Are ya ready for another butchering of a classic story?
Are you ready for more Damian-wanking?
Are ya ready for another butchering of a classic story?
Are you ready for more Damian-wanking?
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Daily reminder Terra was always a black-hearted whore.
Fuck everything about this movie.
All the other movies were tolerable garbage but this is just infuriating.
No Batman front and center? I'm impressed!
Damian's barely in the trailer.
Meh, this story and this run were always overrated anyway.
>This is Miguel Ferrer's last role
Shame. RIPIP Bob Morton.
And the sound mixing in these films always sounds like shit, the dialogue track sounds completely removed from everything else.
I'll get flamed for saying this but the old cartoon handled this story better than the comic and will probably be better than this movie.
Did anyone find it weird, disgusting and unccesary with that after credit scene of Damian smelling his armpit?
This. It only works if you've got the "cute superhero girl" thing they were mocking lodged way far up your ass.