What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?
They did it to piss YOU off specifically.
I thought them having a fling was believable enough.
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Comedy Central futurama is worse than zombie Simpsons
Meh. Indifferent.
I don't understand why they needed to make it Amy and Bender when they very easily could have made it be Bender and some other human woman, or even made it where Human alien marriage was illegal and have Kif and Amy deal with it.
Besides it was a shitty commentary on Gay marriage anyway that's probably already outdated.
Can't believe they ran out of ideas for this show that they had to resort to modern political commentary
>being this fucking wrong
b8 for sure
>have Kif and Amy deal with it.
Weren't the broken up because Amy banged Zap in one of the movies?
Everything post-cancellation was garbage except for the first and last movie; and even the last one was kind of tiresome.