, they're all connected.

Same reason Flash villains work, they're all based on elements/forces/etc. Even Spider-Man you can stretch for the animal motif.

>Bats loathe ketchup, the King of Condiments
>Bats cannot count and thus have trouble handling dates, making a Calendar very problematic to them
>Sometimes bats will choke on insects if they're too big, so a Moth could be a Killer meal if not careful

You might be on to something.

Villains are either dark mirrors or contraries, usually. I like it when they're neither though. They should switch it up every once in a while: Wonder Woman fights Sinestro, Green Lantern fights Zoom, Superman fights Ares, Batman fights Mirror Master, Flash fights Bizarro, etc.

she is an eco-terrorist, which is a well-meaning but ultimately destructive cause. does that sound familiar?