
what did Sup Forums think of Legion ? solid 8/10 from me.
it was a bit confusing but made sense after a second viewing..

can someone post some webms ? I nearly wet my pants when they pan the camera in and change aspect ratio for one of the memory sequence. A lot of the people might find faults with the writing and other directions, but the cinematography was on point.

Other urls found in this thread:


I liked it a lot. Other than the lastest film I have always been a fan of Fox's X franchise.

The flashing red seens were perhaps a bit much and the story meandered but over all it was great. By the end of the episode I definately wanted to know more about things.

Absolute rubbish.

it's a 10/10 faggots

Its a lot smarter than the other super shows on tv. Hell its smarter than even the netflix shows ide say

hey that guy in the OP pic, bottom middle person, he was on The Mighty Boosh wasnt he

Pretty sure he's the midget from that dragon show.

no that aint dinklage, he was already Trask in the fox-men movies, besides you can tell hes all normal in that pic bc of his head size v body size

Excellent stuff, only Sup Forumsntrarians like (You) dislike it

where can i watch this?

thats why it will get canceled


I greatly enjoyed it. I hope the future episodes focus a little more on David. I enjoyed his perspective and interactions. I'm not too fond of the "it's a government agency trying to control things" idea but we'll see. Maybe they'll do something interesting later on.

Really good episode. But I'm curious if they'll manage to go though a season without the aesthetics of the show growing tiresome.

And should I read any particular comic before watching this?

>And should I read any particular comic before watching this?
No, not really. The show has already diverged from the comics pretty hard (unless there's a big reveal) so I don't think you need any hard background.

If you haven't read Si Spurrier's X-Men Legacy then read Si Spurrier's X-Men Legacy. Not because the show necessitates a knowledge of that particular comic, but because it's just a damn good comic that everyone should give a look.

Plus the cover art is pretty boss.

I can't believe I'm only just hearing about this. Is Spurrier's X-Men Legacy the run with Ruth, Blindfold? I really enjoyed that.

I just love most of Spurrier's work. I wish we could get him as the line writer for the X-Men. Better than Bunn and Guggenheim.

so...so far there is

who's the black guy?

Comic recommendations for legion?

he's the flight of the concords guy

Spurrier's X-Men Legacy run.

yeah, I saw from previous anons. Anymore though?

OH SHIT yes ok it is!

Any chance there's a download/mega link for it?

Pretty gud

who was the fat guy that shows up when david was unstable?


Hey that's Zod's buddy from MoS.

>Implying they're not all the same person.

3 major theories at the moment are

Just another part of David's mind


Shadow King

It was storytimed a month ago or so.
I don't know if OP included a DL link tho.

It has feet, it's not Mojo

also someone said something about yellow eyes... did the fat guy have yellow eyes? i didnt look close enough.

Yeah he had yellow eyes.

Look at the mirror, bottom-left corner
Someone found this in the last thread.

Different universe fampai, it'd hardly be the most bullshit thing Fox has done with X-men

\uhhh shadow king

Anyone else here think that they're all part of him and the only person who escaped was him, himself and that even the girl he loves is fake as well?

>what did Sup Forums think of Legion ?

It's the same empty, flashy, playing at having depth shit as Fargo. But people aren't capable of thinking for themselves anymore so who cares.

I kept thinking about the yellow Xavier in David's mind from that chunk of Spurrier's Run. Maybe they'll change it from Xavier being his father but some other villain like shadow king is father?

It's not playing at having depth. It's not layered. It's VERY transparent. Just because you think its pretentious doesn't mean its playing at it from an angle. You can't even accurately describe it and you say

>But people aren't capable of thinking for themselves anymore so who cares.

you can't even think...... let alone for yourself.

So is it just a coincidence or what?

just watched it (in my country subtitled)

pretty good. never watched a "superhero" tv show before unless you mean 60s batman.

new mutants Legion were some of claremonts best stories.

New Mutants Classic Vol 2-3 should cover Legion's introductory stuff, which should be viewed cause the art is fuckin dynamite

Eh, it's ok, I guess.

What really grinds my gears is that I keep seeing reviews like "so smart, such departure from superhero".

Did I watch the same thing? Aside from very obviously doing it's own thing, it doesn't hold a candle to the crazier visuals that Bill Sienkewicz has provided, and it should be obvious because I don't think his shit can be adapted faithfully on screen. But let's even forget about that, let's look at the last five minutes of the show with that fucking TEAM OF MUTANTS IS FIGHTING THEIR WAY OUT OF SOME MILITARY FACILITY.

It's as generically capeshit end as you can get.

The gag works two-fold, implying as one of many sight-gags that David's reality is biased and both him and Syd might be reflections of people he met in the mental hospital.

And that Lenny is a clingy weirdo looking for anyone to tolerate her, even the incorrect doppelgangers of her actual "friends."

It was bad, just kooky aesthetics wrapped around a boring plot. "Is this all just in the main character's head?" is the question that every moron asks about a film or tv show when they want to sound clever, it's way too cliche to build a plot around at this point.

I enjoyed. Will see where it goes. I hope it keeps us guessing to some degree.

And people are trying to claim that Riverdale is the Twin Peaks Comic Book Show of the season.

/r/ webm of Aubrey Plaza on the tricycle

>marvel show
lmao no

You probably one of those people who think Netflix does fucking anything in production of Netflix shows, aside from distribution.

Jeph Loeb and Joe Quesada are executive producers and it has Marvel logo. It's a show based on Marvel comics. It's a Marvel show, it has Marvel all over it.

>"Is this all just in the main character's head?"
>way too cliche to build a plot around at this point.

The big breakaway from the episode seemed to specifically be David realizing that not everything was in his head.

I know there's room to double-back, but the showrunner seems smart enough to make the theme about David's illusions being removed.

to be fair, on FX the viewership numbers don't matter too much (to the network), not sure how Fox/Marvel will feel about it though.

They weren't playing up the X-Men connection as much as they could in the ads.

and considering how critically acclaimed FX's other programs recently have been (Fargo, Atlanta, Taboo, Always Sunny), as long as this is generally enjoyed, it should be good for as long as tehy want to run it.

It doesn't matter what the eventual resolution is, it's still gonna walk the line for 7 and a half episodes probably.

his origin (New Mutants 25 is his first appearance)
Zeb Wells New Mutants
Mike Carey's X-Men Legacy (specifically the AGE OF X storyline)
Si Spurrier's X-Men Legacy

The more obvious twists are gonna be David realizing he barely knows anything about Syd as a person.

Syd's power seems to be the mind-body-switcheroo. Not sure who has the explosive abilities in the pool, or who put Syd in David's memory so they could talk.

Her friends have "ulterior motives" practically plastered on their foreheads.

There seems to be a twist with Lenny set up as more than a figment in David's mind.

And the demon with yellow eyes is another third party mucking with David.

Girl with pyrokinesis was one of the first identities featured in New Mutants.

So, it's obviously David who fried them.

looks like episode 1 is free on itunes right now

While watching this I had forgotten legion was able to time travel

>So, it's obviously David who fried them.

Syd seems to have the bodyswap power, the telekinesis guy was doing stuff in the rescue, I can't see why the black guy or the dark haired girl he was paired with might not also have a power.

I get that everyone else is reading that the show takes place entirely in David's head but at least a few of these other characters have to be real or there's no narrative tension.

The black guy and the other girl seem really out of place during the rescue.

I just checked the internet and it seems the black guy, Ptonomy, has the mutant power to affect memories. So he's the inception guy who put Syd in David's memory which is why he used a gun during David's rescue.

First episode was fine, but then I watched the promo for the next episode and I'll probably lose interest.

I do not understand why people have such a hard on for large cast ensemble shows, I watch Arrow for Oliver, not Oliver and his 15 sidekick buddies, Flash for Flash, not Flash and the other 8 Flashes. So I don't wanna watch a show called Legion that is gonna involve several other fucking mutants and some discount x-men.

Stop naming shows after people and then devoting 55% of the show to supporting characters...

You should watch Powerless, it's probably more your speed.

Jemaine Clement is in an upcoming episode as Mrs. Bird's husband, who was stuck on the astral plane for a few years

Take that however you will but he might be who threw Syd in there if she isn't...well...you know.

The fuck are you on about? The show has predominately focused on David thus far and that doesn't look like it's going to be changing anytime soon. The supporting cast look nothing more than just that: supporting cast.

not-Emma Frost
the colored guy with the gun could be not-forge or not-cable for what its worth. Im gonna go with comment, I mean what is the point of changing the names but clearly make them use specific X-men powers. I could go with them being knockoffs because of the coming X-men tv series, but with the current plot, it seems there is more than the obvious going on.

I liked it but was a bit disappointed in the complete lack of connection to the comic

You're saying like any of that is an accomplishment in any way.

Fucking weird

What's smart about it? Nothing has even happened yet.

I like the show but people need to stop acting like it's some high brow work of art just because it has some trippy scenes in it.

I think it's pretty obvious we're going to get some kind of "No David, you are the demons" twist with some of the supporting characters. Lenny sticking around is just there to be a red herring for people to think she's the only one.

>I do not understand why people have such a hard on for large cast ensemble shows

Because at certain point the main character can't really grow anymore and becomes boring when he's the same, you need supporting characters to spice the show up and add alternative subplots to pace the episode and have shit happen.

This show is like obviously playing up the mental illness but I kind of enjoy it; I don't think that there has been a good live action portrayal of an omega mutant yet. Like - the scope of the power is just too nuts for a popular audience so going through the multiple personality disorder angel seems pretty clever.

It has great cinematography and general production value, but it's still capeshit at the end of the day.


= smart

how are you not a certified rotten tomatoes critic already

He didn't say it's smart, just smarter than the rest of the cape garbage on television.

>And should I read any particular comic before watching this?

Read the comics after watching the show, will let you enjoy the show a lot better with knowing little about it


Fox is allowed to create X-men related TV shows!?

I want to fug not-syd

That kinda explains the weird retro aesthetics and sometimes modern tech showing up

Its high brow work for capeshit

They collaborated it with Marvel, if things go well there may be more collaborations in the future even in the movies

Just watched it. Big fan of the character, so was cautiously optimistic.

Really enjoyed most of it, awesome kitschy style and music, felt like 12 Monkeys.

Last few minutes were awful though, what the fuck happened there? Suddenly surrounded by shitty acting and terrible CGI?

>even in the movies

I highly doubt that considering neither Marvel or Fox's shows want to acknowledge the movie universe exists.

I am not talking about now. Just a couple of years ago it seemed impossible that Fox & Marvel could collaborate on anything.

But this show proves that even they see opportunity in partnering for projects like this. If there is $$$ can be made by further collaborations then they will surely take their collaboration on further levels.

Initially the show was planned to be set in the X men universe which means they are willing to go there. Heck I wouldnt be surprised if they did a 180 and connect the show to The X men movies in the near future like they did with X men First class & original trilogy

>generic haircut

Did anyone else feel like the score was at times very similar to Stranger things

I mean

how would you even do Legion's haircut in real life
His hair is like a superpower on its own

The cinematography is better than most movies, really. Dana Gonzales deserves muh big cummies

>Bill Sienkewicz

Why are you comparing a comic artist's visuals to a TV cinematographer's visuals like you'd expect them to be one and the same?

Also, the ending was ridiculously over the top because that was the point, but I guess that won't stop people from pulling a "not muh" contrarian act

Should have gone with undercut but I think teh show may not be based on present era

>how would you even do Legion's haircut in real life

Long hair and an obscene amount of hairgel. Also probably some eggs, I remember that guys with Liberty Spikes tend to use eggs.

Yeah, they clearly cast the wrong guy

they can style his hair lie that later on

So you're argument is that it is extremely transparent but has depth. And that all of the very apparent layers of the story don't exist.