What is the best iteration of the Joker and why is it pic related?

What is the best iteration of the Joker and why is it pic related?

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I haven't watched Gotham since the end of S2.

What the fuck have I missed?

Jerome was dead. They brought him back to life. He got his face cut off and he stapled it back on.

What the fuck?


THIS is the best Joker, bar fucking none.

You think I am kidding. Look closely at the pic.

>literally the only good scene in the entire S3 so far
>it's about Batman

It's almost like focusing on Batman is more compelling then literally the least interesting version of James Gordon in all of media history.

But Gotham fans will complain that it's all NOT MUH fanboys instead of this version of Gordon being unwatchably boring.


You can't compare Jokers because they are designed for vastly different genres. 60s Joker was a comedy villain. 90s Joker was a grimdark comic book villain. Heath Ledger Joker was a Hollywood blockbuster villain.

It's like saying, "Who's a better character? Bart Simpson or Dracula?" They're from completely different periods, mediums, and genres.

I'm not doubting what you said. It's clearly evident in the image.

I'm just in utter disbelief in that it actually happened.