Star vs. Evil!BpBmCKrK!ZAPY6aPCBDkhpztTqJvkUw

Does anyone know when the next episode is coming out?

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As a Star expert I can tell you right now for an absolute fact, having gotten some sweet inside information, that endgame ship will be nothing.

Marco now has the mind of a 30-year-old and can't bring himself to get too close to the literal children who surround him, no matter what their feelings toward him might be (and they definitely MIGHT BE). Even a chaste Disney kiss or handhold now seems unspeakably filthy when you consider that he's technically lived for over twice their lifetimes, and presumably is now more sexually experienced than them as well.

The last episode is Marco explaining all of this to the other characters and the audience for half an hour, concluding the series with "Pedophilia is always wrong, and if you disagree, YOU'RE the real monster!"

He then rides off into the night on his dragoncycle while the female characters may or may not kill themselves in grief.

>endgame ship will be nothing.
Wrong, he spent 16 years chasing a girl even though he could have gone back any time. He finally got her at the end only to be cockblocked by an annoying child

No idea, but season 2 is on fucking point. I hope Marcos development in that he is no longer content with living a normal life is retained in the upcoming episodes. Iooking get at the episode listings my boy rhombulus is coming back soon

Wouldn't that be a bad aesop? Like running away from reality into RPGs or something? In the other hand, murricans have no problem with James Cameron's Avatar and that was basically a geek getting into online games a little too much

the fuck

>Does anyone know when the next episode is coming out?
next monday

I thought Marco needed the scissors for going back, except it took him 16 years to get them

That orange portal was always open

People like their cartoons in 1080p quality.

You're forgetting a key point. Beginning of the episode is him being too lazy to walk the dogs and the episode ends with him walking the dogs with a smile on his face. He realized that he's wasting his life by cooping himself in his room and taking shortcuts and that he wants to have a life worth living. So if deep down you want to be a samirai then do it. It won't be easy but if it's what you really want than it's worth it

This was sort of the impression I got. He committed to this course of action without thinking it fully through or understanding that Hekapoo wasn't just taunting him when she said it might take lifetimes, and once he was in he likely didn't have a way to return home without tracking down Hekapoo.

We'll likely never know how he coped with things or dealt with things--that's not really the point of the episode, after all--but by the time we check back in with him, he's clearly enjoying where he is over where he was.

>not having every image be lossless 8K 360 3D

What's even the point?

"...allowing yourself to be entertained by it by pretending that it's real. Like love."

Was not expecting that.

Maximum playbacks exceeded.

>Star Vs VN
>Check Phone every night, who you choose to look at first gives them more "Love Points"
>If you hit C you can go back to contacts
>Hitting H will take you to secret ending with Hekapoo

Is this you get secret endings in VN usually? Or are they usually more connected to the story?

I suppose I could make the Star track lead to the Magic Counsel and Marco sees her there instead

Wait until page 10 you absolute fucking asslords!

that's…nothing like visual novels.


He's trying to ween Star off of him so he can go to Jackie with no shame.

Jesus christ. Marco spent OVER HALF his life chasing Heckapoo, only to go back to Earth?

I liked this episode, mainly Marco and Hpoo's dynamic, but the last 2 minutes ruined it for me completely. Now we're implying Marco is a disillusioned adult mentally, and he spent half his life away from his friends and family.

Quantum Pedo

That too. Dear god.

Does anyone have a working one? I am but a lowly mobilepleb.

Seriously though, how can he go back to Jackie now?

now THAT is the kind of spic we need more of


i haven't seen a single episode of this show and i have no idea what's going on, but what i want to know is why the mexan guy is suddenly an adult?

So I realized that there's 3 main story arcs + 2 sub arcs:
>Main arcs
-Ludo (Main)
-The SS Markie/Mackie/Jarco/Jalapeno arc
-Heinous (Secondary)
>Sub arcs
-Tom & Marco
-Eclipsa (will possibly blow up on Starcrushed)

i have the same mind at his age i had at his other age. but then I didn't go on a bunch of adventures


>We now have to go a whole weekend hearing nothing but Marco/Heckapoo shipping theories

God damn it....

Simple, watch the show.

Which Hekapoo is your favorite?

Semen demon takes back her dimensional scissors that mexican boy is borrowing from her friend which was apparently stolen, and is determined to earn his own by defeating hundreds of clones of the semen demon through several dimensions, taking him 16 years to accomplish.

Time passes differently from earth as 16 years there equals 8 minutes in earth, the amount of time it took for the mexican boy to disappear and the MC to find him in the episode.

Spent 16 years in a dimension with a different timeline from Earth; is brought back to Earth at the end where only 8 minutes have passed and is still a teenager but seems to have retained adult memories.

I feel like there could be more or less depending on how things end up ultimately being connected-- there's also Star's parents wondering about whether to send her back, the loss of magic in the multiverse and the broken wand, Toffee, etc.

This dumb show is maybe too ambitious for its own good sometimes.

but that takes too long and i'm not very interested anyway

Final Hekapoo is best Hekapoo

>Rhombulus could have been a QT Spreging Snake Sorceress

That's whack, yo.

The Thiccapoo we got was great.

>This episode had Marco meeting Heckapoo
>Next episode has Star meeting Rhombulus

Well clearly that's not a coincidence....

Was Rhombulus in Page Turner?

So he has the mind of a 30 year old now? This episode might ruin the series for me if he keeps acting like the same pissy teenager he was. How is he supposed to go out with people half his age as well?

she also gets to meet omnitraxus in "mathmagic"

Yeah, Rhombulus was the sperg in time-out.

He wanted to get the scissors back because they were Star's scissors. In the end, he spent sixteen years chasing a demon for Star.

For the first few weeks maybe

Eventually though, if he were doing it just for Star, he would have given up and decided that it was more worth it to actually be with Star then to get the scissors.

Nah man, after a few weeks of it he did it for
A: The thrill of adventure
B: The thicc

Marco's scissors looks evil.

Hey guys,

I only have time for one request today.
It's gotta be Hekapoo related.

Uncensored on the booru

Dude fucked literally hundreds of ageless demonesses well enough to make a good impression.
His dick game should be so good that he'll soon become the premier manwhore of his school. He will be DROWNING in teenage pussy, which is the best kind.

Among the four, Omnitraxus' design changes were apparently the most drastic.

People think the best character in the show is Star, but all I see in these threads is mostly about Marco.

Is Marco the best character since everyone likes shipping him with every side character on screen?


>reading comments in other forums and youtube
>all the women commenting wants Marco to forgot about Jackie because "muh starco"

That being said, being a 30 y/o in a 14 y/o body might change a lot of shit
That and for fucks sake, now i imagine Marco visiting Heckapoo for some stress relief from time to time

star is the main character yes, but marco is the more relateable one

Do I have shitty internet or is this just nothing?

He's funnier:

I think in terms of shipping it's because he's like the only male character who's not middle-aged, evil, or both and also has an actual personality beyond one single trait. There are more young, attractive female characters across the board and since this isn't Steven Universe not a lot of lesbian shipping, so Marco's like the only desirable candidate.

On the male side there's also Tom, I guess, but then people seem to ship him with Marco more than anyone else so it's the same principle.

The right bottom corner for me

whose idea was this? 4 episodes a week for several weeks in a row? that's not even a bomb. at least a bomb is predictable
oh well with the episodes coming in pairs I guess it's for the best, but the pairs don't really necesasrily go together

anyway I just spoiled myself by looking at the episode summaries. it looks like theyre gonna starco pretty hard since star is worried about jackie being the third wheel, then in the last episode something about a 'troubled relationship' so

And here's Lekmet.

that really makes no damn sense though. it's not as if star changed ages going through the portal. why the fuckhell would it just suddenly undo?

Hekapoo teasing Marco somewhere on his journey.

How powerful would a Mewman/Gem hybrid be?

>main suddenly goes through 16 years of character development

>back to the main setting now like probably nothing happened



They've been pretty good about continuity lately.
I don't expect Marco's adventure to get anything more than a passing line for the rest of the season unless they really want to expand on it.
Next season though I wouldn't doubt there to be a followup

Star said it was because he was on earth's timeline again. Of course Star didn't age when she went through the portal, Marco only aged because he was actually there for 16 years of that dimension's time (which was 8 minutes of our world's time), whereas Star was only there a little while. As for why going back to our timeline de-ages you.. it's magic I ain't gotta explain shit.

it would probably go into some kind of gem-studded chrysalis state and stay that way for millennia, emerging as a horrible kaiju insect that destroys the solar system

Hekapoo's magic and literally on the magic commission, so there could've been some fuckery from her involved; she might've even physically changed him back. Just speculation but we know she has magical powers.

Also there seems to be a delay between entering and aging up; we saw Marco in there for a couple minutes without aging so same could have happened with Star.


Hekapoo and a Hekapoo clone dressing like Scanty and Kneesocks for Marco's "18th" Birthday.

For me it was like.. fuck, i used to have nonstop nightmares in school and work about forgetting passwords, locker combos, etc.. all it takes is being away from the place for a few weeks, let alone years.
you absolutely gotta explain shit. magic always makes sense. that was the entire point of that episode with the adorable glossarykesque kitty fairy.

>dick dastardly stops to cheat

Narnia, sucka.

Heckapoo we got is really good. But Candleqt is good too.

yeah i'm gonna say heckapoo did it all and that is not how this shit works
in fact i bet he was only there briefly but she gave him some mindfuckery adventures, or kind of a reverse tamatebako situation where she magically ages him up, only to have it dissolve when he leaves her realm
except he did kinda say he went to a BUNCH of different places, so.. shit i dunno

yeah it never really made sense there either.


Hekapoo on her knees saying to Marco "For all those times you blew me I oughtta return the favor", Marco is totally into it and is ignoring Star who is tugging on his shirt and saying "Let's go home Marco!"

Mighty Max! Jumanji! Can't think of other examples.

We need young Heinous

They lived through decades of their reign and then they go back and it's barely been the afternoon.

I want the one with the skull-hair-things to do unspeakable things to me with her horn and snek arms.

I don't usually share Sup Forums's love of hot cartoon characters, but Marco really glows up.

He's a big guy. For 'poo.

Omnitraxus is the fucking Lich.

In fact, the bottom three all look like Adventure Time characters. Is someone from that team on Star Vs now?

I like how everyone here assumes that Marco is scarred or something because of the last episode, yet they probably will never touch the subject ever again.

Please anons. It's my birthday. I beseech you. Use this image for evil.

Is that Jackie's dad?

5 Best (hottest) Girls, in no order:
>Moon at 19, superior to Star in her standard outfits
>Celena the Shy
>Pre-Earth "bad girl" Star/rebel princess Star/Mewberty Star (Star looks good in purple)
>Kelly in non-bush mode

Bonus Husbando

r8 my taste, post ur own

>In fact, the bottom three all look like Adventure Time characters.
That's basically just another way of saying they look like something out of Dungeons and Dragons. Which is a good thing IMHO.

Not bad for grills, god-tier husbando

Chantelle's booty?

Goes to show I'm not /tg/ - and yeah, they're pretty sweet designs.

I need to go look at some DnD art now.

I think this shows trying to bamboozle us again.
Like when they introduced Toffee, his first episode was goofy, and the dude's name is Toffee, so you think "there's no way this guy's gonna be relevant"
This time, they show us this goofy episode with an awkward startup and new waifubait, and you think "ah, this is just a throw away"
But then it ends like that, and the next episode is Marco having to readjust to life on earth.
Man this show makes me paranoid.

There won't be throw-away characters in a well-written show like this

unless it becomes a cash cow and they drag it out

Probably a few others used the trick to break an ancient prophecy.

no one's gonna care about Chantelle's booty.

Star pls