Is Asterix series dead?
Is Asterix series dead?
Mason Stewart
Elijah Perez
Austin Powell
Well, Goscinny died four decades ago and Uderzo retired. It's still going with a new team, but it's pretty much the definition of a zombie even if Ferri/Conrad are honestly not doing that bad a job.
Aiden Jenkins
As long as they don't reboot the continuity with each creative team.
Easton Gonzalez
let a good thing die with dignity.
Anthony Hall
The newish movie was bretty gud. I feel like Sup Forums would like it.
Chase Smith
The one by Astier? I think you need to be French to fully apreciate it.
Noah Robinson
The newer books were quite nice
Landon Taylor
the falling sky happened, that's no longer an option
Anthony Carter
Final story needs to end with Caesar's assassination.