Why does Tumblr likes Vitiligo so much?

Why does Tumblr likes Vitiligo so much?

I don't get it

Michael Jackson was a great performer.


This has to be freaky as fuck, to be black and watch yourself slowly turn into a white person. I'd be like fuck who's stealing my blackness

What does this have to do with comics or cartoons?

>How do I make a minority a minority even in their own community?

>ywn see Marvel or DC or any comic company create a superhero who has Vitiligo

Tumblr is a cult of Nurgle. Oh, I know what you think, "But user! Nurgle is all about stagnation and rot!" That he is, but consider the teeming mass of diseases he creates, and the multitude of shapes they come in! Theirs is the cancerous growth, a tumor of useless flesh that sucks the life out of the body.

As such, a little disease like vitiligo is cute, and a clear sign that Nurgle has blessed someone.

It's a rare and yet highly visible skin condition, and also can be seen as strangely beautiful in the right conditions. Therefore it's perfect to make your character that extra bit of a special snowflake.

Not Sup Forums related, you're all reported for being tumblr fags