I just watched an edit of Phantom Menace that removed all traces of Jar Jar and it's actually a pretty decent film

I just watched an edit of Phantom Menace that removed all traces of Jar Jar and it's actually a pretty decent film.

>Solid cast (Neeson, McGregor, Portman etc.)
>Amazing CGI (especially by 1999 standards
>Decent action sequences, even with the Gungan battle
>The lightsaber duel at the end is better than any scene in Episode 7

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I think TPM is the best of the prequels. 1>3>2

>tfw you just realize that liam neeson was in Star Wars

Why would you bring it up without posting a link?

Which edit was that? The Phantom Edit?

The Phantom Menace is way underrated. Jake Lloyd isn't great, and there's a lot of cheese, but it's like people forget how cheesy the original trilogy was, too. Jar-Jar is annoying, but the underwater Gungan city was cool.

Honestly, Attack of the Clones is the only one of the prequels that's straight-up bad.

No, it really isn't. Jar Jar is just a symptom of how horrible the script was. Also that version is horribly edited and has some really awkward cuts, I don't know why they even bothered.
The prequel trilogy has so many problems it's difficult to even save in editing.

It's the first hour and a half of this: youtube.com/watch?v=CeGJFV4tkjc

It's stylistically designed to be that way

>Attack of the Clones is the only one of the prequels that's straight-up bad.
I like everything about AotC except 3PO's antics and a few spoonfeedy lines.