Forgotten Cartoons thread.
Forgotten Cartoons thread
>implying I don't still lust over Rebecca
Every 90s kid know this show. It was an odd bastard but still much better than later Disney shows.
As a kid, I thought she was a pointless character. A wet blanket that just served to ruin everybody's fun. Now, I see that she was actually a solid character. And that I would totally fuck her as well.
the alladin series was good too.
Minimum effort, OP.
Don't actually remember if it was any good though
That show was my shit. Prince Ren was my husbando.
I had the strangest attraction towards the monkey bird queen.
I remember this show. holy shit
well never get an ending or hell even a reboot
>That one Epsiode when his dad explains impregnation as Second World War Beach Landing
"And One soilder goes through the line.... thats how the babies are bown"
>That one episode when the surprise the old neighborhood lady with 10/10 Christmas Decoration... but in the end turns out she was Jewish
>That one Episode when his Grandma dies, wants to write to letter to him, but doesn't know the adress so researches every single Religion
*born.... FUCK
Also this.. Comfy as fuck cartoon
I've played the SNES game but never watched the show.
I got a toy from this show at burger king once
I have no idea what this show is about
Our family still has Butterbear and Hoppo Xmas ornaments.
I heard that show is actually pretty popular in Eastern Europe because a lot of kids have Dads like that.
Oh you fucker I was gonna post this