Don't look at your keyboard and type "Joe Rogan"

Don't look at your keyboard and type "Joe Rogan"
Jow Rogam

Other urls found in this thread:

Hor rogav

Joe "He's actually done something with his life while you complain about his bro-science" Rogan

hie rigab

joe rogan

Jow Eoham

HIe Rigab


Joe Rofan

famous comedian, charismatic af, millionaire, greatest podcast of all time, lover

Joe Roagan

Goe Goban


t. reddit
t. not old enough to post here

Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan
Got you this time you bald nigga

Joe Rogan

It's easy cause the J key has a bump on it

Bruce lee


Joe "I learned how to type without looking unlike you keto conspiracy cucks" Rogan

Joe rogan

Joe Rogan fans are so retarded they need to look at their keyboards to type.

Joweed gives you superpowers duderogan

Jor Gobwm

Joe Tpaj

jos fohak


Bald Manlet


joe hogan

do you actually need to look at your keyboard when you type? what are you, 5?

Now fifab

joe rogan


mld rogan

joe rogan

Sorry I didn't capitalize.

you're far gayer just for doing these

but i assume it's some fetish thing about turning straight 'macho' dudes into gay

joe hemp protein dmt weed rogan

Joe Rogan, you know you're not supposed to look at your keyboard, right?

Jackie Chan



Yeah why would you assume that I made that?

ho4 5orwn

Joe robN

joes rogan

>Sup Forums literally so stupid and/or old they have to look at the keyboard to type
Holy shit, I bet you dumb fucks also chicken peck the keys with one finger like my grandmother.

jpe roagn

joe rogan

dude weed lmao

joe rogan

What actually happens in a "joejob", Joe?

Jkr rogab

Ike The Spike

HIe Rigab

Joe eofan

joe rogan
do you faggots really not know your qwerty intuitively?

Joe "That Alt-Right college-educated scientist is right until a liberal comedian tells me otherwise" Rogan

joe rogan


When's the new alex jones podcast coming out?

Joe Forgan

Hot figsb

Guys I wamt to make a really good egg sandwhich. Do you guys have any tips or recipes?

nigger nigger


Hor Rica

kor tohsn

joe rogan

fuck you honky

Joe Rogan

Wow I'm good at that.

do it with your eyes closed

hie rigab

damn, i was so ready to be smug about nailing this

Kpe rpgam


Joe Rogan

You people should have learned this shit in 5th grade. It's not like your entire education is based around computers now.

>he can't type fluently without looking at his keyboard
fucking pleb detected, wrote this whole post blind btw.

noe rogan

Hey, OP, I'm gonna type this with my eyes closed.

You're a faggot.

joe rohan

hlr tohsn

Joe Rogan.

I took typing classes when I was little. In fact, all of this post was written without looking at the keyboard.

ps. ur a faget

Joe Rogan

Jesus Christ, is this just memery, or do you guys not know how to type?

Joe Rogan

>joe roagan
pretty good

Mobilefag here gonna try it

Jow rogan



Ike the Spike

Dont look, and dont look place ur fingers on the proper keys, use index finger only.

Joe Rogan
Is this supposed to be hard? Surely even normies have the keypad embedded in their brain.

joe rogan

Hoe rogan

jor tohsn

joe togab

Joe Roigan

jie rogan

Joe Rogan

joe rogean

Joe Rogan

This is getting old, joe. Go to rebbit.

jod sjif

Joe Rogan

Seriously, dingbats, am I being punked?
Do you not have a lifetime of typing experience?

joe rogan

Mavis approves.
