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Television and Film #897
Television and Film
Comfy Saturday morning 3x3 thread
Where the fuck is my 4K remaster, Jim?
Blood Meridian
Tfw you will never have taste as kino as Ben
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Tell me exactly what makes Disney Marvel shit without resorting to “muh quips...
The alt-rights wet dream
Nazi soldiers tell Polish prisoners to dig a hole and bury jews alive to be set free
Sup Forums now hates Harrison Ford
ITT: Couples who fell in love while filming
1985 - 1995 favorites
American Beauty is at least an 8/10 movie. Maybe 9/10
Why is he hated here?
Sit down to take a piss
Big Bang Theory now has an episode on vasectomy
Actors who you know wont get caught up in all this hollywood drama
Why isn't this even in top 30 highest grossing animu films if it was supposedly so big and influential...
Tfw we'll be out of oil in 20 years
The general concept of eugenics is seen as bad right...
What the absolute fuck Scorsese is like almost 100 years old and he gets to make one last movie with Pacino and De Niro...
/webm/ thread
For the past two seasons of Stranger Things...
Behold, the only child star of this generation who will have a career as an adult
Honest thoughts on Davy Jones?
Without memes, what's next for his career? I'm serious. Is he absolutely finished?
It's finally happening guys, Lord of the Rings: The TV Show, by Amazon
ITT: Movies you can no longer enjoy
Will it suck?
/stg/ - (Beyond) Stranger Things General
Is there a company more evil, greedy, and deceptive company than Disney...
What do you non Americans think of this?
Netflix has replaced the cover photo for House Of Cards with Robin Wright only...
Is Leo /ourguy/?
90 Day Kino
What did they mean by this
Disney bans newspaper critical of them from screenings
They could solve north Korea, trump, and climate change in less than an hour
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
Is/was Dungeons and Dragons really that popular in America? I've never even heard of anyone who played it here...
Can we admit it now, Sup Forums? Is this the best Star Wars film?
I want to fuck Hannah Baker
What the fuck was his problem
ITT Actress you just can't get enough of
I found this film to be quite good, why did it get so much shit?
Doctor Who General /who/
Sooooooo... he killed the alpha wolf and fucked his bitch or what?
I saw a mobie
It sucks that this forever be Karen Gillan's best known role, because she's barely recognizable as Nebula
Spaniard here, why does American TV get the situation in Spain/Catalonia so wrong? That is if they even cover it...
Who is the best Lostfu?
What is the best 007 song and why was it A View to a Kill?
What does Sup Forums think ?
4k UHD, is it a meme?
Groundhog Day
Tfw we're soon going to lose the last remaining conservatives of Hollywood
ITT: Kino Asian Films
When will Dan Schneider be outted?
Movie subtly promotes seeking therapy by a psychologist
This is what the Warcraft movie should have looked like
Her favourite film isn't James Cameron's Titanic
Did they find her body among the dead?
Tfw completely jaded
What's your favorite film frame of all time?
Stranger Things Season 2
Who was in the wrong here?
Bond. James Bond
Number of rape allegations: 0.00
11 days
ITT: Characters you personally hated more than anything else
/r9k/ wins again
All memes aside, was this moment amazing or what?
Itt: Childhood faps
Sell me this pen Sup Forums
"You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy Mexican piss water."
Nicolas Winding Refn
Just saw pic related, it was great. Had that fresh, comfy feel
Can Sup Forums kindly suggest some documentaries about Asia? History documentaries are preferred but anything is good...
Is he right?
"Huh, I can breathe?"
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
Pics of actresses
Racing movie
American Psycho General
So what does he do now? He pretty much killed his career and dropped like a rock. Can he ever bounce back?
Blocks your cinema screen
Who was in the wrong here?
*Oedipus complex*
I watch the dumpster fire that is Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Why didn't they get the eagles to carry a heatproof vessel into Mount Doom...
Great movies with 0 Rewatch Value
Shitty movies that you loved
A good movie about depression / suicide?
Terrible reddit movies
I tried, I honestly tried. This movie is complete shit. Bailed at 20 min mark
What do you guys think of Robert Downey Jr.'s Home?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
AVGN 1-100 > Monster Madness > AVGN 100-150 > Board James > YKWB > James & Mike Mondays > Playlist Junkie
Are you supposed to wipe the inside of your asshole after taking a shit, or just the exterior?
Hi user, I see you're coming alone, as usual. Would you like to try our new holographic gf experience...
If this chick actually looked at me IRL, my dick would instantly shrivel and hide itself by burrowing into my asshole
Ryan Gosling love?
This scene made me feel really sad. I was homeschooled...
It's too bad I hit her! But then again, I did naaaaahhht
Admit it, Sup Forums
So is this show any good?
This is the most disgusting scene i've seen in my entire life
What was his fucking problem?
Why are they doing this?
ITT - Celebs who have done nothing wrong
Black Sails
They removed Kevin Spacey's masterclass
You're quite big lad
*chomps your leg*
This was even worse than I expected, and I didn't expect much
You wake up tomorrow morning to reports starting to trickle in that The Thing has been confirmed to have been sighted...
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on thespians of the tribe?
This guy isn't funny, and he's the worst thing about Mike Tyson's Mysteries
Outta my fucking way
Sean Young was kinky af
Who's next on the chopping block Sup Forums?
I want to like this film, please don't tell me all the re-shoots are going to be as obvious
This is Michael Bay, say something nice about him
Do you people actually think she's hot or am I being meme'd? Very average actress t b h
How long until she finally gets exposed?
Cara isn't that bad of a actress at all
Mr robot
Oscars predictions thread
Why are horror movie monsters always white people? Aside from aliens and literal monsters...
How do you think he's been feeling lately? Nervous?
Finish watching a movie
Can Iliza Shlesinger make it as an actress?
Kino is calling...from far away
Open trunk
One thing that inspires me is, uh, memories of being young and naive...
Steven Seagal is next lads
What was the best Scrubs episode?
How can you run a business this badly?
New update on Spacey
Zodiac > Se7en
They took the little ones
Upper half fits the plane's color scheme
Then They Came For LotR
Who's the most conservative actress today?
Was he the last genuinely good thing about this show?
Mexikino coming through
Hehe its going to be le diversity casting right pol bros XD
Am I missing something here...
Mark Hamill gay
Woah, who ate all the gabagool?
Why Disney Why?
Wait, user, you seriously saw Blade Rumor 49 five times? Five times, really?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Will they kill him off in the show or replace him with someone else?
This isn't a cinematic universe, it's a fucking soap opera
What happened?
What's the best movie set in your state? Or if you aren't American, town, village, or whatever you people have
Doctor Who General /who/
Think they'll ever make a mainstream Vampirella movie?
Jenna has uplaoded a video about her new show
Are we Bob?
ITT: Scenes that could not be made in the current year
Could a guy confirmed to be making $48,000 with 3 children to feed really afford a house this size?
What role could get her career back on track?
This is like taking all the lynchian elements of late kubrick and amplifying them x10
Here alone again user? You should watch a movie with your girlfriend haha. A handsome man like you surely has one!
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
DAMN! Lucas made THAT?
Arya's looking good
So now that we've all seen Stranger Things vol. II it looks like the great debate is back. Who's the superior "actress"?
All those moments will be lost in time, like Banes on a Plane
Why is gaming CGI better than movies CGI
What's next for actress Demi Lovato's carreer?
Movies who's messages backfired
Sophia Lillis has a cinematographic corpus yet to be discovered
ITT: Commercial kino
Why does it seem like the CGI is actually getting worse in these superhero films that cost hundreds of millions of...
Can someone explain to me why one's acting abilities are so harshly criticized while the other is incessantly praised?
Anyone else watch the Ken Burns PBS "The Vietnam War" documentary...
Movie is set in the current year
Best films 2010-present
Post your favorite film. Other anons rate your taste out of 10
‘Lord of the Rings’: Amazon, Warner Bros. in Talks for Series Adaptation (EXCLUSIVE)
Why do liberals hate this move?
How is there still no one coming forward? Is he the top guy?
Tonight on Kitchen Nightmares
100% FRESH
Why do the bad guys keep winning?
This is a whore. Say something nice about her
What are some kinos about SMASHED and SLAMMED doggos?
How does he eat
ITT: Controversial Kino, movies that many people wouldn't consider kino
Spends half the season in a cabin in the woods
Learn the differences
So, she never saw her father shirtless... ever ???
Does anybody else hate Doug as a character...
This is your digital wife, Sup Forums
House of Cards’ to Kill Off Spacey
So I just watched Ex Machina for the first time last night
OK, can we talk about the amount of you-know-what plotlines in Stranger Things 2...
Why is Demi Lovato whoring it up so hard recently? Is she trying to make a comeback?
Valerian Thread
Pick one
1140 days until Avatar 2
He's an hero for what he's going
Hey, goys
Why did so many people hate it...
It finally happened, bros
Why didn't you tell me this was kino?
What is the film equivalent of this album?
I like this guy, but why do all the weird hispter nerds of the world revere this guy?
For the record, Lucas was a retard
The /Orville/ General
Who was in the wrong here?
Emma fights are silly
How do you guys think The stranger things cast would react to all the shit you guys say about them?
Why doesn't this movie work?
Was Zimmerman the wrong guy? this OST is pretty average compared to the original film
Picks you up and places you on his bed. What do?
It wasn't meant to be a documentary you guys
Aren't horror movies supposed to be scary??
Had a date tonight, was supposed to meet 15 minutes ago
There gonna make season 5 all a dream aren't they? And have it revealed frank died when he was shot
The powerful white Hollywood executive that grabbed Terry Crews' penis in front of his wife has been identified and...
100% FACT: Cate Blanchett is the sexiest character in Capeshit history
You are rooting for him
Why are there no sexual assault allegations towards Dan Schneider...
Recommend Korean kino
True Detective
Which movie/series should I watch tonight? Pic unrelated
Admit it, you rooted for him to execute the wife and the kids
The runtime of the last movie you watched is your new IQ
T-thanks dad
Thoughts on Jennifer Lawrence's hosting abilities?
NYPD says it is building rape case against Harvey Weinstein
TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role as Joey Tribbiani he only had $11. When the cast got their paychecks...
ITT Characters whose pussy probably stank
Have you ever rooted for the "bad" buy?
Ywn smoke a joint with Donald Glover
/stg/ - Steve Things General
Name a better western that came out in the last 5 years
Just admit you liked this movie Sup Forums
If you're a Qualley fan, you need to watch Novitiate, right now
What does Sup Forums think about Rob Ager, is he ourguy or is he an over analyzing autist?
Find a flaw
Absolutely kino
Didn't say "time to die" even once throughout the entire movie
What are some casting choices that are nothing short of homeruns?
So what am I missing here?
How come no one has made a movie out of Where's Wally?
Film is the lowest art form of all. It requires no real technical skills unlike painting and music for example
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The Soviets made quite a few legitimately great films...
Leave him alone!
We want the pokemon audience
Who would you cast for the upcoming web series?
We discuss/recommend japanese movies and call each other faggot
Is there a more kino weapon than a baseball bat?
Is this the most Jewish show in existence?
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
We never actually see CIA's and Bane's faces in the same frame
Is the rapid degradation of western culture and the rapid degradation of western art related? this is the power of modern animation
What are your favorite period films? Any based on classical literature? Any obscure recs...
Blooper reel is just actors forgetting lines, getting the giggles...
Is seinfeld the dark souls of sitcoms?
HAHAHAHAHAH WB is bribing the Critics
Thor Ragnarok
Ben Shapiro's WORST films [spoiler] that won Oscars [/spoiler]
So let me get this straight
American makes a film analysis
Couples who fell in love while filming
Post awesome movies that are ltierally ruined by their last 20 minutse that are Scott Pilgrim tier retarded
What’s his fucking problem?
Say no to Disney
KINO as fuck
Don't mind me. I'm just pirating this car
Already forgotten by everyone
Ah ha ha ha
Russian Women strip in support of Harvey Weinstein
Now that this 80s nostalgia schlock is getting old, when will we have best decade 90s nostalgia?
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
The only review that matters
GTFOuter Spacey: Guilty Until Proven Innocent Edition
So we all agree the babysitter was pretty good right?
Sadie has a crush on one of her costars
Guy comes home with a bouquet of flowers for his wife. "I guess I'll have to spread my legs now.", she says. "Why?"...
Simpsons thread
The only film about adult virginity is a comedy...
When you take the Trump impersonation too far
Do you lovely anons want to join our family for some Eyes Wide Shut...
Tfw you believed the poltard conspiracy theory that Jews want more minorities in film and television
'Veronica Mars' actor Brad Bufanda commits suicide by jumping off a building
Would Columbo have been able to catch and arrest Hannibal Lecter...
Hi, first time in this board. I have a question
There are hi-def torrents of Good Time floating around
Osama downloaded movies and porn with torrents
I made a big mistake, Sup Forums. I decided to go to the movies for a second date...
"It's too bad she won't fly. But then again, who does?"
Anyone here work at your local Kinoplex?
/hor/ Horror General
Promoting mental illness on tv
Sup Forums here, can you guys cast the metal gear solid movie for us please?
Post movies from this decade that you think will rise in prestige as time goes on and will ultimately be regarded as a...
Why do people try to rewrite history and claim that Lucas isn't the man behind the OT?
My name is Paz
David Bowie Was Denis Villeneuve’s First Choice to Play the Villain
I'm Leaving
There's a new Urban Fantasy series in the works
The bad guy turns out to be the hero all along Rapist?
Golden razzie early predictions?
TV has surpassed movies as a medium
Now THIS is kingKINO
Is this the worst adaptation of all time?
/Riverdale/ General
Cast the inevitable adaptation
Mila Kunis thread?
Will he become a radical centrist in the next movie?
Just watched Hackers and DAMN, Angelina Jolie looked like THAT?
Heat exhaustion
How do you go from this
What are some good coming of age movies?
I saw spaceships and shit
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Last night I had a dream where I was outside and it started raining and a gigantic Best Emma used her body to block the...
Game of Thrones
He was an avid user of the Internet in his final years, often going into chat rooms to start arguments
Real Life American Psycho
Should one drunk mistake 30 years ago define a man?
What kind of dumb bitch doesn't understand how to pivot? Was Rachel mentally retarded?
Love story: who did it better?
If you had a time machine, what could you do with it? Personally...
Is this the best hood movie?
Is it really just a boring SJW propaganda...
Why didn't he stop it?
So, women are fucking monsters who'll eat you alive if you let them into your life. Sounds about right
*drunkenly clambers on top of you*
Is he the most versatile actor?
Okay guys, here it is. I was molested by two high school girls in a movie theater back in 2005, when I was only 12...
Ben Shapiro's favourite films
Actors you KNOW have NEVER sexually assaulted anyone
The eternal deb8, continued
Sorry, but if you were not crying during this scene, you are a nazi
Does Sup Forums actually discuss any movie released before 1980? All I see here are Reddit and normalfag memes...
The Rocketeer is getting a reboot with a black female lead
Is he right?
*Breathes in*
Is the Twilight Zone good or is it just given a nostalgia pass like Star Trek TOS?
Helm's deep or Pelennor fields? Best battle?
Brad Bird refuses to make Incredibles sequel because no ideas measure up to the original
What possessed them to hire Raimi?
''You're a contrarian''
Is Shawshank Redemption overrated?
Oi bruv, we're about to hop on this Thor Ragnakino thread, wanna come?
Mary Elizabeth Winstead isn't a very good actress
New Weinstein accuser
Do all young black girls want to be BLEACHED as bad she did? Asking for a friend
It's November
1,141 days until Avatar 2
Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?
Met Police investigating Kevin Spacey
What's next for Angourie Rice's career?
1974's version of Murder on the Orient Express was extremely popular...
Kevin Spacey deserves to be scorned. But can I still watch House of Cards
/stg/-Stranger (but based) Things General
Spookiest horror film you ever seen
Most overrated movie of the decade?
Obviously I'm speaking with some bias here, but I loved the film...
I want it back
What's this type of acting called?
Stranger Cuckings
This was the purest thing to ever happen to western animation
His career is over because he was too nice
ITT: Low key sci fi kino
Doctor Who General /who/
Is he safe?
Justice League (Hi Res Photos Released)
So what? Is literally everyone in Hollywood a sexual predator? And more importantly, since everyone is doing it...
Watch Good Time
She's a talented actress and I hope to see more quality work from her in the future
Thor: Ragnarok vs Justice League
no biopic
What jokes can we expect at the next Academy Awards show?
Now that she's had her big breakout role under a big director.. what's next ??
Is "late night" Sup Forums this desperate?
The /Orville/ General
Women can't fi-
When will 60fps become the standard for film and television...
Scully is the best gi-
At this rate he’s going to outrape even Harvey. Hollywood is finished
What is literally the point of remaking The Lion King in “live-action”?
What was Heath Ledger's Joker doing in a Restaurant with no make up?
"proponents of the ancient astronaut theory... say yes!"
STAR WARS thread
Who should replace Ben Affleck as Batman?
Why did Sup Forums stop being so obsessed with her?
Where do you torrent/download your tv shows and movies nowadays?
The End of Kevin Spacey
TFW no q t selena gf
Episode where heros win a major victory
Why is she such a tryhard?
*blocks your path*
Movie ideas
Decides not to go home and take care of his family but to keep on mooching off jungle welfare forever
You're all a bunch of faggots I don't like you why did you even come to my party
Alias Grace
I hear you're a rapist now, Father
*rocks your mom*
Haven't heard or seen anything new in a while? Is it gonna stink or not?
Was this propaganda? The characters were multicultural and the girls were more masculine than the guys
Why did the best Bond have the worst movies?
Is the new arrested development any good?
Bruce Wayne immediately quits being Batman after the end of TDK and becomes a limping recluse that stays cooped up in...
Bladerunner 2049 and Sup Forums BTFO by Rob Ager
ITT we post the hardest Jeopardy questions of all time and we see if anyone can answer them. Wrong answers only
Is the rapid degradation of western culture and the rapid degradation of western art related?
Orville: CUCK edition Nr. 2
Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That's a quote...
What movies do retarded pieces of shit watch?
"We got over you not voting for Hillary, we can get over this"
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
Really, what was the last movie you watched that had a memorable soundtrack...
So HC HDRip of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is out
What's next for her career?
Is he right?
Why did he kill his Shaw if he loved her?
What went wrong?
Tfw insulting ghostbusters destroyed his career
Post you IRL
How do we stop this, Sup Forums?
You know.... I'm something of a holocaust researcher myself
This movie was light years ahead of its time
Was it a dream?
How much longer can the MCU sustain itself after it reaches peak level with Infinity War/Avengers 4...
Tfw wrecked another car due to my stupid alcoholism and depression
Good night alt right
Pick one
New allegations against Bryan Singer have been getting scrubbed from the internet...
This post will contain dubs
Why did you already forget Sophia Sup Forums?
I don't really understand this militia thing...
Shit gonna hit the fan, boy
Braceface thread
Tfw the alt-right rally goes terribly wrong
Would you purchase an Anya Taylor-JOI?
Is this an american thing?
I'm on season 1 of this and not sure if I should continue. I find it really formulaic...
What's next for her career?
What are some films that non-white people will never understand?
Tfw no patricians to discuss Mindhunter with
I'm The Guy
Does this really work?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
First three weeks, holocaust
This is the best Indiana Jones movie
Will we ever get a silmarillion movie trilogy?
I just watched an edit of Phantom Menace that removed all traces of Jar Jar and it's actually a pretty decent film
What the FUCK was his problem?
Get homicide down here. They're gonna wanna see this
What's next for her career?
Are you sexually active?
With all of the rapists in Hollywood being exposed, will we also see the murderers unmasked?
What happened to Ben?
What's next for Demi Lovato's career?
I'm impressed that this actually managed to take off outside of meme spam and twitter
The fuck is up with my man J.J.'s nose and shit
The /Orville/ General
There's people in this board who'd let Emma Roberts enslave, torture...
What's some border kino?
Who will be the actress that finally dethrones Christina Hendricks from her spot as Queen Titcow?
Tfw despite the odds and Jewish schemes against him, he's back from the underworld and making movies bigger than ever
Compelling psychological thrillers like this?
*climbs on top of u*
Will there ever, in the future of Sup Forums, be a simpsons thread where nobody mentions you know what?
American here. I've never watched a Bond film ever...
Thor Reaction Thread
Thoughts on Jennifer Lawrence's turn as a guest host for Kimmel?
So we can all agree this is his best movie
Damnnnn she looks like THAT?!
Why the fuck do the bad guys keep winning?
Tfw MCU will never have villains this terrifying or violent
Hey! let's cast two actors who look like brother and sister in a romantic relationship!
Can you faggots just admit this film is good?
What's your movie of the year? It's November, you should have one
Post the moment or episode where your favorite show jumped the shark. Pic related
Why is Tom Hardy playing Venom?
This is the ideal viewing order
46 years old
What was your favorite scene?
Name a better Wonder Woman
That shouldn't be there
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
The (((Founder)))
90 Day Fiance
Who is your favorite Emma, Sup Forums?
Can we talk a little about HalloweenTown 2: Kalabar's Revenge?
ITT, fuck you I liked it. Is there any real reason to legit hate it besides Robert Englund not being Freddy?
'Wonder Woman' Is Officially The Highest-Grossing Superhero Origin Film
Why aren't any women being called out for sex scandals?
What is the Black Sails In The Sunset of Television & Film?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What is the greatest movie opening scene of all time?
What is his best film?
Does he just hate and mistrust all women now?
You've put off this moment long enough, my dear. You *will* penetrate someone today...
What are some nietzschesque kinos?
Post a pic with more talent
The /Orville/ General
Now Tyrese Gibson Is Cropping The Rock Out Of Pictures, Too
After the massive success of Netflix's Stranger Things part deux what's next for talented actress Millie Bobby Brown?
What was the point of this character?
Why are all of the asshole/ subservient characters white and all the main character black
Why do people try to rewrite history and claim that Lucas isn't the man behind the OT?
Cool? I live in Marin too. He goes about town minding his business every day. Who cares?
Shows that couldn't be made today
So this is the power of modern film
Saw it recently and its just broke me...he deserved better, I cant stop thinking about it
Character move thing with mind
Nathan 4 you
Unironically why the hate?
Wtf, how did Tina Fey get away with this?
Dressing up as a Chad Tarantino character
Who's next?
Ana de Armas is simply perfect
Making him bend the knee in reality
Who do you WANT to be outed next in an entertainment industry filled with horny idiots?
What's this haircut called?
What's your opinion on him?
What the fuck were they thinking?
Post 10/10 characters. Any show
Why was Wormtongue crying in this scene?
Pedowood betting pool
How does a 45 year old man get a face like this?
”With White power comes great responsibility”
Does Canada make any good movies?
Corey Feldman Finally Names Names
Is there a version of Sicario where all the scenes with Emily Blunt are muted or deleted? God...
Beyonce Confirms Role as Nala in Disney’s Live-Action ‘The Lion King’
Why didn't Gandalf object to Aragorn murdering an unarmed emissary?
Name a sexier villain
She fucked him
Is there a better critic?
Was it rape?
Da fuq happened to her?
What’s his name again?
ITT: Post Photo of who's next in the league of sexual assaulting men
Fuck me, this was so fucking good
Why K chose a computer program instead of real girls?
Think he's next?
RE-ANIMATOR Remake In The Works
We helped some people, didn't we Sup Forums?
Yes, yes, well done slytherin, well done slytherin, HOWEVER
NEW ALLEGATIONS: 'House of Cards' employees allege sexual harassment, assault by Kevin Spacey
Is this the most poetic action sequence ever Sup Forums?
How would you properly adapt Moby Dick?
Anybody used to respect this guy (or still do)?
Why do jews pretend to like baseball?
Deckard isn't a repli-
Dark Universe
There aren't any humans in the lion king story right? why is it live action?
For me, it's 1990s Hong Kong cinema
New STAR WARS Trilogy In Development
What do you think about The Sting?
Are we living in the cyberpunk genre and too blind to realize it?
Zizek wrote *sniff* an analysis on Blade Runner 2049
Paul Giamatti humiliated himself to setup a sequel that will never be made and a role he will never be paid for
Detroit is a 2017 American period crime drama film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by Mark Boal...
ITT:Actors who probably haven't raped somebody
Gay actor playing a straight character
I wonder whats french canadian for "I grew up without a mother?"
Will you miss them? Is there carreer over?
What are the movies equivalent of this ?
Can any prequel fanboys refute his points?
Is it me, or has Netflix been making some kino lately
Literally nothing wrong with this aside from the fact that no Twlight Zone after the original was better than mediocre...
‘X-Men’ Director Bryan Singer Faces Multiple Accusations of Sexual Harassment and Assault
Name a more overrated actress. You simply cannot
Just marathonned this shit in two days, what the fuck did I think of it
Highest grossing superhero origin film
Why do the bad guys keep winning?
Does Family Guy have the deepest lore?
Someone explain to me how this movie is supposed to be sexist
Its a Truman sings the nigger song loudly in his car on way to work episode
Some scenes
Just saw this at a private screening (in Ireland, of all places). Friend won two tickets and brought me along
It was a fun solid film
What went wrong?
What are some underrated actors/actresses, Sup Forums?
What's Blair doing?
Back again, huh? Coming to see Ragnarok this time? Didn't think you'd come alone again!
What is it about her?
Was Derek a replicator?
Wrong plane, this is 747, while they were smaller ones in fact
This is a zoomer
EXCLUSIVE: Fox is developing a potential new incarnation of its Emmy-winning drama series that would have a female lead...
Is this worth watching?
The Dark Knight
Why did he kill millions?
Getting shit for being witches
How should I watch evangelion ?
Supernatural 13.4 The Big Empty/MOTW edition
You're given $50m to make a low budget (((art))) film with Anne Hathaway...
Whats up with Sup Forums lately
Was the fairly odd parents secretly redpilled?
He really doesn't speak like Tommy. He nailed the laugh but not the voice nor the mannerisms...
Even before he let himself get obese and balloon up to over 350 lb., his eating habits were legendary...
Computer, create the perfect waifu
Can a Cucknisher fan (a fan of The Punisher) explain how 3 different directors couldn't make a single good movie of The...
What's some musicalkino?
Where's the best place to sit?
Danny Masterson from That 70s Show possibly a serial rapist
To think
Who will be his love interest next season Sup Forums?
What's the best film you've seen released this year Sup Forums?
It's just...good business
Ywn be Roger's drinking buddy
Film is objectively the most shallow form of storytelling and is the lowest form of art
Itt: vidya cats
Have they made any true kino?
*breathes in*
It's kind of unbelievable that a film with a narrative like that was written...
Is Home Alone the best Thanksgiving movie?
Oooh, you're 'ard. Showing off, cos of the
Don't mind me, i'm just 'streaming' this handbag
Jews try to take him down
Why is this so goddamn funny?
Are you hype for Disenchanted?
"And to think... I hesitated."
/stg/ - Stranger Things general
"Frodo, do not be so quick to deal out death, for not even the wise can see all ends"
Don't mind me, just pirating you
Hollywood is kill
Friendly reminder that he's going to age like shit
How many tickles would you give Ariel Winter's tummy? You know how ticklish those chubby gals are
Reviewers BTFO
Has Christopher Meloni played an important role in anything of note beside Oz?
Worst last episode in cinematic history. Even the sopranos last episode was better
/hor/ - horror general
Cast these 4 cats with actors
JUSTICE LEAGUE Critical Reception
Daryl kills Morales 10 minutes into next episode
The Martian
They work the pirate man
I've seen glittering Sea Beans, Deckard
Who was in the right? Cap or Tony?
What does Sup Forums think of Sunita Mani?
Judge Dredd (1995)
Why wasn't this scene in the biopic?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT we post pictures and other anons recommend movies based on them
They don't make em like they used to
Dr. Oz is then able to convince Feldman, 46, to call LAPD and name the men he claims molested him and raped Corey Haim
Hey Sup Forums do yourself a favor, don’t get married
Who is the best Character on Stranger things? And why is it Billy?
*ruins your movie*
Why do people try to rewrite history and claim that Lucas isn't the man behind the OT?
Is her career over?
Weinstein bonfire
The /orville/ general
What's the best episode?
Why won't they show the entirety of the new studio space?
Oh America, how did you let it get to this
Disney's retarded failings
According to the producers, Judge Dredd: Mega City One will arrive in 2019 – or possibly earlier
Cast a witcher movie
This is the punishment for the whitewashing
What is it about Sam Hyde that draws so much attention and passion from people who live at home with their parents rent...
We would like Sup Forums to weigh in here. Thoughts?
I just watched pic related and I'm in a mood for some good documetaries. Hit me up with you recomendations
Best country by television and why is it Palestine?
You need to have some pretty low standards to call this a good or even passable show
The only Star Wars Kino
2nd half of FMJ > 1st half of FMJ
Wtf happened to Hollywood
Letterboxd General
Was he left or right?
Say my name
DENIAL (2016)
So who, was V?
Nick, she's got an associate's degree
Lazy wife
/Riverdale/ General
ITT: Kino celebrity fan photos
Why is he such a dick?
/steve/ general
What's the verdict?
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Abbey Lee Kershaw?
L.A. Confidential
This is the best 'black' movie I've ever seen
ITT: blackino
DUDE marriage is so bad haha never get married kid
Three fucking season in
ITT: Mediocre movies you were tricked into watching
I fucking dare you to find a single flaw
Who would play jacket in a movie adaptation of Hotline Miami
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri will be the best film of the year
What movies does Chad watch?
There hasn't been a good British film since Snatch
He killed millions
Any movies about technology going too far?
Rainman pickup lines amirite
Stranger Things 2
His dog's name
For me, it's Jodi Taylor
Was he a good host?
How does such an average-looking manlet get the girls creaming their knickers so much?
Faggot plays God in the desert
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...