Are we Bob?

Are we Bob?



He's a fat manlet cuck who's into electronics and puzzles and prides himself on his intelligence.
However, he has a job and had sex, so he's definitely not one of us.

I hope they continue the trend of killing off Bs

No, people cared when Bob died

Some call me Bob.

Others spell it backwards and I end up Bob.

>can program
>works a shitty retail job
>chooses the "single mom" route


>has a girlfriend
try harder next time

I was so disappointed when he closed those doors, but it was such sweet surprise


>Bob wasn't revealed as the Private Investigator that Barb's parents hired
This season was a lot like the first gremlins movie where there's a fuckload of shit set up that leads to nothing.

no, bob died a hero. none of us would ever be able to do that

where/ when

But that idea it's fucking stupid

I wish. because he's dead.

Bob is likeable so no

Bob is the highest level you could hope to attain, but will never be since you're a loser.

>Bob has a talk about how he new someone who used to abuse him, and how he got rid of those memories.
>It's all a very cryptic, and mysteriously poignant story.
>Bob is doing everything in his power to integrate himself into Joyce's life, and tries to convince her to move away.
>He had not greater connection with the lab, or the mindflayer, or the private investigator.
So disappointed.

>do you know basic
>are you dating the hot girl from highschool
>do you have a job
>can you stand up for yourself and put yourself in danger for others
>can you ride alone in a car with a child
>do you know how to read a map
>do you understand technology jargon
If yes to all of these you are Bob. I am not. Most of you are not I would assume.

It was a dream he had. You have add.

Bob is way too wholesome to be Sup Forums. He's too good for us.

I was expecting him to be the Russian spy. Then I was expecting Murray to be the Russian spy because of the vodka. Turns out no one is the Russian spy and the Russians don't have anything to do with anything.

duh that was the whole fucking point of the frequent russian mentions. it's to show the cold war fear that was going on.

>works a shitty retail job

In the 80s you could be a manager at Radio Shack and make enough to raise a family. That should really piss you the fuck off. That should show you how badly our ruling elite has fucked us over.

Of course not. They don't put people like me in tv shows.