Some scenes

>some scenes
So is this going to be one of those movies where the aspect ratio always going back and forth between IMAX and standard? Where different shots from the same scene will have black bars and others will fill up the whole screen?

I mean like this

why not just shoot it all in 70mm?

I think it's because the 70mm cameras are huge and clunky and loud and expensive

This looks disgusting, Nolan really is a hack.

so camera technology hasn't advanced at all since the 60's?

This isn't real, is it?

Well we have this thing called digital photography these days.

a lot of movies do it, you probably just don't notice unless someone points it out to you

Yes, however they produce much lower quality than just film

Christ, just stick to 2.39:1 and call it a fucking day.

2.35:1 is superior tho

thats pretty distracting, ive noticed that in nolans films

im always like: "There! Its changed!"

TFA had only one fucking scene where the full screen opened up. It didn't even do it for the final battles just the part where they get in the Falcon.

Nolan remains the only director who actually does this well.

it won't be as bad as Nolan flicks where the aspect ratio changes from shot to shot, iirc TFA only had the IMAX aspect ratio during the Falcon chase on Jakku

>Nolan remains the only director who actually does this well.
Then explain this piece of shit:

all films should move to being filmed in IMAX ratio, but be framed so they can be cropped down to standard ratio. The most common IMAX aspect ratio is basically fullscreen in that it's almost the same as everyone's TV's and monitors (16:9)

Michael Bay does it in his Transformers movies just as much as Nolan

Why do they do this? Lazy editing? Like, why?

Two and a half hours? Christ.

>all films should move to being filmed in IMAX ratio, but be framed so they can be cropped down to standard ratio.

was BR2049 available in IMAX 3D? At my theater, you could only see it in 2D IMAX or in non-IMAX 3D (at the regular 2.39:1 aspect ratio), and my theater's IMAX usually plays 3D showings

Maybe that is why they were able to film the entire movie in IMAX ratio? Because they didn't use the big official Imax 3D cameras and so it couldn't release in Imax 3D?

I think it is because the IMAX 3D cameras are huge, expensive, loud and unwieldy

what's wrong with that? You like watching movies with this much letterboxing? Everything should just be standardized to 16:9

Yes, I do like watching films with wider ratios.
Proper widescreen framing > TV shit

imax isn't TV shit

Yeah, the ratio is even worse.

what's the pic from?

Groundhog Day 2

t. never saw Dunkirk at a true IMAX in 1.43:1 aspect ratio


Looks like Edge of Tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

Edge of Tomorrow

>Being a Nolancuck

Battle:LA. That one alien movie.


Oh that movie. Can't even remember how the aliens looked like.

I'm so happy with my 21:9 monitor. Movies look so fucking good. I can never go back to 16:9.

there are plenty of other movies from other directors to choose from.

Enjoy your pan and scan, animorphicuck

just wait until every movie is released in IMAX ratio on disc and all the new movies are suddenly pillarboxed on your display

God damn, 1.43:1 is almost like an old fullscreen CRT TV
