Post your favorite character's best design

Post your favorite character's best design.







Going to feel the flames, but I like nubo's desgin.




in my humble opinion

Damn, she looks really good there.

You just can't improve it.

>Big crest
>Long cape
>No crest on cape

Check, check, check

why dont you like the cresst on cape?


I think it just clashes, looks a bit "toy" esque. Hard to explain but I just never liked it.

How man designs has swamp thing really had? Haven't they all been very similar?

makes sense enough to me. only reason i like it is when it was his swaddle in his ship, so it only works sometimes

Fight me

>not Mullet Superman

First moore issues still had covers by tom yeates. It's the same, only less detailed

Deal with it.

thats rad

I see your 70s superman and raise you 90s superboy

>>>>favourite character
Don't lie to yourself

where does she keep her keys bro, also alt steven U designs

I see your uncomfortable crotch Thor and raise you alt beta ray bill


I see you bad frogman and raise you samurri leo

also I miss the days when lady sif had a sweet badonkadonk

nu-Lobo wasn't even that bad of a run, if you could get past the stupid idea of killing the old one off. He embraced the smug pretty-boy villain just like how the old one embraced the 90s badass aesthetic. It's a shame we won't ever see the original plan with old and new Lobo having their buddy-cop space adventure.

Fucking gnarly

Nice. Big fan of this one myself.

Fallowed by Batfleck.


