Is seinfeld the dark souls of sitcoms?
Is seinfeld the dark souls of sitcoms?
Parker Wilson
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Jayden King
unironically the only good 90s sitcom that is still funny.
Justin Thompson
Yes, and Curb is the Bloodbourne of sitcoms
Julian Lewis
>Simpsons isn't a sitcom
>Simpsons isn't still funny
Pick neither.
Ryan Ramirez
simpson is a cartoon, brainlet
Oliver Mitchell
It's an animated sitcom, retard.
>inb4 "animated sitcom isn't a sitcom"
Eli Wood
Oliver Harris
Reaction images aren't arguments.
Landon Diaz
you didnt have one to begin with
Kevin Hughes
Sitcom means the comedy consists in mostly dialogue. Characters in a SITcom SIT down and have funny conversations. There's barely any of the in the Simpsons