
So the Hiveswap Kickstarter got updated with a backers only update, what do you guys think it is?

Joey's nudes.

a high-res picture of hussie at a ranch with the caption 'just horsing around'

the horse is wearing sunglasses. so is hussie. there is no further explanation.


"hiveswap is shit" in text

>Status of Hiveswap: the game is just about done. It could still use some more testing to be absolutely certain we are not releasing a buggy piece of shit! To that end it will be worth waiting another several weeks or so. Perhaps more intriguingly I should mention that I've been working with some people on another thing, which will need to be announced when it is ready. I think it would be best to coordinate the announcement of the thing in question with the release of the game. So I'm not sure which will be done first, the thing or the testing, but neither will be unveiled until both are good and ready. Thank you as always for your legendary patience.

It's the same thing he already announced on MSPA.

>the game is just about done

How many times did they say this


katnep user is love
katnep user is life

Ok I just looked and it is literally the EXACT same thing he already announced on MSPA two weeks ago, right down to the wording.

Shouldn't backers be getting these updates first?

He also had a paragraph about how you should change your email adress if thats changed in 5 years and not to worry about physical address because the physical copy wont ship till all the parts are done digitally

brother-sister love is pure


haven't drawn stuff in a while, any character requests?

I think that paragraph has shown up on most of the kickstarter updates, pretty sure it's just more copy/pasted stuff.

This means that the game isn't coming until March at the earliest, because the game is still weeks away.

>post yfw he goes for the 3/14 reverse meme numbers
>post yfw he delays the game again for the 4/13 meme numbers

It's shit

I fully expect 4/13 for this and sbahk tue moitive

The fantroll on the left!

so just to let people know. Theres gonna be a hiveswap stream up when the game comes out so you dont have to buy it. There will be VODS if you cant make it to the streams


>people who pledged for the physical version won't get it until both acts are done

enjoy that 2025 release

Can you draw AR? The carapace, not the AI


Wasn't this supposed to come out in January?

sure, anything specific for him to be doin?

It was supposed to come out 3 years ago.

Kanaya shopping for shoes

what would make you think that?

A voluptuous Nepeta and Terezi.

why the switch from 3D to 2D
Is that why it took so long

Some guys ran off with assets apparently.

and hussie didn't pursue with a lawsuit?
Didn't he make the artists/ modelers sign some kind of contract where they can't do shit like this

What actually happened was:
>Hussie gives a company money to make the game
>Company spends his money to make a different game WHOOPS
And that's how that new King's Quest game was made. It fucking kills me that people didn't tear it the fuck down on principle.

By the time Hussie actually got through to them there was about 1 hour of work done on what they should have been doing. Que new studio and working from the ground up again. New people are shiters. Start yet again from the ground up. Somewhere in this mix Hussie's dad dies also.

New team's lead writer is still a shiter and intends to use his writing as "a weapon against fascism", presumably in response to the candidate who he didn't like winning a democratic election because people voted for him. When said candidate was put up against a candidate who actually committed voter fraud in her primaries. Truly, fascism is on the rise. How chilling. I don't imagine this making the game any better whatsoever.

>hussie didn't pursue with a lawsuit?
The legal system requires a lot of money and a lot of time. By the time he got his money back it would be 2020 and the entire budget would have been blown on legal fees.

He settled out of court and got some back. But not nearly the same amount.

Legal system a shit. Shiiiiiiit. Straight up classism.

Having him pose with guns would be cool, maybe like this skeleton.